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Bruce A. Simons publications

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Publications of Bruce Simons (Simons-4207)

Bellier, C., Robida, F., Serrano, J.-J., Brodaric, B., Boisvert, E., Richard, S. M., . . . Stolen, L. K. (2006, 2006). GeosciML, the Geosciences Markup Language. In 3rd International Conference on GIS in Geology (16–17), Moscow.
Bibby, L. M., Callaway, G. A., Higgins, D. V., Morand, V. J., Simons, B. A., & VandenBerg, A. H. M. V. (2008). Follow the yellow brick road: lessons from the path to seamless digital geological map data from Oz(tralia). Paper presented at the 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway. Abstract retrieved from http://www.cprm.gov.br/33IGC/1202169.html
Box, P., Simons, B. A., Cox, S. J. D., & Maguire, S. (2015). A Data Specification Framework for the Foundation Spatial Data Framework.
Brodaric, Boyan, Boisvert, Eric, Chéry, Laurence, Dahlhaus, Peter, Grellet, Sylvain, Kmoch, Alexander, Létourneau, François, Lucido, Jessica, Simons, Bruce & Wagner, Bernhard. (2018). Enabling global exchange of groundwater data: GroundWaterML2 (GWML2). Hydrogeology Journal. 26. 10.1007/s10040-018-1747-9.
Camacho, A., Simons, B. A., & Schmidt, P. W. (1991). Geological and Palaeomagnetic significance of the Kulgera Dyke Swarm, Musgrave Block, NT, Australia. Geophysical Journal International, 107, 37-45.
Cox, S. J. D., Boisvert, E., Brodaric, B., Duffy, T. R., Johnson, B. R., Laxton, J. L., . . . Simons, B. A. (2005). Standardizing geologic data interchange: GeoSciML from the IUGS/CGI datamodel collaboration. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 04. doi: 2005AGUFMIN43C..04C
Cox, S. J. D., Boisvert, E., Brodaric, B., Duffy, T. R., Johnson, B. R., Laxton, J. L., . . . Simons, B. A. (2006). GeoSciML: a standards-based encoding for transfer of geoscience information from IUGS/CGI. XI th Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, 3-8.
Cox, S. J. D., Boisvert, E., Brodaric, B., Duffy, T. R., Johnson, B. R., Laxton, J. L., . . . Simons, B. A. (2006). GeoSciML: a standards-based encoding for transfer of geoscience information from IUGS/CGI. Paper presented at the IAMG'06, Leige, Belgium. Abstract retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/26252703/GeoSciML_a_standards-based_encoding_for_transfer_of_geoscience_information_from_IUGS_CGI
Cox, S. J. D., Simons, B. A., & Yu, J. (2014, 17-21 August 2014). A Harmonized Vocabulary For Water Quality. In M. Piasecki (ed.), HIC2014 - 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (1454-1459), New York, USA. .
Duffy, T. R., Boisvert, E., Cox, S. J. D., Johnson, B. R., Raymond, O., Richard, S. M., . . . Stolen, L. K. (2006). The IUGS-CGI International Geoscience Information Interoperability Testbed. Paper presented at the XIth International Congress of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, Liege, Belgium.
Edgoose, C. J., Camacho, A., Wakelin-King, G. A., & Simons, B. A. (1993). Kulgera SG53-5, Northern Territory. 1: 250000 Geological Map Series, Explanatory Notes. Darwin, NT: Norther Territory Geological Survey.
Fraser, R., Woodcock, R., Simons, B. A., & Wyborn, L. (2010). AuScope Grid: Spatial Information Services Stack. Paper presented at the GSDI 12 World Conference, Singapore. Abstract retrieved from http://www.gsdi.org/gsdiconf/gsdi12/papers/36.pdf
Haines, P. W., Bagas, L., Wyche, S., Simons, B. A., & Morris, D. G. (1991). Barrow Creek SF53-6, Northern Territory. (N. T. G. Survey, Trans.) 1: 250000 Geological Map Series, Explanatory Notes. Darwin, NT: Norther Territory Geological Survey.
Morand, V. J., Simons, B. A., Taylor, D. H., Cayley, R. A., Maher, S., Wohlt, K. E., & Radojkovic, A. M. (2005). Bogong 1:100 000 map area geological report. Geological Survey of Victoria Report (Vol. 125): GeoScience Victoria.
Morand, V. J., Wohlt, K. E., Cayley, R. A., Taylor, D. H., Kemp, A. I. S., Simons, B. A., & Magart, A. P. M. (2003). Glenelg special map area geological report. Geological Survey of Victoria Report (Vol. 123): Geological Survey of Victoria.
Orth, K., VandenBerg, A. H. M. V., Nott, R. J., & Simons, B. A. (1995). Murrindal 1: 100 000 Geological Map Report. Geological Survey of Victoria Report, 100.
Perincek, D., Simons, B. A., & Pettifer, G. R. (1994). The tectonic framework and associated play types of the western Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. APEA Journal, 34, 460-478.
Pettifer, G. R., Tabassi, A., & Simons, B. A. (1991). A new look at the structural trends in the onshore Otway Basin, Victoria, using image processing of geophysical data. APEA Journal, 31(1), 213-228.
Raymond, Oliver & Ardlie, Nick & Bellier, Christian & Boisvert, Eric & Cox, Simon & Duffy, Tim & Holmberg, Jonas & Johnson, Bruce & Percival, Dale & Ritchie, Alistair & Sedgmen, A. & Sen, Marcus & Serrano, Jean-Jacques & Simons, Bruce & Wyborn, L.A.I.. (2007). Constructing an International Geoscience Interoperability Testbed to Access Data from Distributed Sources: Lessons Learned from a GeoSciML Testbed.
Raymond, O., Duclaux, G., Boisvert, E., Cipolloni, C., Cox, S. J. D., Laxton, J. L., . . . Vuollo, J. (2012). GeoSciML v3.0 – a significant upgrade of the CGI-IUGS geoscience data model. In EGU General Assembly 2012 (2711), Vienna, Austria.
Raymond, O., Simons, B. A., & Boisvert, E. (2010). Information Models for the Australian geoscience community: GeoSciML, EarthResourceML and GroundwaterML. Paper presented at the Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Canberra, Australia.
Richard, S. M., Boisvert, E., Brodaric, B., Cox, S. J. D., Duffy, T. R., Holmberg, J., . . . Simons, B. A. (2006). GeoSciML—A GML application for geoscience information interchange. 2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting.
Ritchie, A., & Simons, B. A. (2008). Object-Oriented Modelling of Geoscientific Information Systems. Paper presented at the The 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway.
Ritchie, A., Simons, B. A., Bibby, L. M., & Stilgoe, G. (2006, July 2006). A scientific approach to developing Geological Information Systems. In Australian Earth Sciences Convention), Melbourne, Australia.
Ritchie, A., Simons, B. A., Stilgoe, G., & Fernando, D. (2006). Developing Web-Service Oriented Geoscientific Information Systems. Paper presented at the IAMG'06, Liege, Belgium. Abstract retrieved from https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/wiki/pub/CGIModel/GeoSciMLPresentations/IAMG06_S05_08_Ritchie.pdf
Ritchie, A., Simons, B. A., Wilson, P. L., & Cox, S. J. D. (2013). GSSML: an observations and measurements profile for GlobalSoilMap.net (Oceania). In EGU General Assembly 2013 (EGU2013-6761), Vienna, Austria. Abstract retrieved from http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-6761.pdf
Seymon, A., Simons, B. A., Raymond, O., & Wyborn, L. (2008). The Australian Mineral Occurrence Data Exchange Model. Paper presented at the The 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway. Abstract retrieved from http://www.cprm.gov.br/33IGC/1201281.html
Seymon, A., Simons, B. A., Raymond, O., & Wyborn, L. (2008). The Australian mineral occurrence data exchange model. Paper presented at the Australian Earth Sciences Convention (AESC) 2008. New Generation Advances in GeoScience.
Seymon, A., Wyborn, L., Simons, B. A., Raymond, O., Andrews, G., Denaro, T., . . . McClenaghan, M. (2007). The Australian Mineral Occurrence Data Exchange Model. Paper presented at the Geoinformatics 2007 Conference, San Diego, California.
Simons, B. A., Bellier, C., Brodaric, B., Cox, S. J. D., Fusejima, Y., Janjou, D., . . . Richard, S. M. (2008, August 2008). GeoSciML 2.1.0: Significant changes and additions to the CGI-IUGS geoscience data model. In The 33rd International Geological Congress), Oslo, Norway. Abstract retrieved from https://abstracts.congrex.com/scripts/JMEvent/ProgrammeLogic_Abstract_P.asp?PL=Y&Form_Id=8&Client_Id=%27CXST%27&Project_Id=%2708080845%27&Person_Id=1201269
Simons, B. A., Boisvert, E., Brodaric, B., Cox, S. J. D., Duffy, T. R., Johnson, B. R., . . . Richard, S. M. (2006). GeoSciML: enabling the exchange of geological map data. ASEG Extended Abstracts, 2006(1), 1-4.
Simons, B. A., Boisvert, E., Brodaric, B., Cox, S. J. D., Duffy, T. R., Johnson, B. R., . . . Richard, S. M. (2006, July 2006). GeoSciML: Enabling the Exchange of Geological Map Data. In Australian Earth Sciences Convention), Melbourne, Australia.
Simons, B. A., & Group, C. I. W. (2008, July 2008). The GeoSciML logical data model of geological concepts. In Australian Earth Sciences Convention), Perth, Australia.
Simons, B. A., McDonald, P., & Withers, J. (1992). New magnetic and gravity images of Victoria, Australia. Exploration Geophysics, 23, 311-316.
Simons, B. A., & Moore, D. H. (Cartographer). (1999). Victoria 1:1 000 000 Pre-Permian Geology.
Simons, B. A., Oranskaia, A., Haydon, S., McDonald, P., Slater, K. R., Twyford, R., & Bibby, D. (1997). Eastern Victoria: a New Exploration Frontier? Exploration Geophysics, 28, 281-285.
Simons, B. A., Raymond, O., Jackson, I., & Lee, K. (2012). OneGeology—Improving global access to geoscience. Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney, Australia, 265.
Simons, B. A., Raymond, O., Jackson, I., & Lee, K. (2012). OneGeology—Improving global access to geoscience. Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney, Australia, 265.
Simons, B. A., Ritchie, A., Bibby, L. M., Callaway, G. A., Welch, S., & Miller, B. (2005). Designing and Building an Object-Relational Geoscientific Database Using the North American Conceptual Geology Map Data Model (NADM-C1) from an Australian Perspective. In IAMG'05: GIS and Spatial Analysis (929–934), Toronto, Canada.
Simons, B. A., Wilson, P. L., Ritchie, A., & Cox, S. J. D. (2013). ANZSoilML: An Australian - New Zealand standard for exchange of soil data. In EGU General Assembly 2013 (EGU2013-6802-2011). Abstract retrieved from http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-6802-1.pdf
Simons, B. A., Yu, J., & Cox, S. J. D. (2013, December 2013). Defining a water quality ontology using QUDT and ChEBI. In P. J., A. R.S. & B. J. (eds), MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (2548–2554), Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Taylor, D. H., Wohlt, K. E., Simons, B. A., Maher, S., Morand, V. J., & Sapurmas, P. (2000). Creswick 1:100 000 map area geological report. Geological Survey of Victoria Report (Vol. 117).
VandenBerg, A. H. M. V., Hendrickx, M., Willman, C. E., Magart, A. P. M., Simons, B. A., & Ryan, S. M. (1998). The geology and prospectivity of the Benambra 1:100 000 map area, eastern Victoria. Geological Survey of Victoria Report (Vol. 114).
VandenBerg, A. H. M. V., Willman, C. E., Maher, S., Simons, B. A., Cayley, R. A., Taylor, D. H., . . . Radojkovic, A. M. (2000). The Tasman Fold Belt System in Victoria. Melbourne, Victoria: Geological Survey of Victoria.
VandenBerg, A. H. M. V., Willman, C. E., Morand, V. J., McHaffie, I. W., Simons, B. A., Quinn, C., & Westcott, A. (2004). Buffalo 1:100 000 map area geological report. Geological Survey of Victoria 1:100000 Geological Explanatory Notes (Vol. 124, GeoScience Victoria.): GeoScience Victoria.
Vuollo, J., Simons, B. A., Laxton, J. L., Cassard, D., & Seymon, A. (2012, 5-10 August 2012). EarthResourceML v.2.0 – an upgrade of the CGI-IUGS earth resource data model due to INSPIRE Data specification. In 34th International Geological Congress, Unearthing our Past and Future — Resourcing Tomorrow (1561), Brisbane, Australia.
Walley, A. M., & Simons, B. A. (1987). Frew River SF53-3 Northern Territory. 1: 250000 Geological Map Series, Explanatory Notes. Darwin, NT: Northern Territory Geological Survey, Darwin, NT.
Willman, C. E., VandenBerg, A. H. M. V., Simons, B. A., Quinn, C., & Morand, V. J. (2001). Structure of the Tabberabbera Zone in Victoria. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA ABSTRACTS, 64, 194-195.
Willocks, A., & Simons, B. A. (1998). Geologists and geophysicists: getting them on the same planet. Exploration Geophysics, 29(4), 658-664.
Wilson, P. L., Jacquier, D., & Simons, B. A. (2012). Digital Soil Map data in an on-line, on-demand world. Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney, Australia, 293.
Wilson, P. L., Simons, B. A., & Ritchie, A. (2014). Opportunities for information model driven exchange and delivery of GlobalSoilMap data and related products. Globalsoilmap: Basis of the Global Spatial Soil Information System, 473-476.
Wong, M., Levett, K., Lee, A., Box, P., Simons, B., David, R., MacLeod, A., Taylor, N., Schneider, D. and Thompson, H., 2022. Development and Governance of FAIR Thresholds for a Data Federation. Data Science Journal, 21(1), p.13.DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2022-013
Woodcock, R., Simons, B. A., Duclaux, G., & Cox, S. J. D. (2010). AuScope's use of standards to deliver earth resource data. In EGU General Assembly 2010 (1556), Vienna, Austria.
Wyche, S., & Simons, B. A. (1987). Bonney Well SF53-2 Northern Territory. 1: 250000 Geological Map Series, Explanatory Notes. Darwin, NT: Northern Territory Geological Survey.
Yu, J., Car, N.J., Leadbetter, A., Simons, B.A., Cox, S.J.D. (2015). Towards Linked Data Conventions for Delivery of Environmental Data Using netCDF. In: Denzer, R., Argent, R.M., Schimak, G., Hřebíček, J. (eds) Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications. ISESS 2015. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 448. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15994-2_9
Yu, J., Simons, B. A., Car, N., & Cox, S. J. D. (2014, 17-21 August 2014). Enhancing water quality data service discovery and access using standard vocabularies. In M. Piasecki (ed.), HIC2014 - 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (1181-1188.), CCNY, New York, USA. .

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