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Canada at the 1904 Summer Olympics

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Olympics Canada
Profile manager: Judi Stutz private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 116 times.
Back to Olympics - Team Canada
Participant's Name Gold Silver Bronze Profile Created (Y/N) Connected (Y/N)
Bobby Kerr (1882-1963) Y N
Lee Vernon N N
Frank Lukeman N N
Percival Talbot Molson (1880-1917) Y Y
Peter Deer N N
James Peck N N
Billy Sherring N N
William Halpenny N N
Étienne Desmarteau X N N
J.T. Nelson N N
James Lukeman N N
George Ducker (1871-1952) X Y N
Jack Fraser X N N
John Gourlay X N N
Sandy Hall X N N
Albert Johnson X N N
Bobby Lane X N N
Ernest Linton X N N
Gordon McDonald X N N
Fred Steep X N N
Tom Taylor X N N
William Twaits X N N
Red Henderson X N N
Otto Christman X N N
Parnell Gourlay X N N
George Lyon X N N
Albert E. Austin N N
Élie Blanchard X N N
Billy Brennagh X N N
George Bretz X N N
Billy Burns X N N
George Cattanach X N N
George Cloutier X N N
Sandy Cowan X N N
Jack Flett X N N
Benjamin Jamieson X N N
Stuart Laidlaw X N N
Hilliard Lyle X N N
Lawrence Pentland X N N
Almighly Voice X N N
Black Eagle X N N
Black Hawk X N N
Flat Iron X N N
Lightfoot X N N
Man Afraid of the Soap X N N
Night Hawk X N N
Rain in Face X N N
Red Jacket X N N
Snake Eater X N N
Spotted Tail X N N
Thomas Loudon X N N
Alan Brian Bailey (1881-1961) X Y N
Colonel Rice X N N
Pat Reiffenstein X N N
Phil Boyd X N N
George Strange X N N
William Wadsworth X N N
Don MacKenzie X N N
Joe Wright Jr X N N
M. Allen X N N
Walter Obermesser N N
Frank Smith N N

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