Location: Vevay, Indiana

Surname/tag: Butler
Here are open questions about Butlers. Please edit this text, upload unidentified pictures, add your questions to the bulletin board, post fuzzy memories you want to clear up, etc.
I can't figure out where my Great-Great-Grandfather, John Strange Butler came from. He was born before birth records were mandatory to be kept and he died before death records were kept. My Grandpa said he was always told that John was buried on Plum creek in Switzerland County, Vevay, Indiana. I have scoured the cemeteries there and haven't found a headstone with the Butler name on it. He didn't own property, only rented and he died before my Great-Grandfather was 5 years old (per the census) so no memories got passed down about him. If anyone can help, I'd REALLY appreciate it!! Thank you! Amy
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