
By Way of Ellerslie

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Date: 1824 to 1954
Location: Louisa, Virginia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Vaughan Boxley Carpenter
Profile manager: Molly Hayden private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 241 times.

This is a large, unpublished collection of family memories, letters, legal documents and receipts put together by Martha Rosalie Poindexter Stephens in the mid-1950s. It should be noted that the families named were slaveholders and occasionally express opinions/use language that will be offensive to people today. I have chosen not to edit this out as I consider these letters historic documents (and am also trying to help create profiles of the people enslaved by these families). I have reorganized them slightly to group pieces written in the same era together. This is a work in progress, as I find more supporting evidence to include and people to link to. --MDSH (2/09/22)


By Way of Ellerslie

Martha Rosalie Poindexter Stephens


As Clarence Day found in the world of books so have I found in the following letters written by my grand-parents and relatives - that their written words are living on as young and fresh as the day thet(sic) were written - still telling our hearts of the hearts of those of years ago, yes, more than a century ago.

Some one has said, "To know nothing of the past is to unerstand(sic) little of the present and have no conception of the future."

I feel stronger for having become acquainted with the words of those to whom I bear this kinship, who have gone ahead of me and did not know that we, our children and grandchildren would be their decendants(sic). Whatever may have been their strength or weakness as human beings, I have found through every expression I have read in this group of old papers and letters. I just happened to bring from Ellerslie's attic, the effort they made and the determination that filled their hearts to follow The perfect One, our Lord and Savior Who has gone ahead to prepare the way for them, and for us. They have taught us above all to have faith in God, and faith in ourselves. And again, it seems fitting to remember the words as quoted by the late King of England, who, in the fateful days of 1939 concluded an address to his people with these lines, "I said to the man who stood at the gate, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you a light, and safer than the unknown."'

---Martha Rosalie Poindexter Stephens

Maternal Grandparents

(information of first group taken from the recorded will of George Boxley made in the County of Louisa, Virginia - the 28th day of June in the year of our Lord, 1842)

George Boxley married Drusilla Graves

Their children:

Joseph Clivius Boxley married Anna Ladd Vaughan

Their children:

Joseph Vaughan married Catherine Spiller Boxley

Their children:

Caius Marcellus Carpenter married Margaret Ellen Boxley

Their children:

Benjamin Franklin Vaughan married Lucy Dora Carpenter Vaughan (Jan. 9, 1873)

Their children:

(The following information is copied from a letter to Marjorie Vaughan written by her brother telling her of her relationship to her husband, Uncle Frank)

On March 8, 1762 Joseph Boxley Sr. and his wife Catherine Spiller came up from King William county and purchased their first land in Louisa County and established themselves at the "Great House" which they soon built on the North Anna not far from Contrary Creek.

Mary Boxley Godwin was the daughter of their son Joseph Boxley Jr. and his wife Winnifred Sandridge.

Joseph Boxley Sr. and his wife Catherine Spiller had a son, George Boxley who married in January 1797 in Orange County, Drusilla Graves, daughter of lsaac Graves and his wife, Elizabeth Cowherd.

George Boxley and his wife Drusilla Graves had 13 children to live to adulthood and 2 to die in infancy.

Among the children was Drusilla Boxley who on March 12, 1838 married Claiborne R. Mason, the great railroad builder and contractor.

We found and tell much about the marriages of the others but here I am writing to you about the daughter of George Boxley and his wife Drusilla Graves. Catherine Spiller Boxley who on Oct 12, 1829 married Joseph Vaughan of Hanover County.

Joseph Vaughan and his wife Catherine Spiller had 10 children:
  • Benjamin Franklin Vaughan
  • Virginia Vaughan
  • Joseph Henry Vaughan
  • George R(or B?) Vaughan
  • Catherine Vaughan
  • Drusillar Vaughan
  • Luther R. Vaughan
  • Sallie Vaughan
  • William L. Vaughan
  • lsaac Newton Vaughan

Joseph Vaughan dies, his will being recorded, Oct. 23, 1849. He was the owner of considerable property and otherwise prominent. Some of his sons were very successful in business. I think lsaac Newton and some of the others were in the tobacco business in Ky. and at one time in Richmond. Va.

Joseph Clivius Boxley the father of Dr. James G. Boxley and Margaret Ellen Boxley Carpenter was a brother of the Catherine S. Boxley who married Joseph Vaughan.

Dr. James G. Boxley married Fenton B. Mansfield. There(sic) children were, Clivius, Seddon, Bruce, Frank and James G. Boxley Jr.

B.F. Vaughan was 2nd. Coz. the Charles E. Mason, a good friend of mine in Hampton.

From ——Baker (Marjorie's brother)(it's not clear which brother--MDSH)

1824-1833: A Selection of Legal Documents Written by Joseph Vaughan

(From old papers and letters found in Ellerslie's attic are some that give bits of information about Great-Grandfather, Joseph Vaughan, father of B.F.,etc. and husband of Catherine, Did not find date of his birth but letters indicate he died some time between 1850 and 1851, before his oldest son, Benjamin Franklin Vaughan was 21 yrs. of age.)

That Joseph Vaughan evidently had legal training is shown in the following papers. (these papers being some of the oldest found)

Know all me by these present that l, James Howard of Hanover, a Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States, do hereby constitute and appoint Joseph Vaughan, my true and lawful Attorney, for me and in my name, to receive from the agent of the United States for paying the pensions of invalids, the sum of Forty Eight dollars my pension from the 4th day of September 1824 to the 4th day of March 1825 this the day of -----1824.

Witness my hand and seal (seal), James Howard

Hanover County to wit

James Howard appeared before me this day a magistrate for the County of aforesaid, and made oath that he is the same James Howard to who the original certificate in possession was given of which the following is a true copy.

War Department Revolutionary Claim

I certify that in conformity with the laws of the United States of the 18th March 1818, James Howard late a private in the Army of the Revolution is inscribed on the Pension List Roll of the Virginia Agency at the rate of Eight dollars per month and to commence on the 17th day of March,1818.

Given at the War Office of the United States this day the 20th day of March, 1819 Signed. J.C.Cathorn, Sec. of War

That he served as a Private in the Army of the Revolution and that he now resides in the County of Hanover.

Given under my hand this 6th day of September 1824--William Tugwell

Hanover County to Wit

Be it known on the 6th day of Sept.1824 before me a Magistrate in the County aforesaid personally appeared Joseph Vaughan, the attorney in the within power of attorney and made oath that the same was not given to him by reason of any sale transfer or mortgage of the pension or arras of pension therein authorized to be received by him.

Given under my hand this the 6th day of September 1824—William Tugwell

(all of the above written on the same sheet of paper on both sides and written by hand)

Hanover County to Wit

Whereas Joseph Vaughan, surveyor of the Road from the crop roads to the Negrofoot fork, hath given me information that the assistance of wheel carriages and timber are necessary tor making causeways in the said road. l therefore impower (sic) the said Joseph Vaughan to impress such necessary timber, wheel carriages, draught horses, or oxen with their gear and driver belonging to any person who or their servant are appointed to work on the said road. He, the said Joseph Vaughan having procured a valuation of the timber, and a valuation of the wheel carriages, draught horses or oxen with their gear and driver by thee to me made and by two honest housekeepers and hereby appointed for that purpose, who having been sworn before said Justice of the Peace for this County are to make such valuation and to give the owner or owners a certificate thereof to entitle him or them to an allowance for the same in the next county levy. Given under my hand this day of...

The following is a memorandum of an agreement made and entered into this 24th day of January 1833 between Joseph Vaughan on the one part and Wm. F. Baughman of the other part. Witnesseth, that said Vaughan has employed said Baughman for the present year as store keeper, and said Baughman agrees to be sober, honest, strict and attentive to business, and to promote the interest of said Vaughan as much as in his power lies, and in compensation whereof, said Vaughan agrees to to give to Baughman the sum of one hundred dollars and furnish him with a house and garden etc., and haul fire wood, and also to furnish him four hundred pounds of pork and six barrells (sic) of corn.

Witness our hands this day and date above written
Joseph Vaughan
—William F. Baugham

1842-1855: Education

Our generation seems to have been the first from which its children attended public schools. It was probably hard for our parents to break the custom well established by those ahead of us to attend private schools or be tutored in the home. Probably they thought we should be in school longer than the six months our neighborhood school stayed in session per year (our county supt. once mentioned that the reason the teachers were not paid more or the school term longer was because only one railroad ran thru our county). I remember how anxious our parents were for us to study music, art and latin. For about a year or more Miss Gay Carpenter, our lovely neighbor came to teach us but was offered a better salary in the public school and later married Garland Spicer. She was and is a wonderful person and teacher and meant much to all of us. Another teacher from another county came to teach us with the recommendation of specializing in music and latin but she was more like a mouse than a teacher and our parents gave up and we went back to public school. We enjoyed going to school with our neighbors and all of our teachers I remember as being fine dedicated people—l could reminisce for pages especially on our outstanding Friday afternoon programs that we got up ourselves with our teachers blessings, and under the leadership of P.D. and the Cooks. But my real intention was to share with you the letters and bills, some of them, that I have on hand that give us a glimpse of some of the conditions our great and grandparents worked with as they tried to give their children all possible educational advantages: MRPS

3rd Nov., 1842
Received of Mr. Joseph Vaughan Fifteen dollars in full for the tuition of his children with me this year.
Thos. Yarbrough

Richmond Jany (sic)..20 1854

Mrs. Vaughan,
Your last letter is just to hand. We do not exactly understand it, whether you have altered your mind in regard to the young lady or not. She as well as ourselves had considered the bargain ratified-and consequently she has refused other offers equally favorable. If you wish to put up your school to the lowest Yankee bidder, we presume you can get one much cheaper--but if you want a Virginia lady, you will not be able to get one less. We have upwards of 20 applications for Virginia ladies but none for Northern. Please let us know immediately very definitely what you intend to do. We have no interest in the matter but having advised the young lady to take your offer we wish her not to be disappointed.

Yours respectfully,
Haro???? Murray (couldn’t make out last 3 letters--MRPS)

(Sensed clouds of war gathering on this front too. --MRPS)

Richmond, Jany(sic)11th 1854

Messers Harrold and Murray;

You will please reply to the lady in Hanover, Mrs. Vaughan, and say that my sister Rosa will take the situation on the following terms. To be plain--The school to commence as early as practacable (sic), have one month vacation (say August) in summer and close Dec. 20th. Board, washing, fire, lights etc. furnished, free of charge and expenses paid traveling to her house as usual-for two hundred and fifty dollars, payable quarterly.

Very truly your
Thos. J. Bagby

(on same sheet of paper)

Richmond, Jany(sic) 16, 1854

Mrs. Vaughan,

..The above is the reply of the young lady whom you wished to employ to teach in your family. Please inform immediately whether you will employ and when and how she shall reach your house..Respectfully (couldn't read handwritten ending=-MDSH)

21st April 1847

Mr. Joseph Vaughan To H.W. Davis
To the tuition of four children
3 English Scholars. $12 per scholar--$36
1 Latin Scholar $20--20

H.W. Davis

Jan 6, 1848

Joseph Vaughan To A.N. Breckett
To tuition of two Latin scholars @ $20--$40.00
To tuition one English scholar--15.00
To tuition on six months @ $1.50 per month--9.00

Recd. payment, A.N. Beckett

Jan.1, 1855

Received of Mr. J.H.Vaughan the sum of ten dollars for private instruction in German.

E.W. Becker

Fredericks Hall, July 9, 1857


Rec'd. of Mr. B.F. Vaughan one hundred and ninety-two dollars and 6 cents in full payment for his sister, Miss Sally Vaughan for board, tuition, books, music, shoes etc.


Charlottesville June 30th 1848

Mr. Joseph Vaughan To Stephen H. Mirick, Dr.
To tuition of his daughter Virginia in English
1/2 quire paper .12
Welles Grammar .37
Scholar’s Companion .63
Michell’s Am. Geog. 1.25

Apr. 29
Parker’s exercises .37
1 bunch quills .37
1 lead pencil .06 1/4
1 bottle ink .12
Bible with clasp 1.00
2 steel pens .04
1 slate .37
1 quire paper .24

Instruction in French for same time——-$5.00
1 Leoizacs Grammar 1.25
1 Reader’s Dictionary 1.25
1 box wafers .16 1/4

Postage to Montpelier .17

etc. etc.
Received payment of B.F. Vaughan
Stephen H. Mirick

May 11, 1843

Joseph Vaughan bought of Sheriff of Hanover
Gullivers Travels
Conversations on chemistry
Moore's poems
English exercises
Petkin’s U. History
French Geography
Murry’s Grammar
Lincoln’s Botany
Graecian Antiquity
Farmers Calendar
Minor’s Works
Life of Washington
Tibler’s History
G???msham History
116 Books @ 13/4
Saddle and Bridle $11.25
Demijons and jugs .70

Received payment by Geo. M. Dosewell for E.B.Crenshaw

Oct. 14th, 1853

Due the Mu Sigma Rho $2.00 for initiation
W.F.Fox, Rec. Sec.
Received payment
A.G.Bumpas, Cor. Sec.

---the above had been sent to Joseph H. Vaughan——

On another statement-

This certifies that J.H. Vaughan is a Member of the Virginia Agriculture Society,
Jno. G. Mosby, Jr. Sec.
Richmond. 30 Oct. 1855

1842: Letter from Joseph Clivius Vaughan to His Sister Catherine on the Death of Their Father

(When my Great-Great-Grandfather, on maternal Grandmother's side Joseph Clivius Boxley sent a copy of his father, George Boxley's will to his sister and her husband, Catherine and Joseph Vaughan (Great-Grandparents) he wrote the following note on the back of this will, which is all that I have found from this grandfather. Our Grandmother Lucy Dora Vaughan said that her Grandfather, Joseph Boxley was the best man she had ever known and hoped that her first Vaughan Grandson might be named for him - He was - Joseph Boxley Vaughan, 2nd - Benjamin Franklin Vaughan, llI sons of Frank and Marjorie Vaughan; M.R.P.S,)

County of Louisa
State of Virginia
June 28,1842 (date on will)

Dear Joseph and Kitty:

The within is a true copy of our dear Father's will. I should have sent it ere this but I made sure Charles H. would have up before this. I expect to offer it next Louisa Court for probate. Some of the Legatees are very much displeased at Silas (*) having so much more than the rest and they say as I wrote the will I ought to have made Father make a more equal one, which I think is equavalent (sic) to saying I ought to have made Father's will. I wrote it just as he told me to do. I now see the impropriety of a child writing his Father's will, but thank God I have no remorse of conscience on the matter- But they are still getting better satisfied.

We are very uneasy about Horatio. We have not heard from him for about 12 months. I wrote to him a few days after the death of Father and asked him to answer directly, and there has been plenty of time for a letter to have come.

They are all well at Mother's and Mother bears the loss of Father as well as could be expected. We are only tolerable well. Anna has been very poorly, so much so that we had Dr. Pendleton to see her about a fortnight ago. He said her complaint was nothing but debilitation and it was caused by her nursing the child. She has ever since let him nurse only at night and she is at this time better than she was though she is very weak and quite nervous. The doctor says she must wean her child which is heart rendering. Tell Lucy or Margaret I would be very glad if they would come up and stay with Anna a while if they could make it convenient. I will meet them half way any day they will let know of it, or I will come all the way after them. Margaret Ellen will be home the 15th of June. Her vacation commences then.

Our love to all, Joseph C. Boxley

(Even 120 years later it is easy to understand why this Uncle Silas received the larger part of his father's estate since his responsibilities for his mother and unmarried sisters were also defined, as taken from the will:

ltem 11 - I give unto my son Silas Boxley three hundred and fifty acres of land, bounded on the north by the main county roads leading from Louisa Court House to the Fredericksburg across the bridge over North Anna River; bounded on the south by Contrary Creek, the lines to commence on the north where the roads cross the bridge, on the south where the creek empties into the river, and runs back to make up 350 acres. It is my wish and desire that my son Silas should live with his mother during her life. At her death he is to have the dwelling house, all of our out houses and improvements; and it is my desire that it be a home for my daughters who never married, Jamima, Virginia and Mary P. Boxley as long as they live single, free of board.)

1846: Deed of Indenture and Transfer of the Swan Tavern in Richmond, Virginia from Hodges and Wife to Joseph Vaughan and C.R.Mason

Deed Hodges and Wife
Vaughan and Mason
Recorded No.49 P9.62

This indenture made and executed this the twenty seventh day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty six., between C.A.Hodges and Catherine his wife, of the city of Richmond of one part and Joseph Vaughan and C.R. Mason of the County of Hanover of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said C.A.Hodges and Catherine L., his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of nine thousand dollars, of which the Hodges and wife have received from the said Vaughan and Mason the sum of four thousand two hundred and forty four dollars and twenty nine cents, part thereof in cash, and the said Vaughan and Mason having assumed a debt due by said Hodges to Dr.l. Gratan Cabell amounting to the sum of four thousand seven hundred and fifty five dollars and seventy one cents which said debt is secured by a trust deed upon the property hereinafter particularly described, they the said C.A.Hodges and Catherine L. his wife, have given, granted, bargained and sold and by these present do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said Joseph Vaughan and C.R.Mason, and their heirs and assigns forever, all that lot or piece of ground called an half acre, lying and being on Broad Street, formerly H Street in the said City of Richmond, and known and distinguished in the plan of the said City by the number, seven hundred and eighty four, being the same lot on which the Swan Tavern is situated, also one other piece or parcel of land fronting on Broad, formerly H Street, thirty feet adjoining the last mentioned lat on the west and running back the depth thereof: The said piece of ground having thereon a large brick building which has been used as a stable for the said Tavern, and which said piece of ground is part of lot number seven hundred and eighty nine - being the same piece of ground which was conveyed to the said C.C.Hodges by W.H.McFarland and wife, by deed bearing date on the 29th day of October 1836, ninth day of January, 1838; to the said Macfarland (sic) by Thomas Green and wife; by deed bearing date on the 29th of Oct.1836; and to the said Green by H.S.Wright and Edwin l.Wright, by deed bearing date on the 23rd February, 1836, to all of which deeds, now on record in Richmond Hustings Court, reference is hereby made for the greater certainty;

together with all and singular the improvements, privileges and appurtenances belonging or in any wise appertaining to the lots or pieces of ground hereby granted: To have and to hold the said lots or pieces of ground hereby granted, and all the improvements, privileges and appurtenances belonging to the same, unto the said Joseph Vaughan and C.R.Mason, their heirs and assigns forever.

And the said Hodges doth hereby for himself, his heirs and executors, and administrators, covenant with the said Vaughan and Mason, their heirs and assigns, that the said C.C.Hodges and heirs will warrant and forever defend the title to the lots or pieces of ground hereby granted and the improvements and privileges and appurtenances belonging to the same, unto the said Vaughan and Mason, their heirs and assigns against the claims of all persons whatsoever, except the claim of Dr.I.Grattan Cabell herein before alluded to.

In testimony whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto signed their names and affixed their seals, the day and year first herein before written.

C.A.Hodges (seal)
C.L.Hodges (seal)

1848: Letter from Joseph Vaughan Regarding a Church Matter

(The following letter is the only I've seen written by Great-Grandfather Joseph Vaughan, in his own handwriting. --M.R.P.S.)

Hanover - May 21 - 1848

Dear Sir;

doubts are entertained by some of the friends of Mr. Fulchen whether the matter between you and him will be at an end, by your being furnished with a copy of the record in his case. I wish you would drop me a line to that amount, that I may read to the church for their better satisfaction. The only object I have in view is peace - "Blessed are the peace makers”. My best advice is to let the matter drop.

Your brother in Christ, Joseph Vaughan

P.S. I am informed from reliable source, that should a majority of the church vote to give you a copy of the record, it will produce a division and separation in the church. I should like to have your advice in consideration of that matter. J.V.

(Not sure of exact date of death of Joseph Vaughan but his will is recorded Oct.28,1849)

1848: C.R.Mason and Joseph Vaughan Agreement with Poindexter

Mason and Vaughan Agreement with Poindexter

Whereas C.R. Mason and J. Vaughan are the owners of Swan Tavern in Richmond and as such rented the property aforesaid in the year 1846 to Zack Taylor at $850 payable quarterly in four equal installments. And whereas the said Zack Taylor after renting and taking possession of the said property as the tenant of the said Mason and Vaughan, proceeded to furnish it and also to give his negotiable notes with Thomas Richie Jr. as endorser to secure the accruing rents as they might fall due, quarterly. And whereas just before the quarterly rent to be due on the 1st day of July 1847 was to fall due and the said negotiable note, for that quarter's rent would have been payable in Bank - the said Zack Taylor prevailed on the said Mason to hold it up and subject it to a protest. On the appearance on the part of him, the said Zack Taylor, that the property than in the house and in his possession was more than ample security and indemnity for the said quarter's rent, then about to be due - and whereas there “was no lien existing in the knowledge of the said Mason and Vaughan on the said property, the said Mason did agree to hold up the said negotiable note and it was not protested; whereby the demand on the said Thomas Richie Jr. as endorser aforesaid was lost and annulled; and whereas the said debt on demand for the said quarters rent was lost and has never been paid to either of the said partners or joint owners of the said property, by reason of a claim set up by John Poindexter to all of the said personal property then on the premises and in the possession of the said ZackTaylor, after he purchased it and rendered it to his possession being unable to pay for it, he, the said John Poindexter became responsible to the venders of the said property and did actually pay them the purchase money due for the same - and took their receipt for it, in his own name, having the bills for the same assigned to him; and whereas the said bills of sale with the said assignment were never placed on record - and a law question thus arising as to whether the said property as aforesaid was not, in law, justly liable, under these facts for the quarter's rent as aforesaid. This is to witness that the said Mason and partner aforesaid do hereby agree to submit the said question at law to the sole judgement, decision and demand of Mr. Conway Robertson of Richmond, hereby binding themselves jointly and severally to abide by the judgement decision and award of him, the said Conway Robertson in the penalty of three hundred dollars, each respectively.

(I copied (over 30 yr. ago) from "Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers" the article as written on John Poindexter. Didn't you say you have this book?-M.R.P.S.)

1826-1860: Various Receipts

Random sample prices our grandparents paid for certain articles purchased.

Hanover June 26th 1826
Received of Joseph Vaughan Twenty-three Dollars and fifty cents, being payment in full for two large red pied cows and one young calf belonging to one of the said cows, the wright and title whereof I will forever warrant and defend against all claims of all persons.

Witness my hand and seal this day and date above written, Thomas Shelton

Sealed and delivered and possession delivered in presence of test.
Benjamin Vaughan Jr.

1 Rosewood piano, stool and cover…..$175

10 lbx. nails—$1.44
2 1/2 gal whiskey per order—1.37
6 ox. indigo and 6 cakes—1.25

3/4 yd. padding 3 & 3/4 yds buckram—.69
mending scythes for you—.50
1/2 lb. plumbs 1 jews harp 1 fish hook .50
1 pr. gloves—1.00
1 dish 3 phials cologne

Received in full, E.W. Davis

(There are many similar bills in this group of old letters, etc. M.R.P S.)

Joseph Vaughan to E.Mills
To pr fine shoes fore wife—$1.50
To pr fine shoes for son Benj ——1.00
To 1/2 soling pr. for you——.50
To aming 10 prs. brogans——2.50
To making 5 prs. for children—1.50

Joseph Vaughan to J.A.Smith

Oct.22 To visit to self---$1.75
Jan.29 to extracting 2 roots of teeth for daughter Catherine---$1.00
July 20 To extracting tooth for son Franklin---$1.00
Aug.27 To advice to negro woman with sore leg--1.00
Dec.20 To visit to negro Sam----1.00

(Receipted bills indicate postage was paid yearly at local post office. Interesting to read about stamps and postage in encyclopedia-M. R. P.S. )


Mrs. Catherine Vaughan to Montpelier P.O.
July 5, To postage on letter from Richmond—.05

" 8-----Buffalo Gap (Where Grandpa was working on R.R.)—— .05
" 26”—“ “—.05
Aug.2 " “—.05
“ 6_Staunton—.05
Sept.6 " " Milboro Springs .05
2 quarters postage on Herald—.15

Nov. 4 1860
to Thomas R. Walton
Postage on 6 letters .40 etc.
To postage on Enquirer to 1st of Jan 1861 .61—postage on Herald .20
Received payment Thomas R. Walton

1851: Letter to B.F.Vaughan on His 21st Birthday

(Taken from a letter to B.F. Vaughan on his 21st birthday that was started by a sister and finished by his mother, Catherine S. B. Vaughan)

Hanover County, Virginia
Dec. the 19th 1851

You are aware, no doubt, that this ls the anniversary of the birth of us both making you a free man and me 43 years old. I sincerely hope that it will ever be your lot, that you will never allow yourself to be wrapped up in anything whatever save the word of God which must and is always the refuge of every soul what ever be his condition.

I want to give you a general history of every thing on the farm and about the home as you requested of me hoping that you will let wisdom and virtue keep pace with growing time, which was the motto of your departed Father and which every one should remember.

I will commence about the cold weather which enabled us to nearly fill our ice house with the most beautiful ice, 3 and one half inches thick. They hauled this within one day with the little wagon and horse and ox cart. With the exception of that day Frederick and Dud have been getting wood and have a pretty high pile. We have one lamb which came on Thursday. Every thing else, I am glad to say moves on after the same old sorts. When you left here I had concluded to employ John Daniel as an overseer and sent him word to come over but since reflecting and talking with your Uncle Charlie I have sent him word not to come thinking I could manage without any.

You did not state in your last letter how you are situated and what Mr. Mason has given you to do, and how you like it better than farming? You must come home at any rate at Christmas. I want to see you very much.

Remember me to Mr. Mason's family and receive a large portion of love for yourself from me all the children,

Catherine S. Vaughan

1854: Letter from Joseph Henry Vaughan to His Mother from College

Richmond College
April 9th, 1854

Dear Ma;

In answering your letter I have come to the conclusion after considering all things in regard to my coming home for Easter holiday, to come if you desire it. I suppose you will send Mr. Bagby down in the buggy or carriage, but if it ls in any way inconvenient you must not do it on my account. It looks almost childish for a student to leave his college so often to go home and stay so little time.

I saw Uncle Clivius Boxley in town last week. He said he left all our relatives well except Uncle Silas. He was with Miss Garland and Aunt Winnie Crenshaw.

I saw Dick in town yesterday and he told me a heap of news about his part of the world and home. I was astonished when he told me so much about home. I could not think what had gotten into all of you at home by not writing me the news. What pleased me most was that you all were getting on so well with your school and concerns of other matters. Ma, the proper way to write a letter is to sit down and write just as if you were talking to the one to whom you are writing. And Ma tell Catherine or Drusilla to take a sheet of paper, pen and ink and sit down and write me all the news. I am afraid you will say there is nothing new, so I will say, all the "olds" that you can think of that has happened since I left home, describing minutely every little thing.

When you send the money for my board and tuition send enough extra to get a pair of pants and boots at any rate.

As time compels me I must close my letter by asking you to write soon. Give my sincere regards to all the children and accept a due portion for yourself.

Joseph H. Vaughan

1856: Letter from B.F.Vaughan to His Mother from Washington, D.C.

G?owns Hotel
June 11th, 1856

Dear Mama,

I arrived here safe. I expect to remain here tomorrow and visit the publick (sic) buildings and Halls of Congress. I went over the squares and through the Capitol this evening, and I tell you there are many things in Washington to wonder at. The Capitol itself is a large a splendid building, but it is nothing compared to the splendid statues and engravings of heroes and events. It makes me wish I had more education, for I think the mind can master all things if it will but be itself it was meant to sway.

Washington is now nothing but a mass of politicians. Columbia and Huntsville can beat this place all hollow in women and men too.

I have today let B.C. Flannagan have $5,498.75 in money and taken $1,004.00 in Monticello Bank Stock which I have with me.

I have only met one man from Hanover that I know, Marcellus Anderson. I see a heap of acquaintances.

Tell Joe Henry when he has gotten his stomach full of farming he must get an office under Uncle Sam.

Be sure and send a horse to college the night of 18th. inst.

My love to all - Your Good Boy - B.F. Vaughan

1857: Letter from B.F.Vaughan to His Mother

August 8, 1857

Dear Mama,

......My reason for not coming home sooner is because there is a very important piece of work going on that I want to see finished if possible and Mr.Mason is away....So you will please send your buggy for us to Beaver Dam Sat. at noon when I will stay home and do all I can to help right your wrongs and render you all happy....l shall come for the purpose of doing good.

My love to all, your dutiful son, B.F. Vaughan

1857: Letter from Drusilla Vaughan to Her Mother from College

Richmond, Virginia
Oct. 10th, 1857

Dear Ma:

When brother Joseph was is see us I wrote a letter to you in answer to the one you sent by him, and as he did not call to see us again as he promised to do, therefore l could not send it to you, but will answer now. I suppose brother B.F. told you how he fixed Catherine and me off-he gave us ten dollars apiece and we had to get all we needed with it.

What I care most about telling you is my situation in school. I am perfectly well satisfied with all my studies and teachers. I have altogether new and higher branches of studies and teachers. I have a most splendid French teacher. I find I have not a moment of time to spend idly. I now see the advantage of coming in the first of the session. We have but a few boarders, only 13, and all of them are mostly very pious and hard working students, so far, and I do hope they may remain so.

We were honored last night by a splendid serenade given to us by a company of soldiers. I did enjoy it so much. It made me think of the one with which Catherine was so highly honored a few nights before we left home but we acted more ladylike, all of us, during the time of music, and treated it with more respect.

There was a marriage here the 5th of this month in our library--Mrs. Manly's sister, Fanny Whitfield to Mr. Whimbly, married by Mr. Manly.

it will soon be time for me to close saying this leaves me well except myself. I have been suffering with a dreadful cold and sore throat but am much better. Cora Sumner has a horrid cold and she said it was from coming into such a large house. She is one of the greatest cases I ever saw. You must write to me and make the children write also. I have no time to write letters except on Sat. night.

I close with much love to you and all, from your fond daughter, Drusilla

P.S. I wish the first opportunity you have you will please send me my large blanket shawl. I find I need it very much these early cold mornings. Every body in town is dressed in full winter outfits now. You must write to us and let us know if any of you are coming to the fair. It is bedtime now. Good night, Drusilla

(From the above letter I judge Drusilla Vaughan is attending the Richmond Female Institute that had been formally chartered in 1853 by act of the General Assembly of that year. Mama and Aunt Sally attended the same between 1892 and 1895--they were in the first graduating class of Woman's college, which was the successor to R.F.I Drusilla's penmanship is beautiful. --MRPS)

1857: Letter from B.F.Vaughan to His Mother

Oct. 19, 1857

Dear Mama,

……I saw the girls at school; saw the principle and paid in full. l took his receipts and sent them to you. I gave them fully much money as they thought necessary and if they have not learned how to select for themselves when placed among them, I think it is high time they learned.

Aunt Drusilla would like for Claiborne to go to school at your house until Christmas if agreeable to you, and would like for him to come home with Luther from the Fair...

I shall look with an anxious eye to the division of our property among us as you affirm that it shall be done. I am fully persuaded that it will certainly be to your benefit as well as to ourselves.

I am anxious to hear of the frost damage to Joseph Henry’s tobacco. I hope you will sow a large crop of wheat and sow in hopes of a good harvest.

Give my love to the children and accept the same from -
Your dutiful son, B.F. Vaughan

1857: Letter from Drusilla Vaughan to Her Brother from College

Richmond, Virginia
Nov. 8th 1857
My dear Brother;

I hope you will excuse me for not answering your letter sooner. Indeed I would have answered it before this but have not had a chance. I have commenced a letter to you three or four times but was interrupted every time, and I have determined this morning, as it is Sat. to complete a letter to you and send it off.

Brother B.F. came to see us last Thursday. He was just home from N.C., he was well and looked very well. He said he expected to be home this month some time.

I am going to tell you about the fair, the curiosities and enjoyment I saw but I guess brother Joseph Henry told you about the exhibitions. I saw a great many of my acquaintances, and such a crowd of people, it is indescribable but the exhibition was very poor, though. I saw Bro J.H. only a few minutes the whole time.

We had the exquisite pleasure of witnessing another wedding ceremony last Tuesday night performed here in our library room--a Mr. Hudgins to a widow lady married by Mr. Manly. I think I will describe the bride and groom to you and also the procession. The groom was about four feet, five inches in height, about 54 years old, his head was destitute of hair and not a single tooth in the front of his mouth, and he was very lean. He had on a standing collar so stiff that it pinched his ears so bad he had to loosen his arm from the bride while the ceremony was going on to fix it better, and when he was asked, “Will you take this lady to be your devoted wife?" he made a mistake thinking he was replying to his bride and said, "Yes, Madam, I will". The bride looked very fascinating, she was much taller than the groom, seemed very frightened, and when she was asked, "Will you take this man to be your husband?” she merely bowed her head, and the groom looked up with astonishment, thinking perhaps she was not going to take him. What do you suppose his feelings were? I would not have missed it for a good deal. It taught me something.

We have now quite a full school, 17 boarders only, all nice quiet girls and I like them very much. We live so happy together. I often think of you all at home and wonder if you are living together as happy, I hope you are.

It is getting late in the day and I must close. You must answer this soon and write a long letter--it will improve you so. You must give my love to Ma and each child and accept a full portion for yourself, from your fond sister,


P.S. Miss Georgie Sumner sends her respects to you. Cora says, have you forgotten the time you carried her sister Georgie to church in the buggy. She tells me so much to write that l do not notice half that she says-it takes up too much time.

1861-65: B.F.Vaughan's Confederate Service

Confederate States sf America
Military Telegraph

Your brigade is in Rockbridge. Report to me here at once.
Signed, Fritz Lee, Maj. Gen.

Provost’s Marshal’s Office
Staunton, Oct. 7, 1864
PASS B.F. Vaughan
Gen R H.2
John Avis, Captain Provost Marshal</blockquote>

Confederate States of America
War Department
Engineer Bureau
Richmond, Va.
14 March, 1865

B.F. Vaughan
Hedqrs. Maj. Genl. Fitz Lee
commanding Cavalry Division


I am instructed by Maj. Gent. Gilmer, Chf. Engir. to inform you that he is willing to apply for your detail on Engir. duty as Assistant and Manager in repair of R R. s etc. Please let me know whether you are a conscript or enlisted soldier and, in the latter case to what command you are attached, in order that the proper form and direction may be given to the application tor your services.

Your very respy.,
Thomas R. Trice Jr.
Lieut. Engir. and asst. in Bar

Headquarters Department of Virginia

Ashland, Va., April 25th, 1865
l, B.F. Vaughan, Private Co. G 4th Va. Cav. Prisoner of War, do hereby give my solemn parole of Honor not to take part in hostilities against the Government of the United States, until properly exchanged; and that I will not do anything directly or indirectly to the detriment or disparagement of the authority of the United States, until properly exchanged as aforesaid. B.F. Vaughan

Wording on Pardon granted by U.S. Govt. for having part in Confederate Service:

Andrew Johnson. President of The United States of America to all to whom these presents shall come, greetings:

Whereas, B.F. Vaughan, by taking part in the late rebellion against the Government of the United States, has made himself liable to heavy pains and penalties: And Whereas, the circumstances of his render him a proper object of Executive clemency; Now, therefore, be it known, that l, Andrew Johnson, president of the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, divers, other good and sufficient reasons me thereunto moving, do hereby grant to the said, B.F. Vaughan a full pardon and amnesty for all offenses by him committed, arising from participation, direct or indirect, direct or implied, in the said rebellion, conditioned as follows, viz: this pardon to begin and take effect from the day on which the said B.F. Vaughan shall take the oath prescribed in the Proclamation of the president, dated May 29th,1865, and to be void and of no effect if the said B.F. Vaughan shall hereafter, at any time, acquire any property whatever in slaves, or make use of slave labor; and that he first pay all costs which may have accrued in any proceedings hitherto instituted against his person or property; up to the date of the acceptance of this warrant.

And upon the further condition that the said B.F. Vaughan shall notify the Secretary of State, in writing, that he has received and accepted the foregoing pardon.

In testimony whereof, I have here unto signed my name and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this twenty ninth day of August A.D.1865, and of the independence of the United States the Ninetieth.

By the President: Andrew Johnson

William H. Seward, Secretary of State

(Louise Vaughan Mazursky said that the above pardon was necessary in order for Grandpa Vaughan to have voting privileges again after having served with the Confederacy.) (Paul Vaughan's daughter, brother of Sallie Vaughan Miller, mother of Ellen Miller Quarnstrom-EMQ)

1865 thru 1870s: Memories of Margaret Ellen Boxley Carpenter

Margaret Ellen Boxley Carpenter
Written by Catherine Ellen Vaughan Poindexter

(l can remember seeing my Great-Grandmother Carpenter - she, Grandma Vaughan, Mama and I bear a similarity in apperance (sic), l think, especially as I approach that age at which I best remember them. Whenever anyone spoke of Grandma Carpenter, the things or incidents connected with her pointed her up as a lady of noble character, gracious personality exhibiting a determination to carry - through with whatever she considered was her responsibility to God, family, neighbors and country. I wanting (sic) to know more about this Grandmother asked my Mother to write down what she could remember, and the following is what she wrote about 1927 or ’28: M.R.P.S.)

I am sending this MSS, which I wrote some time ago - it was written in time to read before Mother, submitting it to her accurate criticism.. Mother said it was correct. She and Lucy were so pleased with it and thought it so interesting Lucy wanted to have it published. But I know it is not written in perfect form and needs much rephrasing with more fluid sentence connections. You can weave into whatever story form you prefer—

I have been asked to tell something of my Grandma Margaret Ellen Carpenter's life. All who knew her spoke of her as a wonderful woman. My early recollections of her spirit, vim and ambition seasoned with my judgement of maturer years still place her as a woman of outstanding ability. The War between the States opening in 1861 found my Carpenter Grandparents with four children sharing the same home of her father-in-law, besides an elderly sister Ann and a ne'er-do-well coz., James Carpenter. Their hardships and sacrifices were many but I never heard them complain. They were born with the stolid courage of patriotism.

Much was said about the time the Yankees passed from Fredericksburg on their way to Richmond. A great number under an officer camped with their horses and coarse soldiers in their yard, and surrounding their home, "Plain Dealing" The night was coming on: The yankees and their horses must be fed by the rebels! How? "O, horrors!" cried one of the children. “Mother, look, they are prizing up the end of our corn house. See, the corn which represents pa's efforts for the year is rolling on the ground; the horses are eating and trampling the rest. “What a waste!” “Oh, Mother, here comes some coarse rough looking soldiers into the house! “What are they planning to do?” Called another. “We are looking for the rebels you got hid here said another”, said one of the Yankees pushing his way into the house. So they went peering and searching everywhere, especially in all the bottles looking for wine. One satisfied his curiosity by turning up a bottle of shoe polish which blackened his face. Aunt Nannie, watching him all the time said, “Now look at yourself! Aren't you a pretty mess!” Grandpa had been at home a long time sick with what was then called, bloody flux. The yankees wanted to know if he wasn’t a deserter, but once being assured he was sick, they respected him and his bed. Not finding any rebels, they then searched for money, jewelry, things to eat and whatever might satisfy their desire for plunder. Grandma had one bag of sugar which she placed under Grandpa's bed. Before long dried apples, and other things to eat were put in the same place. From the cellar to the attic they went searching. In the middle of the cellar was a big hogshead containing their cured meat. Beside it was a quantity of Irish potatoes. This barell (sic) was kept filled with potatoes that covered the meat, which served as the means of saving this amount of meat from the yankees. Being angered that they found nothing of value, the yankees came with a torch and said they would burn the house down. Grandma's patience had reached its limit, so she went to the commanding officer and told him of her predicament. The brave spirited little woman must have won his interest and respect, for this officer called the soldiers away and put the house under his military protection. Did they get the horses? No. They were put in the care of Uncle Ralph, a faithful slave who hid them in a secret, secluded place naturally protected by trees and rocks. The next day the soldiers had orders to march on. How thankful they all were to be free from the yankees!

I have heard more about another troupe of soldiers, but this time they wore the Grey and how Grandma's hospitality overflowed to them! There was one soldier who was especially outstanding among them, and has been ever since. I refer of course to George Wilson, a private from Upper Marlboro, Maryland. He needed some money. He had not heard from his Father for some time but was sure that he would hear soon. Fate directed him to this pleasing farm and trustworthy farmer. In course of a pleasant conversation he made a request for money saying how much he needed it. Grandpa evaded the issue until he could talk the matter over with Margaret Ellen. As soon as she saw him she quickly determined that he was one to be trusted and said, “Yes, we will lend him the money”. While talking George Wilson could hear the music being played by the elder daughter, Eloise, who was practicing in the parlor. He remarked to Grandma how he loved music and how long it had been since he had heard any, so she invited him in the parlor to meet and hear Eloise play. Cupid pierced his heart then for he never forgot the sweet entrancing look of dainty Eloise, beautiful in her modest, charming manner.

Times were even worse and harder during the days of reconstruction than during the war. Fortunately Grandpa owned C & O R.R. preferred stock which never decreased in value.

The war closed in April, The following May was one long to be remembered for its hardships, poverty and sacrifices but worst of all they had been defeated, were whipped as rebels, were under subjection to the poorest element northern yankees who heaped indignities upon them. Their slaves were freed without any provision having been made for them or their owners. They had never done much manual labor, indeed it was considered beneath the dignity of a Virginia gentleman to labor in the field. The negroes were free, but never having had the responsibility of working and caring for themselves, were mostly lazy, impudent and great thieves. The Confederate money had no purchasing power or value. A yard of calico cost $15.00 and a barrell (sic) of flour, $500.00. Every state and condition of man was thoroly (sic) demoralized and there seemed to be no hope anywhere. The time for the planting and replenishing of the earth had arrived and there was no seed for planting, no servants to work, no teams to pull the plows. Horses and mules had been confiscated and those left were too feeble and underfed.

At Plain Dealing tho it was May. The sun was shining and the cherry trees were full of lovely red May cluster cherries. Yankees were stationed at Fredericks Hall to see that the rebels were kept in subjection. So, Grandma picked these cherries and sold them to the yankees. If it was their first taste of Virginia cherries it was certainly Grandma's first acquaintance with the “greenback”.

Margaret Ellen Carpenter had great ingenuity and seemed to know how and when to use her opportunities. They still needed money. There was a tobacco factory which needed little bags for their product and sensing this opportunity she called her force together and they made the bags for this factory, earning a small amount of spending money. Yes, times were tight and store products such as sugar, coffee and clothing material were hard to get. Wheat was parched and ground to make coffee and sorgum (sic) molasses was their sugar supply.

Grandpa having always believed that in entertaining strangers he might entertain angels unaware. This proved especially true when fate brought the young soldier, George Wilson to his home, at first a stranger George Wilson went back to his home in Maryland and told his wealthy father of the kind, hospitable Virginians who had befriended him. Gratitude seemed to have been one of the biggest elements in Mr. Wilson's make-up. Where the Wilsons lived in Upper Marlboro bazaars were held to help the poor Southerners. He never forgot the Carpenters. He sent them their first cook stove, farming tools, cooking utensils, clothes for the girls and good things to eat.

Time was slipping by and the girls were growing up. Their education was a great responsibility for these parents who knew the value and importance of having an education. They employed a governess during the war to teach their children and a few of the neighbors children. They started what was called a boarding school. The governess was paid $300.00 a year but toward the close of the war had to dismiss her for lack of funds. Their first teacher was Miss Barnett of Albermarle County. The oldest child was sent to Albermarle Female Institute, Covesville, where Miss Barnett continued to teach, for two years. They borrowed the money with which to pay for her tuition and board. Caius and Margaret Ellen Carpenter worked hard to provide opportunities and the kind of background that would be helpful in carrying out their desire that their four daughters grow to be fine ladies and their son a gentleman who would assume responsibilities, and make a contribution to life, and this reporter thinks they succeeded in a big way. The second daughter, Dora did not go off to school, due to weak eyes - who had suffered a serious case of diphtheria as a child when she almost lost her eye sight. Virgie went to Hollins college and Kate to Richmond Female Institute. Clive, their only son would not go off to school but instead started working on the railroad at an early age, learning this construction work from the ground up. l remember my Great - Uncle Clive quite well. He was a handsome man having a wonderful personality; his and Aunt Sally's visits with us each summer was indeed a highlight for us as children, and when he left there was extra money in our pocket books, which, when put with our egg money was enough to make a deposit in our savings account in the Louisa Bank. The older colored people seemed to sense the time of his arrival, who found excuses to come and see “Marse Clive” and of course none went away empty handed. We were told by these that “Marse Clive was the richest man ever borned around there.” Now I realize that he was tops among the successful railroad contractors besides showing in his every day life that he had tried to live by standards based on the highest of principles and honor....l remember when Aunto (sic) Mary, our enslaved wash woman came especially to make hoe cakes for Uncle Clive. We went with her to find some large leaves from very young hickory or oak trees). It was as tho we watched her perform the work of a magician as she wrapped her corn meal batter in the leaves and cooked it in the big open fire place in the wash house. I don't think she took her attention away from them for an instant and my! how Uncle Clive enjoyed those hoe cakes and praised her for her work of art....Some one wrote and published a booklet on Uncle Clive’s life. (Mama had a copy but I don't know where it is now - maybe I'll find a copy with some family member..M.R.P.S.)

Yes indeed these fine ladies were provided with a fine carriage. It was something like a closed car with a chauffeur on the outside. The body was arranged so that the occupants (ladies) could face each other and there was room enough for six to be seated. It was lined with cream colored brocade silk and had long tasseled loops for arm support - such was needed since the roads were generally rough. When they arrived at the church the valet opened the door and let down the steps. The gentlemen who had ridden on either side of the carriage would rush up and help the ladies into the church. This carriage cost $500.00 and was always used by the neighbors for weddings and funerals. (I remember this carriage quite well - it just sat out in the field near Johnny Wood's blacksmith shop. As children we often went to this shop (it was a typical blacksmith shop with the bellows to brighten the coals that would in turn heat the iron horse shoe red hot when it could be shaped to fit the horses hoof). This old carriage of our Carpenter grandparents became our main plaything as we waited for the horses to be shod - it had a way of transforming us into adults almost immediately when we pictured ourselves as we had seen others in pictures befitting our carriage--M.R.P.S.)

Up to this time daily newspapers were never dreamed of. At first there was a weekly newspaper and then one came three times a week, and when it was known there was to be a daily paper, my Father said he wondered where they would get news enough to write about every day.

Grandma remembered when the first train came thru Fredericks Hall. All the neighbors were invited to have a free ride from Fredericks Hall to Gordonsville. My earliest recollections of the coaches were that they were very plain and crudely finished and the only method of heating it was with a big coal stove in one corner. Our Uncle, by marriage, C.R.Mason built the C & O Railroad from Richmond to White Sulphur springs. (In my Virginia History book was an account of how C.R.Mason often built the needed bridges for General Robert E. Lee while the engineers were drawing up the plans for them.) --M.R.P.S.)

Grandma was a most ambitious woman. She visualized the highest and best for herself husband and children and worked unceasingly to attain it ....Grandma was a proud woman because she realized she was a pure-blooded free American....She was a brave and courageous woman and would never submit to defeat...And, she was a generous, hospitable and patriotic woman.

1872: the Courtship of B.F.Vaughan and Lucy Dora Carpenter

Hanover County, Virginia

March 25,1872

Miss Lucy Dora
My dear little Coz:

You voluntarily promised to write me the decision of our little bets, but have failed to do so.

My sister Sally informs me you have won me on the gloves - not expecting to go to Richmond for several days and knowing the fastidious taste of most ladies. I enclose $2. Which I am informed will buy the best quality. You can order from your merchant such size and such tint of color as may suit your fancy. These were not all you won - you have won a gem - but I will not be so rash as to offer it now - no - not until your great enterprise from Raven’s Eye shall have come to glory or to grief.

Sally said you wrote something about a trip to Washington City etc. I am sure you think I do a great many silly things but I know you will agree with me that to be trotting a gal around looking at the big city, who is taking particular pains that she may become the wife of another man doesn’t pay very well.

I desire to pay Uncle Clivius a visit before I go West and will endeavor to pay you a call at the same time.

Be pleased to give my love to all inquiring relatives and friends and believe me

Very Truly and Affectionately Yours -
Franklin Vaughan

Hanover Co., Va.
Oct. 18, 1872
My dear Dora;

The remembrance that I left you and your Pa both sick on Wed. morning last, gives me much anxiety and disquietude of mind. I do most earnestly hope and have prayed to the Great Giver of Good for your speedy recovery to health.

Please say to Kate I have directed the work styled “Scottish Chiefs” to be mailed to her and when I go through Richmond on Tuesday will mail to your address a copy of The Waverly Novels, styled, Talisman. Because the act and romance is in accord with my feelings at the present time, most heartily do I wish I could act the Talisman with your sickness, as faithful and successful as did the renowned Saladin did to the brave King Richard. It is considered by some to be Scott's best effort.

I called at Metz and received a message from Shroeder which I could not accept. I suppose I must remain and hear from Mr. Johnson through Dr. Boxley, and I must pay some attention to sowing a crop of wheat - it matters not where I live the wheat will be my own.

If you wish to attend State Fair I will take you down one day. I am not sure I can meet you in Richmond the 7th. of Nov. lf the work on Danville Road is not desirable or I am underbid by other contractors, I wish to go to south west Virginia. If I go I shall remain about two weeks. I recon it is best for me to get a home somewhere now whilst l can.

I would like to obtain a substantial, pleasant and creditable home - at the same time I know there is no profit in farming.

Be pleased to give my love to the members of your family and accept a full share for yourself, from one who feels towards you nothing but Love and Affection - B.F.V

November 2nd, 1872

dear Dora;

.......Your two letters were received on my arrival at home and I feel very thankful for sentiments of friendship and affection therein contained........l do congratulate myself and thank High Heaven that my love and confidence has so increased as to be able of itself to expel and exercise the power of every evil spirit and person from alienatiming (sic) me from you......

My dora, would it be too much to ask, that when you retire under your own vine and fig tree to preform(sic) your devotions to our Ged - that you beseech Him that He enable me first, above all to become a faithful servant of His, and next, that I may so live as to be worthy of you.

ln one of your letters you state so much desire that we have a home of our own before we are married. I will get a home as soon as I can compatible with prudence and with good judgement, and will say that, inasmuch as the first appointment fixed upon between us, has been changed I am willing to postpone our nuptials until I do get a home of our own, if you desire it.

The contract on Roanoke Valley R.R. will not be awarded until next Thursday.

Luther is urging me to unite with him and Newton in an iron furnace. The iron business is to eminently risky, and besides we would have to encounter the treacherous C & O Railroad Company.

Give my love to your family and accept a full share from your true and affectionate,

B.F. Vaughan

On Stationary from

Ford Hotel
ln the Heart of the City
Opp. State Capitol
Board $2.50 per Day

Nov. 12, 1872

My dearest Dora;

I fully intended calling on you this evening but was out at Mr. Bates who would not wait a moment…..if you only knew how eagerly I watched for you near the store of Cardoza, I am sure you would have let me have a glimpse of you. I shall return to Frederick's Hall in the morning. Mr. Schmidt got wind from cause of those Yankees looking at Ellerslie and would not sell me his deed of trust until he heard from them. I shall find out without much delay whether there is much chance to obtain Ellerslie. lf not, I will try else where.

I was sent for today and offered the Railroad work on the Roanoke Valley Railroad, not at the price I had bid but at a price named by the company. I have not as yet accepted or declined the offer. Do you think I can manage a farm, a railroad and a wife all at the same time? I fear not, specifically the latter. Don’t you think I write as a partner of business, rather than of love. do, I am already very anxious to see you. I don’t like to be separated from you even for an hour. Please, please mam, write to me at Montpelier.

Good night and may your guardian Angel protect you.

Truly and fondly yours,

Dear Dora;

I think I have bought 873 acres of Ellerslie. This time I have a written contract and have paid $250 on it. I have had a good deal of trouble about it and fear I shall have more. There are so many deeds of trust on it, but I became satisfied you preferred to live there and shall leave nothing untried to provide you a pleasant home in the hope you will make me a pleasant companion.

I desire there shall be as little ostentation and display as possible at our marriage - simple. plain and dignified is my style - and one Parson is enough for me.

If a good day I will be at your house Sunday Evening and will be at Ellerslie and court for most of the week.

I shall be as true to you as steel in every sense. You have my warmest love and affection.

B.F. V.

Near Parkersburg, Ohio
Friday eve., Nov. 29th,1872

Dear Dora;

I have had a most unpleasant trip. The stage horses have the "Epizootics” and all staging is stopped and we have to get home by way of Parkersburg, Washington etc., and when we get home we will have travelled over 1100 miles just to attend a wedding. Was there ever such folly? You know I did not want to come and only came through necessity. I hate to have to spend so much money for such a purpose. I desire to save all my money for the comfort and honor of Miss L.D.C, I enclose a printed description of Luther's marriage - will tell you the details when I see you in a few days. Luther is anxious for his wife to see you whilst in East Virginia. He is not with us now - he has gone to Cincinnati. I wish you had come with us. I will tell you before I tell you anything more that you are the dearest creature in the world. Everybody tells me that and I think of nothing but you.

It is hardly worth while to give you the incidents of our trip - we have been two nights on stage, one on steamboat and will spend tonight on cars of B & O R. R. I will leave the girls at Alexandria and go into the counties of Loudon et al. I hope to call and see you before I get home, say about the 4th. Dec.

Please give my love to your family and accept the best wishes of your true and fond,


(In Mama's memory Book): In envelope addressed to - Mrs. M.C.Carpenter

Enclosed in same

Mrs. M.C. Carpenter Dear Madam

It is with diffidence that I inform you that a compact has mutually been agreed upon between myself and your worthy daughter, Miss Lucy Dora for pure and holy union for the remainder of our lives, and most earnestly do I crave your consent and if possible your approval of our union. I have in person made the above request of Mr. Carpenter.

May Heaven enable me so to act that you may never have cause to regret your free consent,

Very Respy and Truly
Your Obedient Servant

Dec. 5th,1872

December 25,1872

Dear Dora;

Your kind invitation was received in due time. I should have answered sooner but hoped to get the consent of the Trustees long enough to see an old scholar married. Two refused, the other I did not consult.

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy married life. Though not with you in person my heart will be with you.

I shall spend today at home, the first Christmas I have spent there since a small child. As Ella is waiting for her pen to write to Mr. Wilson, I will stop.

Yours affectionately,
Virginia Barnett

Upper Marlboro
Dec.20th, 1872

My dear Friend;

You will please pardon my seeming neglect in not answering at an earlier date. Your very generous and highly appreciated letter in which you have so kindly invited me to be present at the occasion which from my soul I hope my be the beginning of a supremely bright and happy life. It would be painful dear dora, to go into details about the more than painful circumstances that will prevent my presence on your wedding day. You are acquainted with all the circumstances - I will never cast a shadow where all should be sunshine, I love you too well Do, to mar even in the slightest degree the pleasure of any you hold dear - still more to pain your Mother whose heart on this occasion will be sore enough. The simple fact of your leaving, never to return as the child of younger years, never again to feel the same child-like affection for the old home, never to romp, as I have seen my little friend do, but, to come or go back as some one else - life's pathway takes a dubious course Do, after marriage - but yours I know will be less tortuous than is generally the case. You will marry one who is in every respect eminently capable of rendering you happy, and my knowledge of him tells me that he will in no way fall short of your fondest expectations - and may God in His wise providence watch over and keep you both.

It would be needless Dora, to tell you how more than pained I am not to be present and wish you God speed. I can hardly believe that l who was once held so dearly by those whom God knows I will always keep in my heart's warmest corner, am one whose absence would be a pleasure. I won't say that Do, but a belief - "but hush my heart, why thus complain". I could write you an endless strain about matters of mutual interest Dora, of my own hopes and of anothers (sic), but you will be too engrossed to bear with me. And Dora, my dear friend, between us no chasm (sic) has yawned, no alloy been mingled in the coinage of our friendship. May I ask you to believe that there is good enough in me to love Ella better than my own life, and that to make myself worthy of her love is my chief end and aim. You will not chide her for loving me. You will not heap obloquy on me while I am absent, and the other ties bind your little heart, will you not look back an our friendship as true. And believe me when I add that you have in me almost a brothers love - certainly a brother’s interest. You will do this for me, won't you, Dora? And one more wish I have Do - will you try and get your Ma to think more kindly of one who knows her only as a gentle and generous friend to me, and who feels that many a weary, weary burden has been lightened by her motherly love and tenderness. I have been very unworthy Do - I admit, but that is past and the future is the field in which I hope to reap a more profitable harvest. And now dora, I will commence to close the last letter I may ever write to Dora Carpenter - in a few days she will be somebody else, but no matter by what name, may I always find the same loving, true and affectionate friend that my soldier days sunshine was partly made up of. May Heaven's choicest blessing ever attend you Do, and may your life work be only freighted with happiness and prosperity. And when you go from under the old roof tree under who shadow your young life has bloomed, remember Dora, that in that same old home you will always find what you will never find anywhere else - a Mother's love. Cherish it, keep it ever green - 'tis the anchor by which life's ties are held fast. You know your duty too well Do, that any suggestion from me would seem unnecessary, The knowledge of your past worth ls guarantee enough for me to feel that you have in store for you much happiness and I tender my warmest and most sincere congratulations.

I have shriven in this disconcerted note to keep afar from a subject that would only pain, and I hope that you will never imagine that I am in the least disinclined to come to and see you married, because things otherwise no distance could prevent my going, but as it is I cannot consistently do so. l hope Dora, to see you however, before the winter is over. I intend going to see Ella and may call and see you as Mrs.Vaughan. Remember me affectionately to your Ma and Pa, also Kate and all who might be the least interested in my rememberance (sic). Tell your Ma that I will not add a single pang to the pain of losing you - that I love her too dearly to fill a friend's place when she looks upon me and my love as she does - that I am striving to win her future approval and even love. El will give you an account Dora of how happy we were for two short days and how happy we intend yet to be.

And now, Do - good-bye - tho l can't be with you when you are married, l can wish you and do wish you and Frank all the happiness your hearts desire - and I can promise you that at some not far distant day we will shake hands as brother and sister. You no doubt comprehend.

Your old friend,

George Wilson

(Note: Yes, My Great-Uncle George's promise to my Grandmother was fulfilled - he and his beloved Ella were married on that date that was not far away and am sure this lovely couple received the blessings of Ella's parents. Their children were Mary Ellen Wilson Sasser, George Wilson Jr., Clivie Wilson.

When Mama tells in her diary of her visit with her Uncle George and Aunt Ella in Upper Marlboro during August of 1895--Aunt Sally went with Mama on this visit - they had just graduated from Woman’s College--there is every evidence that the Wilsons were people with plenty of family and financial background and she had a wonderful time. After reading this part of Mamas diary I felt I had received a first hand account of that era in our history often referred to by others as "The Gay Nineties".

I also remember once when Aunt Ell's name was mentioned that some one spoke of what a lovely person she was - that every man who met her fell in love with her. M.R.P.S.)

1873: Marriage Announcement of B.F.Vaughan and Lucy Dora Carpenter

From “News of Fifty Years Ago" in Richmond Times Dispatch - Jan.9, 1923

Benjamin Franklin Vaughan of Hanover County
Lucy Dora Carpenter of Louisa County
were married at the residence of the bride’s father
Jan.9, 1873
by Dr. C.R. Dickerson

Above from Richmond Dispatch, January 13, 1873

1879: Letter from Lucy Dora Carpenter Vaughan to Her Husband

Aug.4, 1879

My darling Husband;

I have been unusually well since I last saw you and feel as if t would like to ride over and see how you are getting along. What have you been doing with yourself this rainy weather? I suppose your bridge building is at a standstill.

Darling, I wish you would send me two empty 1 gal. preserve pots. Tell Bettie to give you the pot that I gave her and Dinah cabbage soy in, as I don't think there is but one besides that--and look in my spice box and send me my allspice and cloves and two lemons. Aunt Ann is making me some pear preserves and I want to make some pear pickle as soon as I can get my pots--please send them as soon as you can.

Little Mary has a chill today and she has quite a high fever at times.

Darling, I don't enjoy such short visits from you--please come to see me as often as often as you can and stay a little longer as it is the greatest pleasure I have--it is really awful living without you and it makes me quite nervous when I think how long I've got to endure the separation, and I hope and pray it may result for our good. Darling, don't forget me in your daily petitions of our Heavenly Father, for He only can give us real comfort.

Now, good-bye my darling--may angels hover over and protect you is the daily prayer of your affectionate wife--

Dora Vaughan

1879: Letter from B.F.Vaughan to Lucy Dora Carpenter Vaughan

Sept. 15, 1879

My dear Wife,

We arrived at home about 5 P.M. the day I left you, and God be praised our house was intact. I noticed in putting away our carriage the cover was gone and has not shown up since. I hope as soon as you have had a change of scenery, the drowsy feeling you were complaining of left you and sincerely hope you had a pleasant trip and have been even more happy since you arrived at your Sister’s residence--trust you found them all well and glad to see you.

I went for Little Sallie Friday morning, Bro. Moore going with me. Little Sallie’s boil has reduced—she then had blotches on her face which has (sic) since, from more meager feeding, disappeared.

Sallie, so far, to me is not a very pleasant bed fellow—rolls and tumbles like a yacht on a rough sea—she, I, your Mama, Annie, Maggie and Mariah Carpenter were all the persons at our Sunday School today. I let Bettie go to the Moody seats today and I have the luxury of nursing Sallie alone.

Kiss our little Ellen for me--tell her Father thinks of her very often. I hope the scars she received on her dear little face in F'burg have all disappeared. The Concord grapes were all gone when I got here. I have your fruit sunned every clear day. Bettie has locked your duck house with the ducks outside, the past two nights—will try and have her do better in future. It may be gratifying to you to know that no ladies or other females have called on me since you left--gentlemen have called each day since my return. Sallie and I are going to ride to see the sheep now, and if we find anything interesting I’ll inform you on this sheet.

We did not find the sheep. You can tell Ellen that little Sallie sits by her father at every meal and bows her little head when God is praised as nicely as she ever did. I ride her on horse back every clear day and she enjoys it very much.

Your Mama prefers I should send the quinces to her house to preserve. I shall do so tomorrow or next day.

Little Sallie unites with me in much love to yourself, Ellen, Virgie, Ella, Mr. Wilson and children.

Truly your affectionate husband,

B.F. Vaughan

1889: Letter to Lucy Dora Carpenter Vaughan from Her Husband and Daughters

Nov. 1st. 1889

My darling Wife and Boys;

We failed to hear from you yesterday as promised and we are a little uneasy...l made the children write but I am so busy I do not know what they have written…l truly hope you had a safe and pleasant trip to Richmond and now having a pleasant time. Things are as usual here.

Kiss Frank and Noah for me: Much love and affection,
Gr'pa called Stephie, Noah: Your devoted husband, B.F.Vaughan

Nov. 1st 1889 (on same sheet)

My Dear Mother;

I have missed you, Frank and Stephen so much. I am afraid you will have bad weather. It is very cloudy and damp here but it has not rained yet.

When will you have Frank's picture taken? Have you done any trading yet?Please buy me “Sweet Bye and Bye."

Miss Ellen is busy cleaning your bed room. She has cleaned the nursery and your room so clean that it looks like you have done it… Lucy and Daisy are busy playing with stick dolls…Tell Frank, “Sister’s ‘quirrel eats so prettily, and he is right tame, though he has nearly gnawed out of his cage.”….All join me in sending love to you and all. You must write soon. If you don’t we will think you did not arrive safely, but I hope you did…Your loving daughter, Ellen (Mama was about 13 yrs. old—M.R.P.S.)

(same day on same sheet of paper)

My dear Mother;

Father got so uneasy about you because he did not hear from you yesterday. He will write to you again today. I miss you all very much….Miss Ellen is busy cleaning your room…Do not forget to get me a slate.... As it is nearly time for me to practice, I must close.

Your loving daughter,
Sallie (Aunt Sallie about 11 yrs. old—M.R.P.S.)

1894: The Death of "Little Stephie" (Stephen Noah Vaughan)

Many times I read Mama's account of the death of her beloved little brother Stephen-now I can find only half of this account that had been written in an old note book, in which she had also copied poems, many of her prayers, college notes and recipes. In the part that is missing she told of the lovable appeal of this dear little six-year-old boy who was ill, and for whom the doctors and home remedies had been unable to help or give relief from his illness. All the family could do was to hover around his bed as they almost literally watched this precious little soul pass from earth to heaven. On this missing page was the touching account that Mama gave of seeing him in an attitude of listening, after which Stevie answered in his own, clear child's voice, "Sir, I be home to’reckly," then he tried to sing, and the following is copied from the page written by his Sister (M.R.P.S.):

He started once but was too feeble, then started again. Oh! the sweetness of that song, and smile on that angel face! Will I ever forget it! Once he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and said, ‘WiIl I have to pass that terrible, terrible place?’ I told, him, no that God would lead him to a brighter and more beautiful place. Once he threw up his hands and said, 'l can't find His Hand'. I told him, “Yes, He ‘could,’ and caught hold of his precious hands. He told, Mr. Harris, 'See that white there', pointing to one corner of the bed, 'You all can't see it, can you?' It thundered. I said, 'Stevie, darling, hear the thunder?' He said, 'l will soon be gone now. Sister, run up to see me, quick.' Such an invitation given by my darling angel brother to join him in Paradise! Do you think it is one that could be rejected? The very thought that my darling wants me to join him is enough. I am not ready to join him now, but I have made it my resolve that l will live a holier and more righteous life, more in accordance with God's laws and that when He is ready to take me I may truthfully say with the words of the hymn, "l am Thine O Lord, I have heard Thy Voice."

I stayed by his dying bedside all day until about 15 minutes before he dies, and held and rubbed his little hands. His death is my ideal of a Christian's death. I would have no fear of the end if I could meet it as bravely as he did. When I was with him, I seemed to be led to the very gates themselves. Oh! my darling little angel brother, how happy you are, and how vain and foolish to, for a moment, wish you back with us again! Our grief was inexpressible! I never saw Father so much moved in my life. We buried him in Mrs. Smith's old grave yard under a lovely cedar tree and it looked as if it just grew to spread its limbs to protect our darling's little body.

1894-1897: Excerpts from Ellen Vaughan's Diary

Historians tell us that the period during which my Great-Grandmother was a young girl was called "The Ante Bellum Days", during which my Grandmother was growing up, "Reconstruction", for my Mother, "The Gay Nineties" and for ourselves, "The Roaring Twenties"-whether they or the places in which they lived were typical of these times, so identifies, I wouldn't know. Speaking for myself, who grew up in a rural neighborhood and attended girl's school in Virginia, I knew nothing of the life being pictured in the screen now supposedly depicting "The Roaring Twenties”.

Since I have in my possession 3 diaries that my Mother wrote between 1894 and 1897 that point up life and conditions that surrounded her where she lived during that time, I will copy a few pages from her diaries written in school-girl style—MRPS

Woman's College, Richmond, Virginia
Sept. 23, 1894

I will begin my diary again. I am now at the Woman's College I came last Thursday. I feef real blue and homesick and wish I could be at home. This time last week l was at home. I went to church with Garnett, went to a protracted meeting at Bethpage—he expressed his feelings very freely-too much so for me.

Thanksgiving Day--Nov.28, 1894

Today is Thanksgiving and I want to show more gratitude to my beloved King. We went with Miss Thornhill to church. After I got back I wrote two letters, one to Clarence and one to Seddon. In my letter to Clarence I told him he could never call me "Ellen" until l gave him permission. I wrote Seddon a very sweet letter but not so sweet as the one before.

Monday, Dec.3. 1894

I got a letter from Mother this morning and it was just as sweet and much enjoyed as ever. I was delighted to get Seddon's letter this afternoon. It was just as sweet and nice as could be--lots nicer than he. I wonder what Mother will say to the progress we have (couldn't read last line-MDS)...

...we were not so nearly related. My! Couldn't I love him. In fact I love him now…I have made one resolve for this week which is that I will read my Bible every morning before I begin studying I surely hope I may keep it up for I think it is a good plan. O, My! How I long to be good and I certainly do hope that I may. If I do it will be through the Grace of God. May His Holy Spirit be ever with me.

Tuesday Dec.4, 1894

I got 90 in German, 89 in Physics, and 85 in Geometry-these grades make me feel blue and downcast—my friends (some of them) received higher grades. There is one consolation-that I have not shirked and have done my best for all of my classes. I received 97 in Voice which is the highest grade. Prof. Shaw gives me so much encouragement in my Vocal Class. I do certainly love to work for a teacher who takes an interest in me.

Wednesday, Dec. 5th, 1894

Oh, I am so busy and so stirred up over my Physics examination that I am to have the very day before I go home and I do dread it. The very thought of it being so near to Christmas makes me happy....l answered Mr. Poindexter's letter today and told him that he could call to see me next Friday. I will be real glad to see him and I hope he brings me a big box of Huylers. (Rd's. best candy-l remember it as a child.MRPS)

1894: Letter from B.F.Vaughan to His Daughter Ellen at College

Oct. 5, 1894

My dear Daughter Ellen;

Yours relative to music and German just received. I do not wish you to discard your German for music, for it will be of more service to you in the future, but if you can successfully prosecute all of your studies and take music under Prof. Mickle in addition you can do so, provided he will be satisfied with $40.00 for the remainder of the session.

We are usually here, I am little better of Hay Fever. Your mother has workmen on her flower house. I have commenced sowing wheat. l have sold my beef cattle for about one half of what I sold them for last year.

You and Sallie must write to us often. Be diligent if you wish to succeed. Be good and polite if you wish people to love and respect you.

I, and all of us send much love and affection to you and Sallie. Regards to Miss Page.

Your affectionate father,
B.F. Vaughan

1897: Letter from B.F. and Lucy Dora Carpenter Vaughan to Their Daughters in College

May 31, 1897

My dear Daughters, Ellen and Sallie;

We miss you very much here at home and often syllable each of your names.

The earnest desire of my heart is that all of my children shall be happy and be admired and beloved by all good people and above all by our blessed God. None of us can attain or obtain these ends except by exemplary conduct-acts and words, kindness to and consideration of the feelings of others. The opportunity you have of visiting friends and relatives over so wide a space of our country--from Maryland to S.C. gives you a fine opportunity of studying the manners and customs of the people, imitating the noblest and the good and discarding the vicious and corrupt, and I do hope your contact with the people may impress them with ideas of higher and nobler acts of life. We were put here in this world first of all to faithfully serve and honor God and to be a blessing to His people. Let us strive that we fail not in the object of our creation.

(Though it might help to have my interpretation of Grandpa's letters, the first paragraph, since I have read so many and am accustomed to his way of placing the ss and formation of a few other letters. I was pleased that you shared my appreciation for my collection of family papers, letters etc. most of which l found in Ellerslie's attic. After keeping them for about 30 years Ellen (Rosalie's daughter Ellen-EMQ) reminded me that what I didn't pass on to her would be lost so one thing lead (sic) to another and has been most interesting to me. I have the greatest admiration for Grandpa Vaughan who was a Christian gentleman of the highest type.....When the idea carne to me that you might appreciate one of his originals decided to make a photostat copy of the one he wrote to Mama and Aunt Sallie, also one that Aunt Sallie wrote when she was about ten or eleven...If you or any member of the family come our way we would always be so happy to see you....We now have 6 grandchildren--four granddaughters and 2 grandsons our children are doing real well with their chosen professions and we have much to be grateful for.

Love, Rosalie (Poindexter Stephen—EMQ)

Faithfully serve and honor God and to be a blessing to His people. Let us strive that we fail not in the object of our creation.

Your sister Lucy is at home and seems glad and cheerful that she is at home again. The love of home is an estimable quality for the gloomiest picture that can be drawn of man is a homeless wanderer on the face of the earth.

Our Minister's and Laymen's meeting at Elk Creek just closed-an immense crowd faces each day. We had quite a number of good speakers, Messers Winston, Field and May were with us last night--also Mrs. Winston. They were very pleasant and entertaining.

Our season here is cool and backward for this time of the year--wheat looking moderately well—all other crops late and discouraging--roses and other flowers beginning to bloom--prospects for apples moderately good.

Will you be kind enough to give my best love to your Uncle Gordon, Aunt Virgie, and to dear little Catherine and Margaret and tell them I esteem and appreciate very highly their kindness to each of you and that we will be very happy to have all of them at our house any time it my suit their pleasure and convenience to come.

Wishing for each of you the watchful and loving favor of our Heavenly Father.
I am truly your devoted father,

(A short note from Grandma on same folder--a pg. she added is missing-MRPS)

Monday morning

My dear Children;

Every thing seems grateful this morning for the nice refreshing showers. We had a most enjoyable meeting at Elk Creek. I could not help from wishing for you both to have been with us. Every one seemed filled with love and good humor--a large crowd—a very few men to interest the girls. Lucy seems to enjoy the company of a young son of Mr. Henry Quarles. The DeJanetts and Dews were there in full force. Dr. Dew drove up as we were leaving church...

1898 Announcements of the Marriage of Ellen Vaughan and Garnett Poindexter

Clipping from a Greenville, S.C. paper pasted in the same book: MRPS

June 9, 1898

Invitations are out to the marriage of Miss Catherine Ellen Vaughan and Mr. Garnett Ross Poindexter which will take place at noon on Thursday June 9th, 1898 at Elk Creek Church, Virginia. Miss Vaughan is a niece of Mrs. G. B. Moore of this city and has several limes visited Greenville, where she made a large circle of friends who wish her all possible happiness. Mr. Poindexter is a prominent young gentleman of Virginia.
Lewiston, Virginia

The 9th of June was a day of special interest in this neighborhood the morning being the time of a beautiful wedding at Elk Creek Church, and the evening that of the Bel Air Commencement. Both were attended by appreciative guests. The marriage was that of Miss Ellen Vaughan and Mr. Garnett Poindexter, the nuptial knot being tied by the Rev. L.J. Haley. The bride wore white organdy over silk, with handsome lace and diamonds. The bridesmaids were attired in white over green and carried wands of daisies. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Holliday and every thing passed off in the handsomest manner, an elegant reception at the home of the bride being followed by the departure of the happy couple to Niagra (sic) and Northern cities.

In the evening, although a shower no doubt interrupted the preparations of many, an audience was gathered in time to enjoy the closing exercises of the Bel-Air school.

After a piano solo by Miss Nellie Keen, "Retrospection," the exercises were opened by a prayer from the Rev. H. P. R. McCoy. Then followed an admirable address--the subject being, "The Old Virginia Matron” presented for the admiration of the young ladies of the present generation--after which came the giving of distinctions and conferring graduation on those who had completed the course. The graduates were as follows: In German, Miss Fannie Lee, Miss Pauling Scott, Miss Eva Atkinson. In mathematics, Miss Fannie Lee, Miss Nellie Keen and Mr. Y.T. Scott, the full graduates were, Mr. Y. T. Scott, Miss Fannie Moncure Ashley of Stafford, and Miss Nettie P. Keen of Goochland. Those who received distinctions were summoned. Among being Miss Lucy Holliday whose marks were among the highest though most of her distinctions were handed her by mistake after commencement.

A fine duet was played in a superior manner by Misses Nellie Keen and Pauline Scott and the Commencement Song, "La Golondissa" was sung by a dazzling array of young ladies. A very amusing address by Mr. James B. Green of the University of Virginia was especially enjoyed as it relieved the gravity of the proceedings enhanced heretofore by a mournful Valedictory delivered by Mr. Y. T. Scott. He said he had adopted it but it seemed so appropriate to him and the circumstances that if it didn't eminate (sic) from his heart and brain the audience must have thought it came from “thar-abouts.” In spite of the rain, muddy roads and other adverse circumstances the ocassian (sic) was a very delightful one and added one more to the list of those for which the neighborhood is becoming famous.

The above sent to Garnett June 8, 1958 From Pauline Scott Poindexter 800 Poplar Greenwood, Miss. -MRPS

Copied from a clipping in Mama's Wedding Book that was printed in the Richmond Times Dispatch: MRPS

Pretty County Wedding of Miss C. E. Vaughan and Mr. G. R. Poindexter

Elk Creek Church in Louisa County was the scene of one of the prettiest weddings of the season on Thursday at noon, when Miss Catherine Ellen Vaughan, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs Benjamin F. Vaughan, became the bride of Mr. Garnett Ross Poindexter.

The church was profusely and tastefully decorated with palms, potted plants, running cedar, and wild flowers, and was crowded with the friends of the happy pair. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. L. J. Haley.

The bride entered the church by the right aisle with her sister Miss A. Lucy Vaughan as maid of honor. As the bride marched, the ribbons which were held by Masters F. H. Poindexter and Paul Vaughan, nephew and brother respectively of the groom and bride, the groom and his best man, Mr. Thomas L. Richardson of Richmond came from the chancel and met the bridal train, which consisted of the following bridesmaids and groomsmen: Misses Mary Wilson, Page Walker, Rosalie French Shelton, Annie Boxley, Sallie Vaughan and Willie Saunders; and Messers Henry Vaughan, W. B. Duerson, J. N. Vaughan, Jr., P.A. Haley, W.J. Jennings, and Dr. George K. Sims.

The bride wore a handsome dress of ivory satin en traine, with duchess lace and pearl trimmings. Her veil was caught with a diamond ornament, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaids were pretty dresses of green organdy over white taffeta and carried bunches of daisies.

From the church the bridal party drove to the hospitable home of Mr. Benjamin F. Vaughan, the bride's father where a reception was held during the afternoon and until the couple left on their bridal trip for Watkins Glen, and Niagra (sic) Falls and New York. The wedding presents were numerous and handsome, including checks from the father and uncle of the bride.

The bride is the daughter of of Mr. B.F. Vaughan, one of the most prominent farmers and tobacconist in Louisa County. The groom is a prosperous merchant of Harris, Va., in the same county. Upon returning from their bridal tour Mr. and Mrs. Poindexter will reside with the parents of the latter until their handsome residence, now in the course of erection is completed.

A large number of Richmond people attended the wedding.

1900: Letters to Lucy Dora Vaughan from Her Family While She is Hospitalized

Jan 19., 1900

My darling wife;

we all received from you this evening a very sweet and Affectionate(sic) letter--all of our children read it-Ellen broke it open and read it which I was glad of--who wrote all well at her house. I am glad at the tone and sentiment of your letter as you do not seem despondent and have faith in your doctors. I object more to Dr. McGuire's saying I cannot see you for 5 or 6 days after operation more than I can express. I believe he will be mistaken in that, for I do not think he can keep me away. If I know the time of his remark that he would not use the knife unless necessary, shows I am glad to say, he does not regard you as a piece of machinery but as a beloved wife and mother possessed of a precious immortal soul--I am truly glad he feels and will act accordingly.

I kissed our little Paul for you and read to him and Frank your letter. All of here but Frank have very bad colds.

I tell you our Lucy is a fine girl at making lard and sausage, as well as at piano and an horseback. The children's pigs weighed 824 lbs.—the other 5 471 lbs. We will have 86 hams, --1,300 lbs. of pork in all.

Your last letter was the sweetest I ever received from you, but one not so much in language used, but in the sweet and loving sentiment that it manifest.

Lucy wishes to write on this sheet so will close with my purest love, best wishes and prayers for your health and happiness.

Your loving and devoted husband,

(on same sheet)

My dear old Mums;

We were all so glad to hear from you yesterday. Just think, we are through with hog killing until next winter. We made between 75 and 100 lbs. of lard and it is beautiful, as clear and white as can be. Our chickens are all alive and doing well. The hen in Father’s henhouse is hatching beautifully.

Aunt Dinah has told me all about her marriage-said she would be married at Laurel Hill 1st. Sun. and will have four men and four girls to wait on her. When married they will go to his home and have a "hand-round" to the waiters. I told her that I was going to see her married and it tickled her very much. She said she wished I would, “But 'lor Mis Lucy, you know you ain't coming sure 'nough, is you?” She has had her wedding dress made. We wrote to Bud last night.

Mother, I certainly do miss you, especially just about dark. You know you always lay down just about that time. I miss you so much in the evenings that l just can't stay in here, so I stay at the piano. I can play two more pieces by heart. Will have to close as it is mail time..........Your true and devoted daughter….Lucy

Sunday eve. Jan. 28th, 1900

My Darling Wife;

l, and all of us were so glad for you to write you were so much better........

How different this day is from last Sunday--gloomy all day and now snowing. Our Frank made his first debut today. He and Lucy got ready to go to Good Hope but the weather was so threatening that Lucy went with Paul and me to Elk Creek and Frank went to Good Hope. He gave the large orange you sent him to his girl…………

All of our children are now in bed now. Sweet children we have.

Jan.29,1900 My dearest Wife;

……………..Snow on ground but not deep….

You see l'm getting fashionable by writing with a pen on my knee...I love you more than you think, my dear wife and I wish from my heart I could do more for your happiness.....The fact that you take shocks every morning prove they want to give the tumor no rest when it is started....Did Dr. Stewart McGuire say tumor had grown?

I made our Frank read the Bible and I am glad to say he is much improved with his reading....Now good night my darling and may our God bless you…….B.F.Vaughan

January 30, 1900

My Dearly Beloved Wife;

I and all of us are very glad to hear from you this eve, but we fear from the tone of your letter you are not improving as fast as we wish. Your shock treatments being internal and external is my idea of what is right. I hope and pray the Lord all will be well with you. I hope you will remain as long as the Drs. think you ought to stay-if you get homesick, you can run up home and return--but please mam give the treatment a fair trial-so much better than cutting into your flesh. Give my love to your Mama and thank her for me for her kindness and watchcare of you--if you suffer with ennui at any time, take a daily paper to interest you--please da that any way-only 15 cents a week. Please pay your bills for hospital dues promptly—if you need money write me and l will remit.

All of us here read your letters--Ellen first then all of us and read to Paul and Frank, so it makes no difference who you direct to.

I drove down to see Ott—his wife and baby O.K.

I am very sorry to hear of the death of my old friend in Richmond--Major Thos. Brandon—he was a good hearted man, after the order of my Brother Luther.

Jany (sic) 31,1900

I am sorry to tell you of the death of Thomas Hugh Harris and Mrs. Dr. Barker, quite a nice young lady. Oh, for a preparation for death! You mention Frank in most cf your letters--l think he is improving in every way-he is a fine boy. I do not think l can thank the Lord too often for giving us such nice, sweet children. Paul has written you a letter.

The larger boys from Carlick's school came over to skate with our children on our pond—fine ice about 4 or 5 inches thick—but cold wind….

Good night my darling--may you rest sweetly
Your devoted husband, B.F.Vaughan

My Darling Wife

I received such a sweet letter from you yesterday evening. I hope you are feeling better and more hopeful this Sabbath morning. A very inclement day--we have just returned from Elk Creek--11 persons met us. The children will go to see Dinah married-will report to you when they return.

I would not have asked Mr. Chewning to get the vaccine points if it would give him any trouble, but he has to pass in front of Polk Miller's door twice a day. I may be in Richmond this week myself and try to see you. I am not sure I will go. I had hoped when you are entirely well, (as I hope you soon will be) that I could go out into the world and try to better our condition, financially, but I feel such a giving way in all of my faculties, that I fear my life's work is nearly over. I am conscious of going back more in the past 8 or 10 months than in so many years prior to that time. Please pray for me that the Lord will prepare me for any of His changes.

We sent Ellen some apples and goodies this morning—all well—she wants to go to Elk Creek next Sunday. AII of us feel that you are improving, and I do hope my Darling, that you will continue to take Dr. McGuire’s treatment until you are well. I am sure he thinks your present treatment better than the knife. It is so nice to have your Mother and Sister with you and I am so glad of it. If you need any thing (money, or any thing else) please let me know for it is a pleasure for me to do any thing I can for you.

The children have just returned from Dinah's marriage--seemed to have had a merry time—they got very wet—it is raining now very hard. Rev. Graves married them—l expect our Lucy will write you the particulars.

9:00 P.M. l do not want to tire you with a long letter but since l cannot see you, l will write--since you left we have one calf and lambs.

Give love to your Ma and Kate and my relatives, and kind regards and best wishes to your room mate.

Our boys have been romping and our girls reading--weather too bad for visiting. Now good-night my Darling. May you rest sweetly and be pleased to accept the best love and good wishes from your very affectionate husband, B. F. Vaughan

Feby 4. 1900

My Dearest and Truly Beloved Wife;

I do hope you are enjoying this beautiful Sabbath Day even if you are in a hospital. It is not always our conditions and surroundings that give us happiness, but a sweet communion with the Fountain from which all happiness springs, coupled with the knowledge that there are those who have pure love for you and are anxious and prayerful for your perfect restoration to health and a speedy return to their presence and love—l hope will cheer and comfort you.

I have written to you every day since you left. I will go to Richmond one day this week to see you and would like to hear from you what day you prefer I shall be with you. I am glad Drs. will not use the knife for your recovery and cure but am sorry you write you have no faith in electricity. I hope the Dr. is honest in thinking he can cure you in the course prescribed.

Lucy, Sallie and Frank went to Bethpage today, Paul and I to Elk Creek and to see Ellen-all well at Ellen’s home--Paul and Frank will write to you tomorrow. The girls will send pattern for gown-- (next page can’t be found—MRPS)

1904: Memoriam for B.F.Vaughan


Deacon B. F. Vaughan

Benjamin Franklin Vaughan was the oldest child of Joseph and Catherine Vaughan of Hanover County, Virginia. He died at his home in Louisa County, Virginia, on January 13, 1904, being 73 years old. His wife is Lucy Dora Carpenter Vaughan, daughter of Caius Marcellus Carpenter and Margaret Ellen Boxley Carpenter.

Some twenty-five years ago Brother Vaughan became a member of the Elk Creek Baptist Church, and from the time of his joining of the church to the day of his death he was a most liberal, faithful and useful member of his church. I am sure in all my experiences in church affairs I never knew a more attentive and liberal church member than B.F.Vaughan. he was always at his post, wise and judicious in counsel, courteous and respectful of the opinions of others, and in the matter of burden-bearing always ready to do his part. For many years he was a deacon and the clerk of his church, teacher of the young men's Bible class in the Sunday school, and in general one on whom his pastor and bretheren could rely in every department of church work.

He was gifted in prayer, and extremely practical and clear in his remarks when occasion called him to his feet to express his views or any subject that might be up for discussion. He was deeply interested in all the affairs of his church and denomination, the warm friend of his pastor and the sympathetic neighbor when those about him were in trouble and needed sympathy and help. He enjoyed and deserved the respect of all who knew him, for he made his life worthy and commendable to all, in that he sought to do all the good he could while he was in the world.

Our Brother was eminently domestic in his tastes and habits. Though eminently capable, he never sought nor held a public office--he loved his home, his family and his farm. To them he devoted the thoughts of his heart and the energies of his life. That he was successful in what he sought as to these things, his hospitable and attractive home and his well-ordered and productive farm abundantly attested. In his home and to his friends and guests, he was always courteous and agreeable, and spared no effort to promote their pleasure and enjoyment.

In the death of our honored brother we realize that not only his church and neighbors, but the cause in general sustains a great loss. We, therefore, offer this tribute and present his name as one that deserves to be enrolled in our Minutes as one of the worthy and useful men in our Association. His example in many respects was worthy of our imitation. He was an inspiration to his church, and should be to all who love and admire virtue and piety, and who would find a sphere of great and constant usefulness in the humble, unostentatious, quiet walks of life.

Our good brother died a painless death. Smitten down almost within his yard and in full view from his chamber window, he passed away in the midst of his own home and loved ones, and ere the pangs of death were felt he rested in the arms of his Savior and his God.

A devout and earnest Christian-a true neighbor-a good and loyal citizen, he deserved well the beloved and honored respect of all who knew him, and unquestionably belongs to that class to which the Lord referred when He said that in the great reckoning, the good and faithful servant would hear the blessed plaudit: "Well done, good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful in the matters committed to thy trust; enter into the joys of thy Lord."

By: L.J.Haley, rector

The above copied from minutes of Elk Creek Baptist Church-MRPS (Aunt Daisy told me that Grandpa once mentioned he wished some one would write Ellerslie’s history—actually he has written it himself--as I find the ideals he tried to follow expressed in his life and letters "Ellerslie" where he and his loved ones lived has become more than a place--he has instilled a further meaning into a name permitting it to embody virtues and truths that continue to challenge us. MRPS)

1954: Letter to Alumnae of the Richmond Female Institute and the Women's College of Richmond on Its 100th Anniversary

Richmond Female Institute 1854 - 1894
Woman's College of Richmond 1894 - 1916
Richmond, Virginia
1854 - One Hundredth Anniversary - 1954

September 7, 1954

Dear Alumna,

Richmond Female Institute, later known as Woman's College of Richmond, opened its doors October 2, 1854.

One hundred years ago, in a vastly different world from ours today, a group of courageous men had a dream which with perseverance became a reality. It was that their daughters might have educational advantages comparable to that available to their sons. We are commemorating the founding of this institution on October 1, 2, 3, 1954.

We have attempted by circulating lists of all students, not graduates on1y, to reach any not already on our mailing list and have asked for married names and addresses. If you can furnish any information on receipt of this, we may be able to reach many, more in time for them to be with us October 1-3.

Our Alumnae Association is affiliated with that of Westhampton College of the University of Richmond. Dr. George M. Modlin, President of the University is working in conjunction with our Alumnae Association to make the anniversary a delightful occasion.

Friday, October 1st at 6:30 p.m., we are invited to be the guests of the University of Richmond for dinner at Westhampton College. President Alvin Duke Chandler of William and Mary College, son of Dr. J. A. C. Chandler who taught, was dean, and for one year acting president of Alma Mater, will make the address. After dinner we will meet for the coffee hour in our room in Keller Hall.

Saturday, October 2nd at one o'clock p.m., there will be a luncheon at the Jefferson Hotel and an attractive program has been arranged. After dinner, we will visit Mrs. William Nelson at her home in Franklin Terrace to view the portrait of Dr. James Nelson, President of Woman's College. At 4:30 p.m., our own lnez Goddin, Mrs. Douglas Southall Freeman, will be "At Home" to us in her garden at Westbourne, Hampton Gardens, Richmond.

Sunday, October 3rd, at the eleven o'clock a.m. service at Second Baptist Church, Dr. Sparks W. Melton of Norfolk, Dr. Nelson's son-in-law, has been invited to fill the pulpit. We will assemble in the vestibule at 10:45 a.m.

Valentine Museum, commemorating the occasion, will have an exhibition of some of our treasures, group pictures, catalogues, and so forth. Two of the buildings now occupied by the Museum were Women’s College dormitories. We will visit the Museum after church services where coffee will be served, hostesses Lily and Clara Becker Epps.

Transportation for every occasion will be provided for those not driving. When communicating with Miss Walker by enclosed card, please state if transportation is desired or if you can help with transportation for others. Accommodations for lodging, moderately priced at recommended tourist homes, are available and addresses will be sent you on request. The price of the luncheon Saturday is $2.50, please have the postcards returned to us by September 25th with all information desired.

We are nearing the goal of completing two funds of $1,000 each and hope to do so by October 1st; one, a scholarship, and the other, an endowment, the interest of which will assure permanent care for the upkeep of our Memorial Room in Keller Hall. These gifts will be presented to the University of Richmond at the dinner October 1st.

The committee is working untiringly to make the anniversary a happy occasion. Please show your appreciation and loyalty by your presence October l, 2 and 3. It is your Alma Mater.

Clara Becker Epps '02 President
2503 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia
(I had 2 of these- 1 sent to Mama and 1 to me—MRPS)

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