Location: [unknown]
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Profiles associated with the "Chislett" name in CMB 2 part of Wiltshire, England: See: Map. This is part of the Chislett Name Study.
CMB 2, East Knoyle, Mere, Sedgehill & West Knoyle, Chislet and variation names Page 55
Total 180 Entries
- C Christening
- M Marriage
- B Burial
Check List
- CHESLET Alice listed nb 1, marriage 1657 in Mere.
- CHESLET Robert listed nb 2, burial 28 Apr 1659 in Mere.
- CHESLETT Robert listed nb 3, baptism 14 Aug 1659 in Mere.
- Q CHESSLETRobert couldn't find that spelling, misspelt - father on baptism for listed nb 3
- Q CHISELETRobert not on FS
WilliamCHISELETTRobertThomasCHISLET-AgnesAgnesAliceAliceAnnAnnAnnAnneAvisBettyBettyBettyChrispianDeborah Page 56 Dorothe Edward Edward Edward Edward Elinor Elizabeth Elyonor George George George Willm Hannah Hannah Henrie Henrie Henrie Henry James James James Jane Joane John John John John John Joseph Katherine Margaret Maria Maria Maria Mary Mary Mary Mary Robert Robert Sarah Susanna Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas William William Wm Wyllm CHISLETT Agnes Alce Alice Wiltshire FHS CMB : 2 Alice Alice Ancreat Ann Ann Ann Anna Anne Edith Edithe Edyth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizth George George George Grace Hannah Hannah Henry James Jane Joan Joan Joane Joane Johanne Johanne Johanne John John John John Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margarete Marie Martha Mary Nicholas Philip Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Sarah Thomas Thomas
- CHIZ(S)LETT William baptism 12 Oct 1785 in Mere
William William William William CHISLETT ? Mary CHISLITT Anne CHISMAN Ann Christopher Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Frances James James James James John John John Sarah Sarah Sarah William William CHISSELET Jo. Robert CHISSELETT Elizabeth Grace Grace Henrie
- Johan CHISSELETT baptism 6th September 1587 in Mere.
John John John Katheryne Nicholas Robert ThomasCHYSLETMarieCHYSLETTDorothyDorothyEdward
- CHYSLETT Henry baptism 9 December 1599 in Mere.
Family Search records
- Found on family search CHISLET transcribed differently to WSH records
George Higgyns & Katherine Chislet marriage in Mere 18 Oct. 1598 Wiltshire Parish Registers - Marriages volume 1, page 11 (https://ukga.org/cgi-bin/browse.cgi?action=ViewRec&DB=8&bookID=59&page=11)
Original List
- Alice
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert couldn't find that spelling, misspelt - father on baptism for listed nb 3
- Robert not on FS
- Robert
- Thomas
- Agnes
- Agnes
- Alice
- Alice
- Ann
- Ann
- Ann
- Anne
- Avis
- Betty
- Betty
- Betty
- Chrispian
- Deborah
Page 56
- Dorothe
- Edward
- Edward
- Edward
- Edward
- Elinor
- Elizabeth
- Elyonor
- George
- George
- George
- Willm
- Hannah
- Hannah
- Henrie
- Henrie
- Henrie
- Henry
- James
- James
- James
- Jane
- Joane
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Joseph
- Katherine
- Margaret
- Maria
- Maria
- Maria
- Mary
- Mary
- Mary
- Mary
- Robert
- Robert
- Sarah
- Susanna
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- William
- William
- Wm
- Wyllm
- Agnes
- Alce
- Alice
Wiltshire FHS CMB : 2
- Alice
- Alice
- Ancreat
- Ann
- Ann
- Ann
- Anna
- Anne
- Edith
- Edithe
- Edyth
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Elizth
- George
- George
- George
- Grace
- Hannah
- Hannah
- Henry
- James
- Jane
- Joan
- Joan
- Joane
- Joane
- Johanne
- Johanne
- Johanne
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Margaret
- Margaret
- Margaret
- Margaret
- Margaret
- Margaret
- Margarete
- Marie
- Martha
- Mary
- Nicholas
- Philip
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Sarah
- Thomas
- Thomas
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- ?
- Mary
- Anne
- Ann
- Christopher
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Frances
- James
- James
- James
- James
- John
- John
- John
- Sarah
- Sarah
- Sarah
- William
- William
- Jo.
- Robert
- Elizabeth
- Grace
- Grace
- Henrie
- Johan
- John
- John
- John
- Katheryne
- Nicholas
- Robert
- Thomas
- Marie
- Dorothy
- Dorothy
- Edward
- Henry
- John
- Mary
- Mathew
- Randall
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