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Captain Candler's career

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Surname/tag: Massachusetts
This page has been accessed 58 times.

Captain John Candler of Marblehead was a mariner, mostly sailing between the ports of Salem and Marblehead in Massachusetts and various ports around the Mediterranean, such as Madeira, Leghorn (Livorno), Tunis, and Cape Verde.

In his genealogy of the Sears family, Samuel P. May states that John T. Sears originally came to the Marblehead/Danvers MA area with Capt. Candler. I'm hoping that tracing John Candler's voyages will help determine John T. Sears's origins.

Right now this project just has one member, me (B. J. Jamieson).

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

YearDate Ship RoleDestinationLeavingOtherSource
1795February 4Silvenamasterregistered at Boston; owners Martin Bicker, Martin Bicker Jr.
1795August 26Hopeownerregistered at Boston. Co-owner: Snow Stetson, Boston. Previously owned by William Walter, Thomas Walter, Snow Stetson
1795October 2Columbiamastership registered at Boston; owners William Walter, Thomas Walter
1800April 4HerculescaptainMarbleheadLisbon
1804October 15BetsyBostonMadeirareport of stupendous rockCaledonian Mercury, 15 October 1804
1804Executor ~ Thos. Pedrick estate
1805February 2EnterprisemasterMadeiraSalem
1805May 18EnterprisemasterNYCMadeiraPhiladelphia, May 13Maryland Gazette, 16 May 1805
1805July 11EnterpriseCape VerdeMadieraCharleston (S.C.) Daily Courier, 14 August 1805
1805July 20CharlottecaptainMalagaBoston
1805August 23{unnamed schooner}
1805September 25EnterprisemasterMarbleheadBonavillaalso from Madeira
1806to let: dwelling and store, new pier Salem
1806May 26Charlottemaster
1806August 21Two BrothersmasterTunisBostontransporting Tunisian ambassador; US brig Franklin as stores shipVirginia Argus, 17 Sept. 1806
1806September 11Two Brothers masterTunisBostonRutland (VT) Weekly Wanderer 1 Sept. 1806
1806September 27Two BrothersmasterTunisBostonput in to Marblehead, because of indisposition of Tunisian ambassador
1807Janaury 13{Two Brothers?}captainLeghornMalta
1807August 11Two BrothersmasterLeghorn
1807August 27Two BrotherscaptainLeghornSalem
1808May 10HannahcaptainMarbleheadGibraltar
1808June 19HannahcaptainMarbleheadGibraltararrived Marblehead; 40 days from GibraltarEvening Post (New York), 24 June 1808
1809September 13Olive BranchcaptainLondonBoston
1812May 2JavacaptainMalta
1815Nov. 22HowardCharlestonAmsterdam65 daysEvening Post (New York), 22 Nov. 1815
1816Nov. 21HowardcaptainCharlestonNew YorkCharleston (S.C.) Daily Courier, 21 November 1816

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