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Buttevillle Cemetery Table of Graves, Surnames beginning with C

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion county, Oregon, United Statesmap
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This page has been accessed 73 times.

This page is a currently work in progress, part of the Oregon Cemeteries Team Progress.

See also:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

Butteville Cemetery Table of Graves, Surnames beginning with C

Photograph GPS or Plot Name Transcription
Campbell, Alma Anamarie
Campbell, John P.
Campbell, William C.
Campbell, William M.
Carter, Benjamin
Carter, Eliza
Carter, Ervin
Carter, Grace St. Clair
Carter, Irvin L.
Carter, Jane
Case, Jackie Norman
Case, Leona
Cass, Hector E.
Cass, Martin Chester
Catlin, Marie A.
Chaffey, Phyllis M.
Chaffey, Raymond Kenneth
Chatterton, James
Chenery, Albion Paris
Chenery, Clark A.
Chenery, Harriet Ann
Chenery, Leonori A.
Chenery, Loren M.
Chmelar, John
Christensen, Christ Peter
Christiansen, Billie
Christiansen, John C.
Christiansen, Leonard
Christiansen, Leonard M.
Chun, Lewey
Clark, Daniel Boo
Clark, Donald W.
Clark, Eunice Ann
Clark, George F.
Clark, Kenneth A. "Clarkie"
Clark, Lloyd D.
Clark, Mabel
Clark, Stephen
Clark, Steven M.
Clark, Vida Elsie
Clark, William Grant
Cone, Abarilla Melvina
Cone, Agnes Bertha
Cone, Alfred Homer
Cone, Andrew J.
Cone, Anson Sterling
Cone, Anson Sterling
Cone, Brett Alan
Cone, Charles E. D. "Charlie"
Cone, Clara Emily
Cone, Earl Truman
Cone, Elizabeth A.
Cone, Emma Rebecca
Cone, Everett Ansel M.
Cone, Francis M.
Cone, G. A., Jr.
Cone, George Washington
Cone, Glenn Oscar
Cone, Gustavus Adolphus, Sr. GUSTAVUS A. CONE SR.

in Winsor Co. Vt.
May 23, 1798:
Apr. 7, 1881;
82 Y’s 10 M’s 14 D[1]

Cone, Gustavus Adolphus III
Cone, Gustavus Adolphus
Cone, Hannah Alaice
Cone, Herman Buckingham
Cone, Himman Oscar
Cone, James
Cone, Larry Lexes
Cone, Lawrence Eldon
Cone, Lewis
Cone, Lola L.
Cone, Lottie
Cone, Margaret Jane
Cone, Mary Ann MARY A. CONE

Nov. 6, 1798
May 10, 1870
71 Y’s 6 M’s 4 D’s.[2]

Cone, Mary Ellen
Cone, Masgenia E.
Cone, Melba Anette
Cone, Orville Oliver
Cone, Oscar H.
Cone, Philander Johnson
Cone, Rilla Etta
Cone, Sarah Ann
Cone, Vanitta M.
Cone, Verna Mae
Cone, Willard H.
Cook, Mary T.
Cook, Mary T.
Crawford, Agnes M.
Crawford, Charles S.
Crawford, John D.
Crawford, John Davis
Crawford, William H. S.
Crisell, Benjamin Francis
Crisell, Dennis Dean
Crisell, Evelyn B.
Crisell, Florence E.
Crisell, Glenn S.
Crisell, Millard N.
Crisell, Robert H., Sr.
Crocker, Gaye Lynne "Cherry Pie"
Croco, Timothy E.
Croco, William I.
Croco-Chinn, Matilda
Croman, Thomas Philip
Croman, William Keith
Cross, Bernice Ray
Cross, Clara
Cross, Ezra L.
Cross, Frank S.
Cross, Howard
Cummins, Anna Rebecca
Photograph GPS or Plot Name Transcription


  1. Monumental inscription. Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Oregon. Apr 7, 1881 (b. May 23, 1798) Cone, Gustavus A., Sr. Photographed by: Amber Brosius: taken 30 Aug 2020.
  2. Monumental inscription. Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Oregon. May 10, 1870 (b. Nov. 6, 1798) Cone, Mary A. Photographed by: Amber Brosius: taken 30 Aug 2020.

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