
Cato Ridge Methodist Church Yard, Cato Ridge, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1891 to 2003
Location: Cato Ridge, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africamap
Surnames/tags: South African Roots South_Africa Cemeteries
This page has been accessed 730 times.


Cato Ridge Methodist Church Cemetery

This page is part of the Global Cemeteries Project. See Cato Ridge Methodist Church Yard, Cato Ridge, KwaZulu-Natal Province category for a list of people buried in this cemetery.

Cemetery name: Cato Ridge Methodist Cemetery

Address: Doornrug Road, Cato Ridge (within the truck stop)

GPS Coordinates: -29.7342 , 30.5871

Information: Cato Ridge Methodist Cemetery is now closed for burials. The cemetery is maintained in good condition by the Cato Ridge Truck Stop. Please note that these graves are on private land, so please seek permission from the land owner before visiting.

The Graves

Number of graves: 139

The oldest grave (of the legible or known headstones) in the graveyard is that of 26 day old Lawrence Cyrus Crawley, who died on 15 Feb 1891.

The oldest person in the graveyard was 94 year old Hilda Schefermann, who died in 1977.

Notable Graves:

Ernest Selby Allsopp, and William Edgar Allsopp sons of Reverend John Allsopp[1]. Reverend John Allsopp could possibly have been present for the opening of the church[2]. The Reverend also officiated most of the earliest marriages in this church (1891).

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  1. Campbell Collections
  2. newspapers; ( : accessed 3 Nov 2021); Grahamstown Journal, Dated: Thursday 16 January 1890.

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Hilda Schefermann was my great grandmother, my grandmother was Emileen Maggie Meyer (Schefermann).
posted by Mark Mason
Hi Mark,

It's so lovely to "meet" you! I'm from this little town too, so it's a real pleasure to chat with you. If you have any more information that you'd like to share please don't hesitate to send me a private message then we can chat via email.

Have a super weekend!

Kindest regards ~ Pam

Please view the eGGSA website for more information and photographs of individual graves:
posted by Pam (Cormac) Cormac Smith
edited by Pam (Cormac) Cormac Smith