Location: [unknown]
The barque Brightman made numerous voyages to the Australian Colonies in the 19th Century
The barque Brightman built at Howrah, Calcutta India in 1826 was listed as 384 tons.
Her most famous voyage seems to have been her carrying of the last emigrants to arrive before suspension due to the grave financial crisis of the fledgling South Australian colony in 1840. Bound for South Australia
But she made at least 2 other voyages to the South Australian colony in 1849 and 1854 Passengers in History
It is worth noting that on the 15th of December 1856 a ship listed as the Brightman was abandoned in the Atlantic Ocean with the loss of a crew member. Survivors were rescued by the Alice Thorndike. Brightman was on a voyage from St. Stephen, New Brunswick to London. WIKIPEDIA
- BRIGHTMAN from the Passengers in History website, an initiative of the South Australian Maritime Museum, first accessed 14th of December, 2019 at: http://passengersinhistory.sa.gov.au/node/921638
- SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. from the South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) of Saturday 19 December 1840, Page 2. first accessed 14th of December, 2019 at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/27442113?
- Brightman 1840 from Diane Cummings' Bound for South Australia website. first viewed 14th of December, 2019 at: https://bound-for-south-australia.collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/1840Brightman.htm
- Passengers for 30/08/1840 - 12/12/1840 from the Passengers in History website, an initiative of the South Australian Maritime Museum, first accessed 14th of December, 2019 at: http://passengersinhistory.sa.gov.au/voyage-passengers-all/944671/30/08/1840%20-%2012/12/1840?title=&page=7
- 1840 'Brightman' from the Old Colonists of South Australia website, first accessed 14th of December, 2019 at: https://oldcolonists.weebly.com/-1840-brightman.html
- Brghtman barque from the "Passengers to Port Phillip from Southern England & Ireland 1839-42" website, transcribed by Alexander Romanov-Hughes. first accessed 15th of December, 2019 at: https://www.portphillipdistrict.info/SE_and_I_Passenger_Lists_1849-51_183.htm
- List of shipwrecks in December 1856 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. first accessed 14th of December, 2019 at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1856
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