- Profile
- Images
Location: [unknown]
This page adheres to the cemetery category standard set up by the Cemetery Project and only serves as a guide to make cemetery categories in Poland as consistent as possible.
Quick Links:
- Category: Poland, Needs Cemetery Category
- Category: Poland, Cemeteries.
- Space:Poland,_Volunteer_Tasks#Cemetery_Team
Instructions in English
Please review before creating a cemetery category:
1. Always begin the creation of a cemetery category from a Wikitree profile or a free-space page.
2. Proper language for all cemeteries in Poland is in the Polish language WITH diacritics (unless the proper name is from another language.) Proper name is NOT translated, it is how it appears if you were to visit the cemetery today.
You may notice when you research a cemetery, that websites will include the village with the name and sometimes in a different form.
- For example: Cmentarze Komunalne w Toruniu
- You SHOULD use an online translator in these cases if you do not speak Polish. It translates to: Municipal cemeteries in Toruń.
- The proper formatting for the category would be: "Cmentarze Komunalne, Toruń, Kujawsko-Pomorskie"
- You SHOULD use an online translator in these cases if you do not speak Polish. It translates to: Municipal cemeteries in Toruń.
- Another example: Cmentarz parafialny św. Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus w Warszawie
- Online Translator: Parish Cemetery of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus in Warsaw
- Correct category name would be: "Cmentarz parafialny św. Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus, Warszawa, Masowieckie"
- Online Translator: Parish Cemetery of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus in Warsaw
Be aware that some cities take on an English form and it is easy to mix it with the Polish form: Warsaw (English) vs. Warszawa (Polish). If you are using Wikipedia to search a city, switch to the Polish Wikipedia (which can be easily be found on any page, top right link will give you options for "languages"). Warszawa is the only one I can think of, but there may be others.
List of Voivodeships for quick reference (USE THE BOLDED POLISH VOIVODESHIP):
- Greater Poland Voivodeship aka województwo wielkopolskie = Wielkopolskie
- Holy Cross Voivodeship aka województwo świętokrzyskie = Świętokrzyskie
- Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship aka województwo kujawsko-pomorskie = Kujawsko-Pomorskie
- Lesser Poland Voivodeship aka województwo małopolskie = Małopolskie
- Łódź Voivodeship aka województwo łódzkie = Łódzkie
- Lower Silesian Voivodeship aka województwo dolnośląskie = Dolnośląskie
- Lublin Voivodeship aka województwo lubelskie = Lubelskie
- Lubusz Voivodeship aka województwo lubuskie = Lubuskie
- Masovian Voivodeship aka województwo mazowieckie = Mazowieckie
- Opole Voivodeship aka województwo opolskie = Opolskie
- Podlaskie Voivodeship aka województwo podlaskie = Podlaskie
- Pomeranian Voivodeship aka województwo pomorskie = Pomorskie
- Silesian Voivodeship aka województwo śląskie = Śląskie
- Subcarpathian Voivodeship aka województwo podkarpackie = Podkarpackie
- Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship aka województwo warmińsko-mazurskie = Warmińsko-Mazurskie
- West Pomeranian Voivodeship aka województwo zachodniopomorskie = Zachodniopomorskie
- Cmentarz Bródnowski, Warszawa, Mazowieckie
- Cmentarz Izdebno Kościelne, Izdebno Kościelne, Mazowieckie
- Cmentarz Komunalny Północny, Warszawa, Mazowieckie
- Garnisonfriedhof, Świdnica, Dolnośląskie
- Cmentarze Komunalne, Toruń, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
3. Tier Example: Category: Parafia pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP Cmentarz, Budzislaw Koscielny, Wielkopolskie adheres to the structure set up by the Cemetery Project: Space:Cemetery_Categorization
- Cemeteries
- Europe Cemeteries
- Poland, Cemeteries
- Voivodeship Name, Cemeteries (All have been created.)
- Name of Cemetery, Village, Voivodeship
- Voivodeship Name, Cemeteries (All have been created.)
- Poland, Cemeteries
- Europe Cemeteries
4. Commonly used words:
- Cmentarz = Cemetery
- Komunalny or Komunalne = Communal
- Kościół = Church
- Parafialny = Parish
- Rzymskokatolicki = Roman Catholic
- św. = St. (Saint)
- Garnisonfriedhof or Garrison Cemetery (for soldiers). A "Garrison" is typically noted as military housing (not necessarily a military base.)
5. Where can you find online information about the cemetery?
- You will often find a cemetery added to Wikipedia, but you will need to research it on the Polish Wikipedia.
- Findagrave
- Billiongraves
- Popular cemetery site (Polish): https://mogily.pl/start?fbclid=IwAR3K5YTl1-LQ84j2D9aBplFBpXaQTgczgVOp4LQIQjxg8SYa1swK5U48coE
- Popular cemetery site (Polish): https://grobonet.com/index.php
- run a google search, but be careful it is not a duplicate named parish/cemetery in a duplicate named location.
- search in Google Maps for a comparison of the naming pattern.
- List of 150 overgrown Polish cemeteries to be restored this summer, many of which are in the former eastern Galicia. http://www.studiowschod.pl/artykuly/lista-150-cmentarzy-do-ratowania-x-edycja-akcji-mogile-pradziada-ocal-od-zapomnienia-8-18-lipca-2019/?fbclid=IwAR0wIXuuq9vGufFwq-yq3X1IW3a44Clov7Ftaj55itFWbzTLBW4j_kmJeLU
6. In order to make the creation of a cemetery category easier for ANYONE, the Poland Project has created a "maintenance category" which you will use in the location part of the Category Information Box (CIB). The cemetery will nest in Category: Poland, Cemetery Needs Village Category where members from the Poland Project Cemetery Team may review the category for accuracy, consistency and creation of the village/location categories. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are teachable lessons.
7. These items are NECESSARY for you to add to the CIB:
|parent= The voivodeship category. All have been created for you and can be found here: Category: Poland, Cemeteries. Or you can copy paste the correct voivodeship from the list below:
- Dolnośląskie, Cemeteries
- Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Cemeteries
- Łódzkie, Cemeteries
- Lubelskie, Cemeteries
- Lubuskie, Cemeteries
- Mazowieckie, Cemeteries
- Małopolskie, Cemeteries
- Opolskie, Cemeteries
- Podkarpackie, Cemeteries
- Podlaskie, Cemeteries
- Pomorskie, Cemeteries
- Śląskie, Cemeteries
- Świętokrzyskie, Cemeteries
- Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Cemeteries
- Wielkopolskie, Cemeteries
- Zachodniopomorskie, Cemeteries
|location=Poland, Cemetery Needs Village Category
Blank CIB to Copy/Paste:
{{CategoryInfoBox Cemetery
|location=Poland, Cemetery Needs Village Category
Advanced CIB Explanation:
{{CategoryInfoBox Cemetery
|name= proper name in POLISH, location not necessary
|aka= name in ENGLISH, location not necessary
|parent=''Voivodeship'', Cemeteries All Voivodeship categories have been created.
|parentsort= village, this sorts the cemetery category by village under the parent category
|location=present day category (pl) OR Poland, Cemetery Needs Village Category
|location1= present day category (en) OR leave blank
Cemetery Category Example
Category: Cmentarz Parafialny, Wola Żarczycka, Podkarpackie
{{CategoryInfoBox Cemetery
|name=Cmentarz Parafialny
|aka=Parish Cemetery
|parent= Podkarpackie, Cemeteries
|parentsort=Wola Żarczycka
|location= Wola Żarczycka, Leżajsk, Subcarpathian, Poland
|location1= Wola Żarczycka, Leżajsk, Podkarpackie, Polska
|webpage= https://wolazarczycka.przemyska.pl/
|webpagetext= Parafia pw. Przemienienia Pańskiego w Woli Zarczyckiej
|wikidataID= Q89245586
|billiongravesID= 348391
|coordinate= 50.289889, 22.248694
|address= Parafialny w Woli Zarczyckiej Wola Zarczycka, 37-310
Instrukcje w języku polskim
Wykonaj następujące kroki:
1. Aby utworzyć kategorię, dodaj następujący tekst nad nagłówkiem == Biography ==:
- [[Category: Nazwa cmentarza, wieś, województwo]]
- Na przykład: [[Category: Cmentarz Bródnowski, Warszawa, Mazowieckie]]
2. Zapisz stronę profilu. Zobaczysz ostrzeżenie, że kategoria nie istnieje. Mimo to zapisz stronę.
3. Przewiń w dół strony, gdzie zobaczysz listę kategorii. Kategoria cmentarza, którą właśnie utworzyłeś, będzie oznaczona kolorem czerwonym. Otwórz link.
4. Spowoduje to przejście do nowej strony. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to skopiować/wkleić ten tekst na tę stronę: (Nazywamy to „oknem informacji o kategorii” lub "Category Information Box" aka CIB)
{{CategoryInfoBox Cemetery
|location=Poland, Cemetery Needs Village Category
5. Zapisz stronę i gotowe! Nie musisz wypełniać żadnych informacji. Zobaczę utworzone przez Ciebie cmentarze i uzupełnię resztę informacji. Jednakże; możesz dodać link do informacji o cmentarzu w polu "Informacje o kategorii" powyżej.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Skye Sonczalla, Stephen Tomaszewicz, Beverly Dittberner, Alina Hudzik, Joel Wolski, and Jakub Kałużny. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
The location names seem to me to have the same format "Name of Cemetery, Village, Voivodeship" is equivalent to "Name of Cemetery, Location, State".
I think I have noticed a difference in the language grammar. In English it is standard to use a name like "Adelaide Gaol Cemetery". I do not understand Polish grammar. I suspect it is more like Latin, with the genitive case, and the commonly use the order "Cemetery of Adelaide Gaol". The word Cemetery will always appear first in the common name.
edited by Steve Thomas