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Carl Sheppard's Boy Scout Diary

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Sheppard
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The following are entries in a 1937 Jamboree Edition Boy Scout Diary, published by the Boy Scouts of America. It costs 15 cents. The diary belonged to Carl Burnice Sheppard. The diary has entries only for the first ten days of January 1937. Carl joined the Boy Scouts on 4 January 1937 at the age of 13 (see the entry for that date).

On the Personal Memoranda page is found the following (bold is in Carl's handwriting):

I am a member of Troop No. 12 of South Gastonia
W. W. Abernathy, Scoutmaster
Name Carl Sheppard
Home address Gastonia, N. C.
St. Name and No. York Road
Father's Name T. A. Sheppard
" Business Textiles
" Telephone
School or Place of Work South Gastonia School

Other items on the above page are not filled in.

The 1937 Diary begins on 1 Friday 1. (Some punctuation added, spelling unchanged. 1 Friday 1 means the first day of the year, Friday the 1st. Words in [brackets] are the transcriber's.)

1 Friday 1: Delivered newspapers. Went to tent. Alf and I made and had a good time. Went and got pine that evening with Albert

2 Saturday 2: Stayed at home. It rained most of the day. I had a hard time Delivering and colecting papers.

3 Sunday 3: Sunday Eve I went down in the woods with Albert and Donald. Albert accidently hit me in the head with a sharp stick & I Had to go to the doctor.

4 Monday 4: Went to school for first day after Christmas holidays. Joined scouts that night. Had a good meeting.

5 Tuesday 5: Went to school They taught through because it was raining. Buddy [Carl's brother] went to town and paid the paper man.

6 Wednesday 6: Went to school and had a good time. Mr. Baird taught through because it was raining. Went to doctor eve.

7 Thursday 7: Delivered papers. Went to school. After school I went down in the woods by myself.

8 Friday 8: Went to school. Boys had a 1/2 day holiday, but I went back to school to scout meeting. played some games and came home.

9 Saturday 9: Delivered papers and collected earley. Went down in the woods and had a good time that eve.

10 Sunday 10: Delivered papers and colected. Stayed at home till dinner. Went down in the woods. Came home and played baseball, first of year.

On page 236 is a place to list "My Friends." Entries follow:

D. B. Stroup, Sr.
South Gastonia
Gastonia, N.C.
D. B. Stroup, Jr.
Myers Mill
Gastonia, N.C.
Mildred Davidson
South Gastonia
Gastonia, N.C.
James Bowman
Myers Mill
Gastonia, N.C.
Ruth Montgomery
Hanover Mill
Gastonia, N.C.

On page 237 Carl entered the following:

Addresses of Troop Officers and Committeemen

Scoutmaster: W. W. Abernathy, South Gastonia (Telephone) 3303
Asst. S-M: D. B. Stroup, Sr., South Gastonia
Committeeman: Jesse Gardner, Ridge Mill
Committeeman: Charley Sams, Hanover Mill
Committeeman: Avery Bently, Hanover Mill

On page 238, Carl entered members of his patrol.

D. B. Stroup, Jr., Myers Mill
James Bowman(?), Myers Mill
Ralph Sams, Sarves(?) Hill
Howard Sams, "
Buddy Shep[pard], York Road

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