
Bridgetown, WA - History Tree

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Date: 9 Jun 1868 [unknown]
Location: Bridgetown, Western Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Bridgetown Blackwood_District History_Tree
This page has been accessed 284 times.

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Latitude 33° 57' Longitude 116° 08' - Western Australia's land information authority

Bridgetown is a picturesque townsite on the Blackwood River between Greenbushes and Manjimup. The name of the town was proposed by Surveyor T.C. Carey in 1868 at the suggestion of the settlers of the area "as it is at a bridge and the Bridgetown was the first ship to put in at Bunbury for the wool from these districts".
It was approved by Governor Hampton at the suggestion of J. S. Roe, the Surveyor-General, in June 1868. An earlier suggestion by Carey was "Geegelup", the Aboriginal name of the place and a brook through the town. The name was gazetted on 9/6/1868.

People – LifeTree

Bridgetown Arrangements
South West Region

The Blackwood River is a major river and catchment in the South West of Western Australia. W®

History :
In 1827 it was named by Stirling after Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Blackwood, under whom he served as a Midshipman on HMS Warspite in 1808–1909 during the Napoleonic Wars, in the North Sea and the Mediterranean.
Historically it was of considerable importance in the early days of the Swan River Colony, and more recently of importance in the ecology of the Augusta-Margaret River region due to conflicts in land use policy.
The upper catchment contains Toolibin Lake, a nature reserve and Ramsar site. . . more . . W®

Planning for the recovery of Lake Toolibin, Western Australia . . with sketch map . .
Toolibin Lake Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment Project Summary . . with photos . .

  1. The West Australian (1914,).
    (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved April 7, 2023]
  2. CORONATION CELEBRATIONS (1937, April 30). The Blackwood Times
    (Greenbushes, WA : 1905 - 1955), p. 5. Retrieved May 8, 2023

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