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Canadian Immigrants to Door County, Wisconsin

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Door County, Wisconsinmap
Surnames/tags: wisconsin migration
This page has been accessed 56 times.

"Door County's namesake came from "Porte des Morte", anglicized as "Death's Door", or the passage between the tip of the Door County Peninsula and Washington Island.[4] It's a common misconception that the name "Death's Door", or "Porte des Morts", arose from the number of shipwrecks associated with the passage. It was instead the result of native-american tales, heard by early French Explorers, related to a failed raid by the Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) tribe to capture Washington Island from the rival Pottawatomie tribe in the early 1600's.[5] A storm arose as they war party was half-way across, capsizing and killing about a third of the Ho-Chunk tribe in the process."


"Many Canadian French families migrated to Door County and Wisconsin-Michigan area from 1850-1900. They migrated for land, opportunity and to escape poverty. Many Belgians migrated to during the same time period and found a common French-Belgian language to help connect their families."


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