Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Cameron Sutherland O'Neil
Born Glasgow Scotland Stated on Vic marriage cert. Born about 1895. She also stated she was a widow to a Mr Sutherland Travelled to Australia ? Nsw/Vic Possibly via U.S Eldest Daughter of Violet, ivy elizabeth Veronica Sutherland states she was born in Santiago, Southern California. Stated on her marriage cert. All known info on Ancestry, tree of Gladys Foreman and Lynn Fowler
I viewed a cert, a few years ago, of a Violet Cameron born Scotland , dtr of Catherine. Catherine married (2nd marrIage) to a Mr Sutherland. My hypothesis: - Violet and son of Mr Sutherland take a boat to U.S, possibly taking work at Celebration for Panama Canal opening. Ivy's father was a pugilist (boxer). When work dries up they head for Aus, or she was born en route
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