
Browder Mine Disaster 1910

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1 Feb 1910 [unknown]
Location: Browder, Muhlenberg County, Kentuckymap
Surnames/tags: Mining_Disasters Kentucky Disasters
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History and Circumstances

  • Date: 1 Feb 1910
  • Location: Browder, Kentucky
  • Victims: 34 deaths
  • Cause: Coal mine explosion

Rescue Efforts

:Within a few minutes after the explosion the fans had sucked the shaft almost clear of deadly gases and rescue parties were able to descend and begin to dig through the wreckage. No fire followed the explosion and the ventilating apparatus was fortunately unharmed by the shock.

The rescue parties found a scene of destruction that left no doubt as to the fate of the men. First bodies recovered were in fairly good condition, the men having been smothered to death and not mangled by the explosion but as the party pushed on they found bodies so mutilated that they were unrecognizable. Cars and debris of all description had been tossed about by the explosion. The rescue party worked without interruption all night, while women, children and men formed to the darkness a shadowy ring which never left the mouth of the shaft.

Results and Findings

This mine is reputed to be gaseous and black powder was taken into the mine areas where ventilation was poor. The black powder found an accumulation of gas and caused an explosion.
The evidence seems to point to an ignition of gas with the resuIting local explosion spread by the flame coming into contact with black powder. [1]


Name Sourced Bio Connected Category
Alex Ray Bennett
William Reno
Peter Thomas Kelley
Matthew Lloyd
E. Mack English
James Arthur Richardson
Ray Martin
Hilas L Sprole Yes Yes No Yes
Columbus M Sprole Yes Yes No Yes
Alexander Sweat
Alex Hughes
Ezro Mayfield
Obie Jones
Raymond Browning
William Jones
John Duffy
George Duffy
Terry Cash
Bud H. Smith
William Berry
Richard Henry Mason
Estill E. Cornette
H. Eugene Cornette
Benjamin Leslie
Warner Johnson
Alexander Williams
Estill Browning
James Mat Allen
Will M. Whitaker
James L. Williams
J. Riley Thomas
James Dudley Empson
Levy Duvall


Walter Williams
Sam Bard
Edgar Mitchell
Charles Williams
John O. Steel
Charles Whitney
James Whitney
Will Richardson
Columbus Jones
Sam Oates
Harris Borah
M. Edwards
Floyd Avery
Herschell Sheffield
Joe James
George Estes
Burgess Mason
Jesse Jernigan
James Lemon


  1. Final Findings, USMRA
  2. Browder Mine Disaster 1910, USMRA



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