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Brig Roanoke’s Company, arrived at Monrovia February 17, 1833

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: Dec 1832 to Feb 1833
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Black_Heritage American_Colonization_Society Liberia
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American Colonization Society

Emigrants to Liberia


This table is taken from the "Roll Of Emigrants That Have Been Sent To The Colony of Liberia, Western Africa, By the American Colonization Society and its Auxiliaries, To September, 1843, &c" and transcribed from “Information relative to the operations of the United States squadron on the west coast of Africa, the condition of the American colonies there, and the commerce of the United States therewith,” 28th Congress, 2d. Session, S. Doc. 150, serial 458.[1]

This table only represents the 127 passengers (98 from Virginia and 20 from N. Carolina) .

NamesAgeState or place from which they emigratedFree born or otherwiseEmancipated in view of emigrating to Liberia and by whomWhere located on their arrial in the colonyExtent of educationProfessionDate of deathCause of deathRemoved to what placeRemoval date
Thomas Hollister45North CarolinaFree bornMonroviaReadsFisherman1833Fever
Loretta Hollister35dodododo1833Anas. exantha
Francis Jane Hollister9dododoSpells1833Fever
Josiah Hollister7dodododo
Loretta Hollister5dododo
Sarah A. Hollister3dododo1834Unknown
Sarah Ogon60dododoReads
Prudence Brown80dododo1835Old age
Delitha Williams60dododoReads1836Consumption
Feribe Thomas26dododoSpells
Nancy Thomas9dodododo
Mary A. Thomas6dodododo
Frances Thomas3dododo
Rosena Jones28VirginiadoCaldwell
William Artis39dododoReadsShoe maker
Henry Artis16dododo1839Consumption
Jordan Artis11dododo
Edward Artis13dododo1837Consumption
James Artis8dododo1833Fever
Brown Colbert48doUnknownMonroviaReadsBlacksmith1833Fever
Mary Colbert45dodododo1833Fever
Burwell Colbert8dododo
Edwin Colbert6dododo1833Fever
Mary Colbert29dododoWrites1843Diseased lungs
Isaac Legins33dodododo1833Diseased liver
Mildred Legins27dododoReads1833Diseased liver
Isaac Legins2dododo1833Diseased liver
Thena Colbert13dododoReads1840Female disease
Diana Shanks55dododo1833Fever
Moses Shanks13dododo
Angelina Watts30dododo1833Fever
Amby Watts8dododo
Reuben Watts5dododo
John Burns22dodoReadsOil Miller1835Blowing rock
Daniel Tyrrel45dodoCaldwellFarmer1840Consumption
Adam Cuffy70dodododo1835Decline
Cornelia Tyrrel14dododo
John Tyrrel12dododo
Keziah Cuffy60dodoMonrovia1834Decline
Rhody Cuffy12dododo
Edmund Curtis33dododo
Mary Curtis35dododo
Rebecca Curtis17dododo1833Fever
Amos Herring39dodoCaldwellWritesTurner
Elizabeth Herring28dododo1833Fever
Samuel Herring12dododoSpells
Margaret Herring10dodododo
Mary Herring8dododo
Wesley Herring3dododo1833Fever
Oscar Herring1dododo1833Fever
Jacob Moffat60dodoMonrovia1833Fever
Margaret Moffat47dodoCaldwell1833Fever
George H. Moffat16dododo1836Pleurisy
Young C. Moffat13dododo1834Anas. exantha
Henry Moffat11dododo1834Anas. exantha

page 2

NamesAgeState or place from which they emigratedFree born or otherwiseEmancipated in view of emigrating to Liberia and by whomWhere located on their arrial in the colonyExtent of educationProfessionDate of deathCause of deathRemoved to what placeRemoval date
Elijah Blair7Virginia-UnknownCaldwell 1835Pleurisy
James Y. Blair4do-dodo 1837Pleurisy
Lydia Horney50do-doMonrovia 1833Fever
Joseph Horney21do-dodo 1837Anas. exantha
Eliza Horney18do-dodo --S. Leone1836
Marianna Horney16do-dodo 1833Fever
Peter Horney14do-dodo 1837Anasarca
George Horney10do-dodo --S. Leone1836
Green Horney2do-dodo 1833Fever
William Reynolds43New YorkFree born-CaldwellWrites --C. Palmas1834
Maria Reynolds29dodo-dodo --C. Palmas1834
Milton L. Reynolds10dodo-doReads 1833Fever
Willam Reynolds8dodo-doSpells --C. Palmas1834
James H. Reynolds5dodo-do 1833Fever
Charlotte Reynolds2dodo-do C. Palmas1834
Sarah Taylor50Virginia-Unknowndo
Lewis Taylor21do-dodo
Matilda Lucas25do-dodo
Winney Lucas16do-dodo
George Lucas12do-dodo
William Lucas5do-dodo
Edward Lucas2do-dodo
William Taylor11do-dodo
Michie Robinson39do-T. M. Ambler, Esq.doReadsFarmer--S. Leone1837
Hannah Robinson33do-dodo--1839Consumption
Charles Robinson16do-dodoReadsStone mason1839Consumption
Eveline Robinson14do-dodoSpells
Grace Robinson12do-dododo
Alexander Robinson10do-dododo 1833Fever
Margaret Robinson4do-dodo 1833Fever
Jonas Robinson, inf.-do-dodo 1833Fever
Elizabeth Nelson25do-dodo
Nimrod Nelson10do-dodo
Lewis Nelson8do-dodo 1833Fever
Robert Nelson3do-dodo 1833Fever
Martha Nelson2do-dodo 1833Fever
Thomas Robinson29do-doMonroviaReadsBlacksmith
Mary Robinson18do-dodo
Ann M. Robinson17do-dodo
Jane Robinson, infant-do-dodo
Daniel Ware39do-doCaldwell Shoe maker
Esther Ware35do-dodo 1838Consumption
Harriet Ware11do-dodo 1838Consumption
Catherine Blair50do-dodo 1835Pleurisy
Reuben Moss-do-doMonroviaWritesStone mason1833Sun stroke
Sidney Moss-do-dodoReads
Susan Moss-do-dododo 1837Maltreatment of self by medicine when sick
Benjamin Moss-do-dododo 1838Anas. exantha.
Martha Moss-do-dododo --S. Leone1837
Simon Moss-do-dododo --S. Leone1837
John C. Moss-do-dodoSpells 1833Fever
Reubon Moss jr.-do-dodo --S. Leone1837
James Moss-do-dodo 1833Fever
John H. Moss-do-dodo --S. Leone1837
Lucy Moss-do-dodo --S. Leone1837
Joseph Leftwick28doUnknowndodo
Charles Leftwick28do-dodo 1839Consumption
Granville Leftwick20do-dodo 1837Consumption
Benjamin Leftwick18do-dodo --U. S.1836
Phoebe Leftwick26do-dodo
Jefferson Leftwick6do-dodo 1833Fever
Ann Rieves4do-dodo
Henry Rieves18do-dodo 1833Fever
Maria Rieves17do-dodo
Armstead Rieves17do-dodo 1837Anasarca
Wiat Rieves8do-dodo
John Rieves6do-UnknownMonrovia 1838Murdered by natives
Charles Rieves7do-dodo
Aaron Utridge28do-dodo 1837Diseased lungs
Joseph Ross64do-dodo Cooper--S. Leone1840
Delila Ross56do-dodo --S. Leone1839
Susan Scott17do-dodo 1837Consumption


  1. Christine's African American Genealogy Website: https://ccharity.com/contents/roll-emigrants-have-been-sent-colony-liberia-western-africa/emigrants-to-liberia-ship-lists/brigroanoke/

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