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Bussorah Merchant, Immigrant Voyage to New South Wales 1833

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'FEMALES PER BUSSORAH MERCHANT from The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842) of Tuesday the 20th of August 1833, Page 2.

A very interesting scene has been passing within our own review for these last few days, since the landing of the free women arrived per Bussorah Merchant, and their being placed in their new quarters, the place formerly occupied by Government as the Lumber-yard. {cnr George & Bridge St} We are assured that this importation is very far superior in every respect to any importation of females of similar class heretofore arrived amongst us, and are happy to say this assurance is con-firmed by the great demand that has been made by the respectable families of our community for the services of these young women, as in the first three days about 180 out of the 215 were engaged, and proceeded to their respective situations, which, we hope, will prove comfortable to these friend-less females now domiciled among us, and whom Providence, in its wisdom, has sepa-rated from friends and connexions dear to them during the sojourn in this life, as it is unlikely very few of them will ever visit their native land again.

A Committee of Ladies, consisting of Miss Bourke, Mrs. Broughton, Mrs. Jones, and Miss M Leay, attended during the whole of each day, to advise these young women, and to ascertain that the situations they engaged were such as res-pectable young women ought to accept ; and the Venerable Archdeacon Broughton, the Rev. Messrs. Cowper and Hill, also devoted much of their time to this impor-tant matter, and the result has been, as may be anticipated, highly satisfactory.

A demand has been made for other ser-vices than those of a mere domestic nature no less than the hand of one of these young women. A young man of good character applied to the Committee to be allowed to choose one of these females " for better or for worse ;" and, after being perfectly satis-fied with his testimonials, he was allowed to do so, and the bride selected ; and we trust the union will be to them all they can desire. We would invite many more of our young men of good character to go and do likewise ; as it is with young women of do-mestic habits, and good moral character, alone in whom they can expect to find those comforts so desirable in the marriage state, and which render home the happiest of all places.

We copy the following paragraph from the Herald of yesterday :

" The females in question have suffered much annoyance from an assemblage of idle vagabonds, who have for some days sur-rounded the gate and subjected parties en-tering and returning from the Lumber-yard to the impudent stare and observations of the rabble. We cannot conceive why the authorities should suffer such an evil to exist, unless it is from regard to the li-berty of the subject, of which we hear much more in this place than in any other part of the world, and which covers more licentiousness than we can well describe.

We will ask what must be the feelings of these, young women on leaving the yard to go to their situations, when the very first thing that presents itself to their notice, to the crowd just described, and of which not one word of exaggeration has been said ? We pity their feelings and can only regret they are thus exposed."

As it is probable many more ship loads of emigrant females may yet arrive, and perhaps of a superior description even to these we would suggest to the government at once to break up the convict boys' establishment at the Carters' Barracks, and disperse these young rogues among the settlers as the surest way of reforming them, and appropriate these buildings and the ground attached thereto for the reception of the free females that may hereafter arrive, which will be a much more comfortable place for them than the erected buildings they are now placed in, and to which atten-tion we consider them entitled, and at the same time they would be away from the very center of this crowded town, and thereby escape the improper scenes we have felt it our duty to expose.

Passenger List from Elizabeth Rushen's Female Migration to Australia in the 1830s

These names have been compiled from information on the various lists of the Bussorah Merchant passengers.

Abbot, Ann Frederica, Susannah, Elizabeth, Frederica & Robert

Alcock, Jane

Alderman, Sarah

Allen, Elizabeth

Anderson, Mrs Ann, Mary & Ann

Annet (Anshall), Margaret

Arnold, Emma

Arton, Sarah

Atkins, Jane

Atkinson, Isabella

Baker, Sophia

Baldwin, Harriet

Balls, Amelia

Barnes, Elizabeth

Barnes, Susanna Eliza

Barnett, Mary

Beavan, Sarah

Beck, Charlotte & Elizabeth

Bennet, Jane

Bird, Eliza

Bissaker, Mary Ann

Bradford, Selina

Brown, Eleanor (Ellen)

Brown, Mary

Browning, Dorothy Matilda

Bryan, Elizabeth

Bryant, Mary

Burrows, Eliza

Busher, Sarah Ann & Ann

Cane, Jane

Cochrane, Ellen

Coffee, Jane

Coleman, Sarah

Collins, Jane

Collins, Mary

Collis, Jane

Coombs, Elizabeth

Copus, Charlotte Anne

Coulton, Rhoda E. N. S.

Cullins, Sarah

Cutler, Sophia

Dale, Louisa

Daley, Mary Ann

Davis, Catherine Jean

Davis, Maria

Delcomber, Frances & Stephanie

Dell, Mary Ann

Donaghue, Ellen

Dowd, Mary

Dowling, Elizabeth

Downham, Ellin

Drayton, Mary Ann

Duffy, Elizabeth

Fitzgerald, Ann

Fitzpatrick, Mary Ann

Flagg, Mary Ann

Fleming, Rose

Fletcher, Hannah Barbara

Fletcher, Margaret

Flower, Ann

Fox, Eliza

French, Eliza

Gammage, Elizabeth

Gardner, Eliza

Gilham, Ann

Gliddon, Esther & Mary Ann

Glover, Abigail

Golding, Maria

Goodenough, Elizabeth

Green, Elizabeth

Green, Mary Ann

Griffin, Eliza Rodye

Griggs, Maria E.

Groves, Ann

Gunner, Ann

Gunter, Frances & Maria Jemima

Guy, Louisa

Gwynn, Frances

Hackett, Jane

Hains (Haynes), Mary

Hall, Charles Benjamin

Handsford, Elizabeth

Harrell, Frances

Harris, Elizabeth

Harrison, Henrietta

Hart, Sarah Anne

Harvey, Matilda

Hawkins, Caroline Matilda

Henshall, Margaret

Hinchcliff, Elizabeth

Hockley, Emma

Hodkinson, Mary Ann

Hoskins, Joseph, Rachel & Sarah

Howe, Mary Ann

Huffnell, Jane

Humphries, Ann & Elizabeth

Irvine, Ann

Jacobs, Susannah

Jamieson, Eliza

Jarman, Mary, Emmeline, Elizabeth, Mary & George

Jeffrey, Emma

Jobson, Mary Ann & Margaret

Jolly, Caroline

Kearn, Mary

Kelly, Mary Ann;

Kendrick, Clarissa Jane

Kilner, Mary

Large, Julia

Lawman, Eliza

Lawrence, Alice

Lewis, Elizabeth

Lister, Harriet

Logan, Mary

Lucas, Jane

Lycett, Emma

Mack, Elizabeth

Mackie, Sarah

Marlow, Priscilla

Marshall, Ann

Maule, Rachael

Mayo Catherine, Mary Ann & Sarah

Miles, Eliza

Moore, Hannah, Isabella, Jane & Mary Ann

Murray, Elizabeth

O'Brien, Elizabeth

Oke, Ellen

Only, Ann

Osborne, Sarah

Otto, George, Elizabeth, Susannah, Mary Ann, Eliza, Emma & Phillip

Parkes, Louisa

Pennell, Elizabeth

Pollard, Amelia Matilda & Susannah

Poole, Anna

Pratt, Catherine

Price, Harriet (Rebecca)

Prior, Mary Ann

Ralph, Charlotte

Rance, Mary Ann

Reece, Ellen

Reynolds, Ann

Richardson, Caroline & Emmeline

Richardson, Frances

Roach, Mary

Ross, Ellen

Rynd, Goodlett

Sargeant, Ann

Serena, Lucy

Simmons, Jane

Simmons, Mary Ann

Sim, Elizabeth & Elizabeth

Smeeton, Isabella

Smith, Elizabeth

Speed, Mary Elizabeth

Stemson, Jane

Stewart, Ann

Stone, Mary

Stote, Ann & Emma

Styles, Ann

Swatkins, Martha

Swindon, Jane

Tapner, Ellen & Mary Ann

Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, Mary Ann

Temple, Martha

Thomas, Mary

Thrum, Jane & Hannah

Tomkins, Elizabeth

Tomlinson, Mary Ann

Turnbull, Frances Rebecca

Turner, Sarah

Tyler, Jane

Visterine, Hannah

Volkman, Harriet

Ward, Caroline

Warren, Ann

West, Sarah

Westgate, Elizabeth

White, Elizabeth

Whittingham, Ann

Wild, Martha

Williams, Ann

Williams, Eliza

Williams, Sophia

Wills, Jane

Winter, Frances

Withey, Eliza Frances

Wood, Mary

Woodbury, Mary Ann


  • Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Tuesday 20 August 1833, page 2: [1]
  • A downloadable Passenger List from Elizabeth Rushen's Female Migration to Australia in the 1830s at: [2]

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Rachael MAUL, who was on this ship Bussorah Merchant, 1833, is an ancestor of mine and I am researching for pre-Australia info. If anyone has any questions or comments, please contact me. Thank you. Directly here or ian.elliott.g at gmail.com.
posted by Ian Elliott