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Carnmoney Civil Parish, County Antrim

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Ireland Links Main Antrim Page Category for Carnmoney Parish Civil Parishes in County Antrim
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This information page for the Civil Parish contains a list of all the townlands in the parish and links to the category for the townland (if it has been created). There also may be notes about the individual townlands.
This page is maintained by the Ulster Province team


Carnmoney Civil Parish

Irish or Alternate Name: Carn Monaidh.
Logainm Link: Carnmoney Parish on Logainm.ie
PlacenamesNI may have more information: Search here.
Barony: Belfast Lower
Province: Ulster


Carnmoney Civil Parish covers a mainly urban area of County Antrim north of Belfast. Historically it was a rural area with several villages surrounded by farmland but in the 20th century many residential and industrial developments transformed the area. Carnmoney parish has an area of 37.7 km² or 14.6 square miles.
Belfast lough defines the eastern boundary of the parish. The M2, M5 and A8(M) motorways and A2 and A6 main roads pass through the parish as do many minor roads. The railway lines from Belfast to Londonderry and to Larne also pass through the parish.
Carnmoney Civil Parish is in the historic barony of Belfast Lower. The Irish name is Carn Monaidh meaning 'cairn of the hill'.[1]

Population Centres of Carnmoney Civil Parish

Note: Population centres for this Parish, where known, are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Antrim
Population Centres (Cities, Towns, Village etc)
Irish or Alternate Name: Carn Monaidh.
Web page for Carnmoney
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Carnmoney was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey.
Irish or Alternate Name: Gleann Ghormlaithe.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Glengormley was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey.
Irish or Alternate Name: Baile an Irbhinigh.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Jordanstown was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. The links are to the townland.
Irish or Alternate Name: Baile na Manach.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Monkstown village forms a district of Newtownabbey, 12km N of Belfast city centre. Prior to 1958 it was a separate village.
Irish or Alternate Name: Maslaí.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: Baile na Mainistreach.
Wikipedia entry for Newtownabbey
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Grifiths Valuation.:Newtownabbey is a large settlement north of Belfast. Metropolitan Newtownabbey Settlement had a population of 65,646 in the 2011 Census. Newtownabbey was formed by the merging of seven villages; Carnmoney, Glengormley, Jordanstown, Monkstown, Whiteabbey, Whitehouse and Whitewell. It was formally brought into being on 1 April 1958. Before its inception the expanse fell under the jurisdiction of the Belfast Rural District Council.[2]
Newtownabbey includes a large part of Carnmoney Civil Parish plus parts of townlands in other parishes as follows:[3]
  • Townlands in Carnmoney parish: Ballyduff; part of Ballygolan; Ballygolan Intake; most of Ballyhenry; a small part of Ballyhowne; part of Ballyvesey; Carnmoney; Carnmoney Bog; Carnmoney Glebe; part of Collinward; Croughfern; most of Drumnadrough; Drumnadrough Intake; Dunanney; Glengormley; part of Jordanstown; part of Monkstown; Whiteabbey; White House
  • Townlands in Ballylinny parish: a small part of Carntall
  • Townlands in Shankill parish: part of Ballybought; part of Ballywonard
  • Townlands in Templepatrick parish: part of Grange of Mallusk
Carnmoney was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Carnmoney village was in Carnmoney and Carnmoney Glebe townlands.
Glengormley was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Glengormley village was in Glengormley townland.
Jordanstown was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Jordanstown village was in Jordanstown townland.
Monkstown was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Monkstown village was in Monkstown townland.
Whiteabbey was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Whiteabbey village was in Whiteabbey townland.
Whitehouse was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Whitehouse village was in White House townland.
Whitewell was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey. Whitewell village was in Ballygolan townland.
Irish or Alternate Name: Ráth Cúile.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
White House
Irish or Alternate Name: An Teach Geal.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Whitehouse was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey.
Irish or Alternate Name: An Mhainistir Fhionn.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Whiteabbey was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey.
Irish or Alternate Name: An Tobar Geal.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Whitewell was a village in Carnmoney parish but is now a district of Newtownabbey.
Irish or Alternate Name: Áth na Coille.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Only recorded as a townland on PlacenamesNI

Cemeteries in Carnmoney Civil Parish

Carnmoney Cemetery

The Townlands of Carnmoney Civil Parish

The townlands in Carnmoney Parish (Carn Monaidh) are those taken from Carnmoney Parish on Logainm.ie and validated against townlands on the 1851, 1871 and 1901 Lists of Towns and Townlands and Griffiths valuations data. A link is provided in the notes for the 1901 and 1911 census. Please note that these may not always work if the townland was not available on the census in question. The census site may also substitute a similar name so be prepared for unexpected results! Similar for Griffith's valuation links which may show multiple names.
Irish and/or Alternate name(s)
WikiTree Category Link
Census links, Griffiths link & Notes
BallycraigyBaile CraigeachCategory:Ballycraigy Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BallyduffBaile Mhic Giolia DhuibhCategory:Ballyduff Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Ballyduff townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
BallygolanBaile GobhláinCategory:Ballygolan Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Includes Ballygolan Intake which is not shown as a separate townland on Logainm.ie. They have a common border. Ballygolan townland included Whitewell village. Part of Ballygolan townland (including Ballygolan Intake which some sources list as a separate townland) is now part of Newtownabbey.
BallyhenryBaile Mhic AnrighCategory:Ballyhenry Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Most of Ballyhenry townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
BallyhowneBaile EoinCategory:Ballyhowne Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
A small part of Ballyhowne townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
BallyveseyBaile FeasoigheCategory:Ballyvesey Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Part of Ballyvesey townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
CarnmoneyCarn MonaidhCategory:Carnmoney Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Carnmoney townland included part of Carnmoney village. Carnmoney townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
Carnmoney BogCarn MonaidhCategory:Carnmoney Bog Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Carnmoney Bog townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
Carnmoney GlebeCarn Monaidh +GlebeCategory:Carnmoney Glebe Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Carnmoney Glebe townland included part of Carnmoney village. Carnmoney Glebe townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
CollinwardColl an BhairdCategory:Collinward Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Part of Collinward townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
CroughfernCurrach FearnaiCategory:Croughfern Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Croughfern townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
DrumnadroughDruimainn DorchaCategory:Drumnadrough Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Includes Drumnadrough Intake which is not shown as a separate townland on Logainm.ie. Thay have a common border. Most of Drumnadrough townland (including Drumnadrough Intake which some sources list as a separate townland) is now part of Newtownabbey.
DunanneyDún AnnaidhCategory:Dunanney Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Dunanney townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
GlengormleyClann GhormlaitheCategory:Glengormley Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Glengormley townland included Glengormley village. Glengormley townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
Jordanstown Category:Jordanstown Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Jordanstown townland included Jordanstown village. Part of Jordanstown townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
MonkstownBaile na ManachCategory:Monkstown Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Monkstown townland included Monkstown village. Part of Monkstown townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
White HouseAn Teach GealCategory:White House Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
White House townland included Whitehouse village. White House townland is now part of Newtownabbey.
WhiteabbeyMainistir FhionnCategory:Whiteabbey Townland, Carnmoney Parish, County Antrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Whiteabbey townland included Whiteabbey village. Whiteabbey townland is now part of Newtownabbey.


External Resources

  • A list of external resources for this parish may be placed here. More general sources for Antrim should be added to the main Antrim page. If you are adding a source here it would be helpful if you could let me (David) know so I don't accidentally overwrite your input with an automatic update. Thanks.
Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.

Version Notes

Current parish format version 4.0. Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.
Previous version 3.5. Addition of 'Places Nearby' link where coordinates are known. Upgrading Logainm links to match new Logainm web site; 3.6 Change to teams structure implementation.


Information shown on this page may have been sourced from one or more of the following sources.
  1. The Northern Ireland Place-Name Project. Carnmoney, County Antrim. http://www.placenamesni.org/resultdetails.php?entry=6480
  2. Wikipedia contributors, "Newtownabbey," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newtownabbey
  3. PRONI Historical Maps viewer. https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/search-proni-historical-maps-viewer

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