Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Worrall Census
Household at Teme Street, Tenbury, Worcester
Worrall, Martha (head) widowed age 55 Charwoman born Tenbury, Worcester, England.
Worrall, Eliza age 28 Dressmaker born Tenbury, Worcester, England
Worrall, Edward age 26 Servant (groom) born Tenbury, Worcester, England.
Worrall, Emma age 23 House servant born Tenbury, Worcester, England.
Worrall, William age 20 Shoemaker born Tenbury, Worcester, England.
Worrall, Charlotte age 18 General Servant born Tenbury, Worcester, England.
Worrall, George age 14 Mason's Labourer born Tenbury, Worcester, England.
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