
Campbell Patriot Project

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Surname/tag: Campbell Y-DNA
This page has been accessed 1,222 times.


The Campbell DNA Team is pleased to announce the launch of the Campbell Patriot Project. The purpose of this project is to collect and organize Y-DNA samples from known Campbell Patriots as recognized by the Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male (Y-STR) DNA from male descendants of these ancestors. A list of Campbell Patriots recognized by the SAR and DAR are shown in the links below. These links also link to the Patriot’s records on their respective lineage societies as well as, eventually, to their entry on WikiTree.

If you have done any Y-STR DNA testing and are descended from one of these Patriots, please contact us so we can register your name and DNA kit number. In addition, please contact us if you would like to help us cross-index the Campbell Patriots to their WikiTree records.

Autosomal DNA descendants (e.g., Ancestry, 23andMe, Family Finder, etc.) are encouraged to post their DNA kit numbers for the WikiTree entrée of their related Campbell Patriot.


In WikiTree categories are used to create groups of profiles or pages. By grouping profiles that share something in common, categories can:

  • help members organize ongoing research,
  • help those with a special interest find profiles they may want to investigate or collaborate on, and
  • help historians or genealogists researching a particular topic or location.

There are several different stickers available for your Patriot and for their descendants. Stickers are used:

  1. to honor a person or otherwise highlight something that's deemed to be very important about them, or
  2. by members on their own account profiles to tell others about themselves.

Ancestor Sticker/Category

Sticker Template InfoCode UsedCategory UsedDisplay as
Template:1776_Sticker{{1776 Sticker |unit=Virginia Militia, American Revolution }}See Template for category suggestions
1776 Project
... ... ... ... served with Virginia Militia during the American Revolution.
Template:Society_Ancestor{{Society Ancestor|society=DAR|ancestor=A018569}}[[Category: NSDAR Patriot Ancestors]]
Daughters of the American Revolution
... ... ... is a DAR Patriot Ancestor, A018569.
Template:NSSAR_Patriot_Ancestor{{NSSAR Patriot Ancestor | sar-number = P-127806| rank = Captain}}[[Category:National Society, Sons of the American Revolution]]
SAR insignia
... ... ... is an NSSAR Patriot Ancestor.
NSSAR Ancestor #: P-127806
Rank: Captain

Descendant Sticker

Sticker Template InfoCode UsedCategory_UsedDisplay as
Template:Relationship_Sticker{{Relationship Sticker}}NONE
... is related to [[{{{id}}}|{{{name}}}]].
[1] Template:Society_Member{{Society Member|society=DAR|living=yes}}NONE
Daughters of the American Revolution
... ... ... is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Template:Society_Member{{Society Member|society=NSSAR|living=yes|post=Major White #17 Chapter, Baytown, Texas}}NONE
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
... ... ... is a member of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Major White #17 Chapter, Baytown, Texas.

Will you join us? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send us a private message. Thanks!


Comments: 9

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My Patriot Ancestor is Charles Campbell (1741-1826), Ancestor #: A018555. I'm a DAR member with about 10 proven Patriot Ancestors. I've done Ancestry DNA. My mother's cousin (Robert Campbell 916678) tested for the Campbell DNA project.
posted by Diane Prince
Diane, I think Charles' profile is on WikiTree. Does his profile need any updating? If you can send me his WikiTree profile id I will link the DAR page to his profile.
posted by Kevin Guy Campbell
Many autosomal matches appear between both my own and my father's kits to George Washington's two families of origin, Washington and Ball of Virginia, and in a few spots related to both families independently - not through descendants of the families combined (as would have happened through GW's younger sister, Betty Washington Lewis). GW himself was not known to have descendants but that should not matter anyway, since my father had no documented ancestors from colonial America. He was fully of Anglo-Saxon descent and came from the island of Trinidad, and his 2nd or 3rd generation ancestors, through his mother and paternal grandmother, were British colonists in Barbados. His father and grandfather, named Campbell, came directly from Scotland. No one in my family has ever mentioned a connection with the Virginian colonists, let along of Washington.

I realize I'm grasping here, but is anyone in either DAR or SAR a Campbell descendant who matches with the Washington and Ball families, as well? If so, I realize a connection through the Campbell name would be remote, perhaps 7 generations back.

- Jim Campbell, (not the same Jim Campbell who posted recently about Charles Campbell).

posted by James Campbell Jr.
James, how about doing a YDNA test to sort this out. They will be on sale for Father's Dat at Family Tree DNA.
posted by Kevin Guy Campbell
I did do a Y-DNA test on FT DNA and already have results. My paternal links take me up through the Campbells into Scotland, as I expected. No connections into North America whatsoever before my own birth.
posted by James Campbell Jr.
My Patriot Ancestor is (Capt) Charles Campbell, DAR #A018555, SAR #127781. My Kit #268175 linked me the the "2nd Charles Campbell" in Virginia several years ago. JIM
posted by Jim Campbell
Jim, It would be great if you can get your test and paternal line entered into WikiTree as this line does not have a YDNA test attached. I am available all afternoon if you need some assistance.
posted by Kevin Guy Campbell
I am a member of DAR and belong to patriot A018600 James Campbell through my father. My father has done the YDNA through FtDNA and his kit number is 84498. We have done DNA kits on Ancestry and I have also done one through 23 and me.
posted by Irene Campbell
Irene, thanks for reaching out. I found James on both the DAR and SAR lists. Do you have the profile for James? That way I can update the list with his profile as well as his wife's. The piece that would be real helpful would be to add your dad's line up to James where missing and add his YDNA test attached. This will propogate the YDNA test all the way to James. Feel free to send me a private message should you need any assistance.
posted by Kevin Guy Campbell