Location: Oklahoma, United States
Surnames/tags: Bucholz Wright
Looking for any connection between Margaret Jane Wright(1916-1973) and Ferdinand Bucholz(1893-1941) or any of his siblings. She gave birth to a baby girl in 1934 and gave her up for adoption in El Paso, TX. The adoptive father was Ferdinand Bucholz, his wife was Marie Strong Bucholz (unk-1936). DNA connections show a connection to Bucholz family via the baby girl who was adopted- Rose Marie Bucholz(1934-2020). I haven't been able to make any direct connection to anyone specific, although there are threads out there but I'm at a loss at present how to proceed in looking for the direct line.
Margaret's family were in Missouri and Nebraska then in Arizona and finally in California. The Bucholz family came from Russia and settled in Tennessee then in Oklahoma. Ferdinand was in the Army, so there may have been paths crossing but can't find any.
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