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Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston, Tasmania

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Launceston, Tasmaniamap
Surnames/tags: Tasmania Cemeteries
This page has been accessed 371 times.

This page is part of the Tasmania Cemeteries Team.

See the Carr Villa Cemetery Category Page for people interred in this cemetery.

Cemetery name: Carr Villa Cemetery

Address: Nunamina Avenue, Launceston, Tasmania 7249

GPS Coordinates:

OS grid:

Information: Carr Villa Memorial Park

The Launceston City Council owns and operates Launceston's major cemetery and crematorium, Carr Villa Memorial Park. Originally the cemetery grounds were privately owned by the Knight family, and in the mid-1800s a small college and boarding school known as the Carr Villa Establishment for Young Ladies was based there.

The Council purchased the land in 1881 and opened a public burial ground to be known as Carr Villa in 1905. The crematorium and chapel were built in 1938 and the first cremation was in February 1939.

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