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Caroline Carmelite Hebert Succession

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 6 Mar 1855 [unknown]
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 35 times.

Part One of Succession transcribed by Audrey Lee Crockett
No. 765

Fifteenth Judicial District Court

Lafayette Parish, LA

Succession of Carmelite Hebert

Opened March 6, 1855

To the Honorable the 15th Judicial District Court of the State of Louisiana in and for the parish of Lafayette.

The petition of Charles Emile Saunier of the parish of Lafayette, respectfully represents:

That his wife Carmelite Hebert died about twelve months since, leaving the following minor children issue of your petitioner’s marriage with the said Carmelite Hebert, viz: Ursin Saunier, Aurelien Saunier, Marguerite Saunier, Marie Lezina Saunier, Irma Saunier, Adrien Saunier, Joseph Saunier and Charles Saunier fils. That said minors are interested in the Succession of one of their uncles, Jacques Hebert, who died lately in the parish of Vermillion and that it is necessary that your petitioner should be sworn as natural tutor of said minors and that an under tutor should be appointed to them.

Wherefore your petitioner prays that he may be sworn as natural tutor of this children aforesaid and that Joseph Sonnier fils or some order person may be appointed and sworn as under tutor to said minors and for general relief. And as in duty bound.

C. W. Mouton

Attorney for Petitioner

Filed 6th March 1855

Eraste Mouton


Let the prayer of the petitioner Charles Emile Saunier be granted and is therefore ordered that the said Charles Emile Saunier be confirmed and sworn as natural tutor of his children issue of his former marriage with the late Carmelite Hebert to wit Ursin, Aurelien, Marguerite, Marie Lezina, Irma, Adrien, Joseph and Charles. And is further ordered that Joseph Saunier fils be confirmed and sworn as under tutor of said minors. Clerk’s Office 6th March 1855

Eraste Mouton

Clerk District Court


I Charles Emile Saunier do solemnly swear that I will well and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent on me by law as natural tutor of my children Ursin, Aurelien, Marguerite, Marie Lezina, Irma, Adrien, Joseph and Charles, issue of my marriage with Carmelite Hebert deceased; to the best of my abilities and understanding so help me God. Sworn and subscribed upon me this 6th March 1855.

Eraste Mouton Charles Emile Saunier

Clerk His X Mark

I Joseph Saunier fils do solemnly swear that I will well and faithfully discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me by law as under tutor of the minor children of Emile Saunier and the late Carmeltie Hebert to the best of my abilities and understanding so help me God. Sworn and subscribed upon me this 6th March 1855.

Eraste Mouton Joseph Saunier fils

Clerk His X Mark

To the Honorable the fifteenth judicial court of the State of Louisiana, in and for the parish of Lafayette.

The petition of Charles Emile Saunier of the parish of Lafayette with respect represents:

That your petitioner’s wife, Carmelite Hebert, died in this parish about two years since having an Estate in community with your petitioner and the following children lawful issues of your petitioner’s marriage with the deceased viz: Ursin Theodule Saunier, Aurelien Saunier, Adrien Saunier, Joseph Saunier, Charles Caroln Saunier, Marguerite Saunier, Lezina Saunier and Irma Saunier, all minors. That having paid the debts which were due at the time of the death of his said wife, your petitioner now wishes to convoke a family meeting of said minors to deliberate and advise touching the most advantageous mode of disposing of the property belonging to the community heretofore existing beween him and his said deceased wife.

The pressures being considered your petitioner prays that a family meeting composed of the following persons, who are the nearest relatives of the aforesaid minors, viz: Lauzin Saunier, Sosthene Saunier, Joseph Saunier pere, Jean Saunier, Edward Saunier, Philippe Richard and Anaclet Richard and Joseph Saunier fils who is the under tutor of said minors; may be convened on a day to be fixed by this Honorable Court before William Brandt Esq Recorder of the parish of Lafayette then and there to deliberate and advise touching the best interest of the aforesaid minors in the matters of the Succession of their deceased mother , and to find and determine the most advantageous mode of dispensing of the property belonging to the community heretofore existing between your petitioner and his said deceased wife. And your petitioner further prays that an estimative inventory of all the property rights and credits belonging to said community may be first made as required by law and submitted to said family meeting for their actions. And for general relief. And as in duty bound. C. W. Mouton Attorney for Petitioner

Family meeting to be held at Emile Saunier’s house on Monday 17th August 1857. Inventory to be made by Brandt.

Received and filed August 12, 1857. P. W. Eastin Clerk

To the 8th District Court in and for the Parish of Lafayette State of Louisiana.

The petition of Charles Emile Saunier residing in said parish with respect represents that your petitioner was duly appointed before the District Court of said Parish in the 6th day of March 1855 as tutor by nature to his minor children Ursin Theodule Saunier, Aurelien Saunier, Marguerite Saunier wife of Sevigne Saunier all of full age at the present time and Marie L. Saunier wife of Joseph Cormier.

That your petitioner has made an account of his administrations as tutor aforesaid showing that he has in hand ($321.11) due each of said minors. That on the amount coming from their deceased mother he owes each interest from the day of the whole as detailed and explained in said account, here to annexed and made a part of this petition.

Whereupon he prays that said Ursin Theodule Saunier, Aurelien Saunier, Marguerite Saunier wife of Sevigne Saunier and her said husband and Marie L. Saunier wife of Joseph Cormier be duly cited to answer this petition to show cause why said amount of tutorship should not be homologated in all its parts and made the judgment of this court and he prays for general relief. Jos A. Breaux Attorney for Petitioner

We accept service of the above petition and annexed account of tutorship waiving citation and delays. February 5th 1867 Witnessed A. Jessup Aurelein Saunier by his agent Theodule Saunier His X Mark Theodule Saunier His X Mark Sevigne Saunier His X Mark Anoncia Saunier Her X Mark Joseph Cormier His X Mark Marie Saunier Her X Mark

Part Two of Succession
Inventory of Charles Emile Sonnier and Carmelite Hebert Estate dated August 17, 1857

1. One negro woman named Peggy aged about 30 years with her four children called Thom aged about 8 years, Baptiste aged 6 years, Marie aged 4 years and Marguerite aged about 6 months appraised at Sixteen hundred dollars.


2. Nine hundred pannels of fencing appraised at Twenty five dollars the hundred pannels.


3. The garden fence appraised at Fifteen dollars.


4. The corn crib appraised at Twelve dollars.


5. Two sorrell horses appraised at Twelve dollars.


6. Another corn crib appraised at Thirty dollars.


7. One grist mill appraised at Twenty dollars.


8. The dwelling house appraised at Two hundred fifty dollars.



9. One certain tract of land situated in the Parish of Lafayette on the west side of Bayou Vermilion containing one hundred arpents fiscal acres bounded above by land of Vincent Bertrand and below by public land being the same wherein Charles Emile Saunier now lives, appraised at Three hundred dollars.


10. Another tract of land situated in this parish containing forty seven fiscal arpents bounded by lands of Joseph Este and below by land of Antoine Fontenot appraised at Forty dollars.


11. One certain tract of land situated respectively in Parish of Vermilion the Parish of Lafayette containing one hundred and forty arpents bounded above by lands of Joseph Guidry and below by public land appraised at Two hundred and eighty dollars.


12. Twenty five head of gentle horned cattle of one year old and upwards appraised at Twelve dollars a head making


13. Thirty head of wild horned cattle of one year old and upwards appraised at Eight dollars a head making


14. Five head of Creole mares appraised at Eight dollars per head.


15. Two wild Creole horses appraised together at Thirty dollars.


16. Three gentle Creole horses appraised at Thirty dollars per head making Ninety dollars.



Part Three of Succession
Passive Debts due by the Succession of Carmelite Hebert at the time of her death and paid since.

Paid Taxes in 1855

$7.31" Mouton Dugat

$.75 " Campbell & Guidry

$52.48 " Same

$6.40 " Joachim Reveillon

$18.05 Henry L. Monnier

$13.20 " Same

$12.70 " Dr. Francez

$15.00 " Dr. W. G. Mills

$53.00 " Cenate Duffo

$25.00 " Suc. on Jean Perit



Separate Rights of Carmelite Hebert deceased and inherited by her from the estate of her mother Arsene Richard


and inherited from the estate of her father Ursin Hebert.



Net amount of bequests and gains.


And there being no other property shown as belonging to the within named succession to be inventoried and estimated as declared.



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