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Campbells of Instructions

Privacy Level: Public (Green)

Surname/tag: campbell
This page has been accessed 192 times.



Use the steps below to Create the Campbells of ...project pages and the records pages. If instructions need help please update. Thanks!

Step 1

  • Start a new Project page by going to the Add+ navigation at the top of any profile page.
    • Select New Project
  • When creating the "Name the project" which creates the URL do not use a comma. A comma is not displayed as a comma and is difficult to use. If you want a comma it can be added after in the "Page Name" field.
  • Select one of the templates below in the Templates section
    • While in edit mode of the "Template" copy and paste to New Project page.
    • When editing the templates you will see some <!--Instructions--> that are not visible in the public profile.
    • Update the "County Name" and "State" references to the correct county and state
    • Update the profile number in the "send me a private message" section to your profile number
    • Click on the "CREATE NEW PROJECT" button at the bottom of the page

Step 2

  • Editing tools are not available when creating the new project. So now that the page has been saved it can be edited using the editing toools if necessary.
  • Go to the Privacy tab of the new project page.
    • Set privacy level to "Public"
    • As a fail-safe, add one of the other participants of our project to the Trusted List as a manager in case the primary profile manager is not available. At this time that would be Adam, Brandon or Kevin.

Step 3

  • Add the Campbell Tartan to the background of the pages
    • The correct tartan is located at
    • In the "People & Things in the Image:" section on the Tartan Image, add the Wiki ID to the "Add a person or thing:" and select "SAVE CHANGES TO IMAGE DETAILS" .
    • Now, "Set as Background Image" by checking the box and select "SAVE CHANGES TO IMAGE DETAILS"
    • In the "People & Things in the Image:" section on the Tartan Image, select "Remove from image" and select "SAVE CHANGES TO IMAGE DETAILS". This only removes the image from the right side on the project page so it does not interfere with any tables. If not an issue it can remain on the pages as it is on this instruction page.
  • Add the new Cambells of...project to the Campbell Project Directory. We are not including the records pages on the directory as it makes it too busy. So be sure that the records pages are linked back to their respective Campbells of ...project page.


  • Not adding the state name to the "Name the Project" of the records pages in order to keep the URL shorter. Once we get a county of the same name in another state we could add the state abbreviation to distinguish it from the other.
  • Not using Categories on the records pages and only on the Campbells of ...project pages.
  • If you used the "Campbells of County State" template it will add categories: Clan Campbell and Campbell Name Study. Which is exactly what we want.


Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!



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