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Brunt, William, of Holecarr, Heathylee, will 1739

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In the name of God Amen

I WIlliam Brunt of Holecarr in the parish of Allstonefield & County of Stafford Husbandman being grown very Old, but of a sound & perfect Disposing mind & Memory doe make this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following

First I commend my Soule into the Hands of Allmighty God my Creator hopeing, through the meritorious Death & Passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour, to have free pardon & full remission of all my Sins & offences, And my Body I committ to the earth to be buried in Such manner as my Executors hereafter mentioned shall in their Discretion think fitt. And as to what Small personal Estate it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give & Dispose thereof as followeth

First I Will that all my Lawfull Debts & Funeral Expences be fully satisfyed & paid

And forasmuch as itt may appear that I have been att a great deal of Expence in building upon & Improveing the Land which I have held & doe now hold of Sir John Harpur Baronet Itt is therefore my Humble request to my Honoured Landlord as aforesaid to permitt & Suffer my Wife Mary Brunt & my Son William Brunt to be Admitted Tenants to my two Cottages called the Hocker-head & the Marnshaws dureing their joynt lives; but after my Said Wife Mary is dead (or in Case she dyes before me & my Son William) that then itt is my Desire that my son John shall be Admitted Tenant to that Cottage called the Hocker-head, And as to the Cottage called the Marnshaws itt is my Desire that my son Willm be Admitted Tenant thereto after my Wife's decease as a mentenance for him dureing his naturall Life; And itt is my further Desire that my Son Henry Brunt may be admitted Tenant (after my Said Son William's decease) to the Cottage called the Marnshaws & to hold the same to him & his Heyres in such manner as the other Tenants hold their Farmes under the Said Sir John Harpur; And itt is my further Order & Desire that neither my Son John nor my Son Henry make any bargain or Contract with any person or persons whatsoever So as to Sell Dispose or otherwise part with either of the Said Cottages, itt being my Intention (by this Submissive request) that their Child or Children may enjoy the Same after their respective deceases; And it is my desire that Brotherly love & friendship may for ever Continue betwixt my Said two Sons John & Henry Brunt; but if itt should So happen that any Disputes, Controversies or Quarels should happen betwixt them, I then desire that such Misunderstandings may be Composed betwixt them by the mediation of my good friend Mr Willm Wardle of Boosley

Also I give unto my Wife Mary & my Son William the two Beads now standing in the parlour & all the furniture belonging to them, also one cow (She being all I have) also one pott & one kettle

And Lastly I doe nominate & appoynt my Sons John Brunt & Henry Brunt Executors of this my Last Will & Testament hereby revokeing, Disanulling, & makeing void all former & other Wills by me att any time heretofore made as Witness my hand the fourth day of July one thousand seaven hundred & thirty nine

William Brunt his M marke

Cheadle 24th April 1740

Let a Probate of this Will be Granted to John Brunt one of the Executors named therein, A Power being reserved for Henry Brunt the other Executor to act at pleasure

He being sworn before me, J Stephenson Sur.

(Inventory dated 26 October 1739 total £32 14s.)

Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry viewed on Find My Past: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 25 November 2023)
William Brunt probate in 1740. Residence Alstonfield, Staffordshire, England, Alstonfield, Staffordshire, England.

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