Location: Norton, Cheshire, England

Research Note
Sir Richard Brooke Profile: https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Brooke-715&errcode=saved
"The Baronetage of England" History Brooke Pedegree
BROOKE , of NORTON , Cheshire . Created Baronet , Dec. 12 , 1662 . THIS ancient family , ( as Mr. Cambden stiles it ) , is descended from William de la Brooke , who was master of Leighton , in this county , near 500 years ago * , living there in good repute , 33 Hen . III . anno 1249 , of which family I find , says Sir Peter Leycester † , one Adam , Dominus de Leighton , sub Henrico tertio , whose son was stiled William de la Brook , of Leighton , and his son Richard stiled , Ricardus de Doito , in an old deed , 5 Ed . I. that is of the Brook ; for Doet is the French word for Brook ; and under the said manor - house , at Leighton , a brook runneth , from whence , their posterity assumed the surname of Del Brook ; from whom , after a long succession of ancestors , descended , 1 , Thomas Brooke , Esq . whose second son , + ' 2 , Sir Richard Brooke , was one of the knights of Rhodes , or St. John , of Je- rusalem , now stiled knights of Malta , and founder of the present family of Brooke , of Norton . This Sir Richard Brook , of Norton , younger son of Tho- mas , of Leighton , in Nantwich hundred , purchased the manor of Norton , with He must then have had a papal From the family , in 1726. † Antiq . of Cheshire , p . 326-7 : dispensation for the knights of Rhodes , or Malta , were not allowed to marry .
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its members , from the king , 1545 , 37 Hen . VIII . He was sheriff of Cheshire , 1563 § , and married Christian , daughter of John Carew , of Haccombe , in De- vonshire , Esq . by whom he had Thomas Brooke , and two daughters , Christian , wife of Richard Grosvenor , of Eaton - Boat , in Cheshire , Esq . and Martha , of Hugh Starkey , of Moore , younger son of Starkey , of Darley . He died 11 Eliz . 1569 ; and Christian , his widow , was afterwards the wife of Richard Done . 3 , Thomas Brook , Esq . son and heir , was sheriff of Cheshire , 1578 , and 1592 , and married first , Anne , daughter of Henry , Lord Audley , by whom he had Richard ; George , drowned in Warrington - water ; Christian , wife of Richard Starkey , of Stretton in Cheshire , Esq .; Eleanor , wife of John Brook , of Black- lands , in Staffordshire , Esq .; and Margaret , of Warburton . He married , secondly , Elizabeth , sister of Thomas Merbury , of Merbury , near Comber- bach , Esq . by whom he had three sons 1 , William ; 2 , Thomas ; 3 , Valentine ; and six daughters , 1 , Townsend , wife of Thomas Legh , de East Hall , in High Legh , Esq .; 2 , Elizabeth , of George Spurstow , of Spurstow , in Cheshire Esq .; 3 , Dorothy , of William Barneston , of Churton , in Cheshire ; 4 , Frances , of George Legh , of Barton , in Lancashire , Esq .; 5 , Anne , of George Merbury ; and 6 , Clare , of Theophilus Legh , of Grange , in the File of Lancashire . His third wife was , Elinour Gerard , by whom he had two sons , 1 , Andrew , who died young ; and 2 , Peter Brook , who purchased the manor of Mere , nigh Over - Tabley , 1652 , and was knighted , 1660 , sheriff of the county 1669 , and was ancestor to the Brookes , of Mere ; and three daughters , 1 , Alice , wife of Thomas Birch , of Birch , in Lancashire ; Elinour , of William Ashton , rector of Middleton , in Lancashire , a younger son of Ashton , of Middleton ; and Rachel , first of Henry Slater , of Light - Okes , in Bedford , Lancashire , afterwards of Sir Henry Slater . This Thomas Brooke , of Norton , died 1622 .
4 , Sir Richard Brook , of Norton , Knt . son and heir , was knighted in Ireland , and married
first , Jane , daughter and heiress of William Chaderton , bishop of Chester , by whom he
had a daughter , Mary , wife of Thorold Joseline , of Hog- inton , in Cambridgeshire , Esq .
who had all her mother's lands .
Sir Richard married secondly , Catharine , daughter of Sir Henry Neville , of Billingbere , in
Berkshire , a younger branch of the Lord Abergavenny's family , by whom he had five sons
, 1 , Henry ; 2 , Thomas , who married Jane , daughter of Weston , of Sutton , near
Frodsham , and had issue ; 3 , Richard , professor of physic , died at Boughton , near
Chester , without issue , 1667 ; 4 , George ; and 5 , John ; and three daughters ; 1 , Mary ,
wife of Thomas Merbury , half brother , and afterwards heir to William Merbury , of
Merbury , Esq .; 2 , Anne , of Edward Hyde , of Norbury , juxta Pointon ; 3 , Dorothy , wife
of Laurence Hyde , younger brother of the said Edward . Sir Richard died 1632 .
1. HENRY BROOK , of Norton , Knt . son and heir , became the head of the family , the house of Leighton became extinct , and was created Baronet , 1662. He married Mary , daughter of Timothy Pusey , of Selston , in Nottingham- shire , by whom he had , 1 , Sir Richard , his son and heir ; 2 , Henry , who mar- ried Mary , daughter and heiress of Philip Prichard , of Bostock - Green , in Da- venham parish ; and 3 , Pusey , ( living 1666 ) , married Anne , daughter of Henry From hence downwards , is chiefly from Sir Peter Leycester's Antiq . of Cheshire , p . 326-7 , which Mr. Le Neve , Norroy , calls a most excellent pedigree , in his MSS . vol . III . p . 119 .
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Legh , of High - Legh , Esq . This Henry Brooke was sheriff four beginning 1644 , and died 1664 . years together , II . Sir RICHARD BROOKE , of Norton , Bart . son and heir , was sheriff of Cheshire , 1667 , and married Francisca - Posthuma , daughter of Thomas Legh , rector of Walton , and Sephton , in Lancashire , son of Sir Peter Legh , of Lyme , knight - banneret , by whom he had five sons , 1 , Sir Thomas , his successor ; 2 , Henry , who married Mrs. Hesketh , but died without issue ; 3 , Richard , a captain in the army ; 4 , George ; and Legh Brooke , fellow of Brasen - nose col- lege , Oxford ; and four daughters , 1 , Mary , wife of Randle Wilbraham , of Namptwich , in Cheshire , Esq .; 2 , Letitia , of Henry Legh , of High Legh , in the same county , Esq .; 3 , Frances , of Silvester Richmond , of Acton - Grange , in the same county , Gent .; and Sarah , who died unmarried . Sir Richard died Feb. 1709-10 . III . Sir THOMAS BROOKE , Bart . eldest son of Sir Richard , was , during a great part of the reign of Queen Anne * , governor of Chester castle ; he mar- ried Grace , daughter of Roger Wilbraham , of Namptwich , in Cheshire , Esq . and by her had issue , six sons , 1 , Richard , who died in the lifetime of his father , 1720 , leaving , by Margaret , the daughter of John Hill , of Hawkstone , in Shropshire , Esq . one son , Sir Richard , successor to his grandfather ; 2 , Tho- mas , rector of St. Mary's , in the city of Chester , and vicar of Walton , in the county of Lancaster ; 3 , Henry , L. L. D. King's professor of civil law , in the university of Oxford ; 4 , Roger , a merchant at Liverpool , in Lancashire ; 5 , Pusey , collector of the customs at Portsmouth , and surveyor - general of Hamp- shire and Dorsetshire ; and 6 , John , who , by Eleanor , relict of Sir Holland Egerton , of Heaton , in Lancashire , Bart . and daughter of Sir Roger Cave , of Sandford , in Northamptonshire , Bart . had one daughter , Frances . Sir Thomas had also three daughters , viz . Frances , Alice , who both died young , and Eliza- betha - Alicia , the wife of Roger Wilbraham , of Namptwich , in the county of Chester , Esq . and died in 1737 , leaving one son , Thomas , and one daughter Mary . Sir Thomas was succeeded by his grandson , IV . Sir RICHARD BROOKE , Bart . who married Frances , only daughter of Thomas Patten , of Bank , in Lancashire , Esq . by whom he had two sons , Richard , his successor , and Thomas ; and also three daughters , Margaret , Let- ticia , and Frances . Thomas , the younger son , married Margaret , youngest daughter of Sir Robert Cunliffe , of Saighton , in the county of Chester , Bart . by whom he has one son Henry , and three daughters , Frances , Emily , and Harriet , ( also another Henry and Thomas , who died young . Margaret , the eldest daugh- ter of Sir Richard , married the Rev. Thomas Blackburne , LL.D. the present war- den of Manchester , next brother to John Blackburne , of Hale and Oxford , M. P. for Lancashire , and has two daughters , Frances and Mary ( Emma died young . ) Letitia , the second daughter , married William Assheton , of Cundale and Down- ham , Esq . and has one son William , and a daughter Mary . Frances , the third daughter , married Robert Denison , of Kilnwick Percy , in the county of York , and has two sons , Thomas and Robert ; and three daughters , Frances , Harriet , and Elizabeth . Sir Richard Brooke died in 1781 , having survived his lady , and was succeeded by his eldest son , V. Sir RICHARD BROOKE , who married Mary , the second daughter of Sir Robert Cunliffe ( and sister to his brother's wife ) , by whom he had three sons . * Ex inf . Dom . Ric . Brookes , Bar . 1741 .
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Richard , his successor , Thomas , and Robert ; and also three daughters , Louisa , Charlotte - Frances , and Mary ; Robert died in 1802 ( also another Mary and Har- riet , who died young . ) Sir Richard Brooke died 1796 , and was succeeded by his eldest son , VI . Sir RICHARD BROOKE , the present Bart . born Aug. 16 , 1785 . ARMS - Or , a cross , engrailed , partie per pale , gules and sable . CREST -- On a wreath of his colours , a badger proper . SEAT - At Norton - Abby , in Cheshire , four miles from Warrington , in Lanca- shire , and ten from West - Chester .
"Cheshire and Lancashire Funeral Certificates; AD 1600 to 1678", The Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Chester
- "SR Sir Richard Brooke , Knight , 1632 . R RICHARD BROOKE of Norton , in the County of Chester , Kt , depted this mortall life at Norton vpon the last day of March , 1632 , and lyeth buried in Runcorne Church in the county aforsayd .
- He married to his first wife Elizabeth , daughter and heyre to William Chatterton, Bushop of Chester, by whom he had yssue Elizabeth, who married Turrell Jossleyn of Turrell Hall, in the County of Essex , Esq , and they haue yssue ' Theodora Jossleyn .
- The sayd defunct married to his second wife Kathrine, daughter to S Henry Neuell of Pillingbeard, in the County of Barkshier, Kt, by whom he had yssue
- Henry Brooke, his sonne and heyre, of the age of 22 yeares or thereabout at tyme of his fathers death, married Mary, daughter to Pusey of no yssue. in the County of Nottingham, but yet hath
- Thomas Brooke, 2 sonne to the defunct by the second wife.
- Richard Brooke, 3 sonne.
- George Brooke, 4 sonne.
- John Brooke, yongest sonne.
- Anne Brooke, eldest daughter to the defunct by the 2 wife, married Edward Hide, sonne and heyre to Robert Hide of Hide, in the County of Chester, yet hath no yssue.
- Mary Brooke, 2 daughter, vnmarried.
- Kathrine Brooke, 3 daughter, vnmarried.
- Christian Brooke, 4 daughter, vnmarried.
- Elizabeth Brooke, 5 daughter, dyed yonge.
- Dorethy, 6 daughter, vnmarried.
- Elizabeth, 7 daughter, vnmarried.
- Martha, yongest daughter, vnmarried.
- This Certificate was taken at Norton , vpon the 10 day of June , 1632 , by Randle Holme of the Citty of Chester , Alder- man , and testyfied vnder the hand of the sayd Randle Holme to be a trew descent . Arms , Quarterly , I and 4 , Or , a cross engrailed per pale Gules and Sable . 2 and 3 , Argent , a chevron Sable between three bucks ' heads cabossed Gules . Over all a crescent for difference . Crest : A brock or badger proper . Sir Richard Brooke 1632
- THO Thomas Brooke , Esquire , 1622 . ' HOMAS BROOKE of Nortone , in the Countye of Chester , Esq ' , departed this mortall life vpon the thrid daye of November , 1622 , and lyeth interred in Runcorne Church in the countye aforsaid . He maryed to his first wife Ann , eldest daughter to Henry , Lord Awdley , by whom he had yssue Sr Richard Brooke , Knight , of the age of 49 yeares at the tyme of his fathers decease . He maried and had yssue Elizabeth , who maryed Turrell Joyselyne of Toorell Hall , in the Countye of Essex , Esquier , the [ y ] haue yssue Theodora Joyselyne . The said Sr Richard Brooke maried to his seacond wife Katherne , daughter to Sr Henry Nevell of Pilingbeare , in the Countye of Barkshire , Knight ; the [ y ] haue yssue Henry Brooke , their Sir Thomas Brooke 1622
- sonne and heyre , at the age of xij yeares or thearabouts at the tyme of his grandfathers decease ; Thomas Brooke , seacond sonne ; Richard Brooke , thrid sonne ; George Brooke , 4th sonne ; Ann Brooke , eldest daugh ?; Mary , seacond daugh ? ; Katherne , thrid daugh ?; Christiane , 4th daugh ?, and Elizabeth Brooke , 5th daugh ?. George Brooke , seacond sonne , and Thomas Brooke , thrid sonne of the defunct , died booth sans yssue . Christiane , eldest daugh ? to the defunct , maryed Richard Starkey , sonne and heyre of Thomas Starkey of Stretton , in the Countye of Chester , Esq , the [ y ] haue yssue Thomas Starkey , their sonne and heyre , who maryed Phillip , daugh ? to Symond Graysley , seacond brother to St Thomas Graysley of Drakeley , in the County of Darbye , Knight , they have yssue Thomas , Symond , Mary , and Christian Starkey . John Starkey , seacond sonne to Richard and Christian ; George , 3 sonne ; Phillip , 4th sonne ; Peter , 5th sonne ; Henry 6th sonne ; Elizabeth , eldest daugh ?, Kathern , Dorothy , Mary , ffrances , Eleanor , and Lettise Starkey . Margrett , seacond daugh ? to the defunct , maryed Willm Warburton of Shelton , in the County of Nottinghame , gent . , the [ y ] had yssue Peter and John Warburton , Eleanor , third daughter to the defunct , maryed John Brooke of in the County of Stafford , Esq , the [ y ] haue issue Thomas , John , Hughe , and Anne Brooke . The said defunct maryed to his seacond wife Elizabeth , daugh ? to Willm Mabury of Marbury , in the County of Chester , Esq . , the [ y ] haue yssue , Willm , Thomas , Valentyne , John , and Bassyll Brooke . Tounsende , eldest daugh ? be the seacond wife , maryed Thomas Leighe of Highe Leighe , in the County of Chester , Esq . , the [ y ] haue yssue , Henry , Thomas George , Elizabeth , Kathern , Mary , and Jane Leighe . Ann , seacond daught by the seacond wife , maryed Richard Mabury of Walton , in the County of Chester , Esq . , the haue yssue , Thomas Mabury who maryed Elizabeth , daugh ? to Willm Newall of the Citty of Chester . Richard Marbury , seacond sonne , John , thrid sonne , Willm 4th sonne , Elizabeth , eldest daught , ffraunces , and Ann Marbury . Sir Thomas Brooke 1622 pg 2
- Elizabeth , thrid daugh ? by the seacond wife , maryed George Spurstoe of Spurstoe , in the County of Chester , Esq ' , the [ y ] haue yssue , George , their sonne and heyre , Henry , John , and Richard Spurstoe . ffrances , 4th daught by the seacond wife , maryed George Leighe of Barton , in the County of Chester , Esq . , the haue yssue , George and Elizabeth Leighe . Dorothy , 5th daugh ? by the seacond wife , maryed Willm Barnstone of Churton , gent . , the [ y ] haue yssue , Elizabeth , Mary , and ffrances Barnstone . Clare , 6th daugh ? by the seacond wife , maryed Theophilus Leighe , sonne and heyre of Willm Leighe of Standishe , the [ y ] haue yssue .
- This Certificat was taken at Norton the first daye of August , 1623 , by Randall Holme of the Citty of Chester , Deputey for the Office of Armes , and testified vnder the hand of Sr Richard Brooke , Knight , sonne and heyre to the defunct . RICHARD BROOKE . ( Signed ) Arms : Quarterly, I and 4 Or, a cross engrailed per pale Gules and Sable. 2 and 3 Argent a chevron Sable between three bucks ' heads cabossed Gules, over all a crescent Sable for difference . Crest : A brock or badger, proper.
[1]Sir Richard Brooke 1632 Sir Thomas Brooke pg 3
- ↑ John Paul Rylands, ed., "Cheshire and Lancashire Funeral Certificates; AD 1600 to 1678", The Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Chester, VI, (Manchester: The Record Society, 1882), 44-6, e-Book Internet Archive (https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UgLmfZRSm24C&pg=GBS.PA44 accessed 23 Aug 2023).
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