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Surnames/tags: Bringhurst Brinkhurst
This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about the surname Bringhurst and its variants. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect. Please contact the project leader, add categories to your profiles, add your questions to the bulletin board, add details of your name research, etc.
The earliest mention of Bringhurst as a family name is dated 1260AD. Other variations include "Bringherst", "Brinkhurst", "Bringhast", and "Bringhaste". The etymology of Bringhurst comes from the personal name "Bryni" derived from "bryne" (Old English), meaning "fire" or "flame", combined with the word "hurst" or "hyrst" meaning "wooded hill" in Old English, related to Old Saxon, and "hurst" or "horst" in Old High German.
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