
Caudill, Kiskis Family Research

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Location: West Virginia, Kentucky, United Statesmap
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Among Lithuanian immigrants the name William and Vincent is basically the same. Men with the name Vincas/Vincentas, immigrated with Polish spelling Wincas/Wincenty and that was converted to William in the US though it is not a translation.

Referencing the pic of Mary and George: Teofilia (Theodora) was 11 months old at the time of immigration, Jurgis (George) was 2. The numbers beside their mother's name indicate that it was checked in 1936 when she naturalized. Agota's father is Antanas Klamanskis and he lives in the village Kazlai. Agota is Mrs. Naujokaitis (Naujokaitiene). The immigration used the married form of the surname for her children. The photo of the children was taken about 4-5 years later. She was living in the village of Jure, a 1/2 mile from Kazlai.

In reference to the marriage certificate: The final part of a wedding ceremony was called the atgriztai, 'the coming back' . The bride returned to her parent’s home for a brief visit – and she was welcomed as a guest, symbolizing her transition from her family’s home to her own home.

You posted a copy of their marriage information. The marriage took place at the church at Višakio Rūda. The church was in the diocese of Vilkaviskis at one point, but that is not where the couple married. Her family lived in that parish.

Possible Variations

Naujokasticue Vaujokasticue

Places to research.

Koz cowa ruda, Russia

Vartų kaimas, Prienų Raj., Lithuania

Kauno Klinikos, Kaunas, Lithuania

Plutiškės, Kazlų Rūdos savivaldybė, Marijampolės apskritis, Lithuania


Suvalkai, Šeimenos seniūnija, Marijampolės apskritis, Lithuania

Ingavangis, Prienai, Lithuania

'Possible DNA Matches

Balčiukynaitė Bubnys Bubnytė Juodsnukis Juodsnukytė Kisieliūtė Krutilytė Marčiulynas Mikušauskaitė Mikušauskas Narijauskaitė


BEEKMAN, WILLIAM A (Sr.) 27 Aug. 1755-13 June 1834 REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIER - New Jersey Militia, Captain Continental Line - First Beekman Settlers to Pike County William and Sarah Beekman: Old Monuments still there, but newer ones erected, contributed by Great-Great Grandson Gabriel Beekman, son of John T. Beekman

Van degrist/Van Degrist/Vandegrist/Van Degrift

12, 5, 1706, Van degrist, Maike, and Joris Van Sandt
"Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940", P 71 & 72, database, FamilySearch ( : 6 February 2020), Maike Van Degrist in entry for Joris Van Sandt. 5 Dec 1706. Film # 004034497. Image 470 & 471 of 861.

11, 7, 1707, Van Degrist, Rebekah, and Jacobus Van Sandt.
"Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940", P 71 & 72, database, FamilySearch ( : 6 February 2020), Rebekah Van Degrist in entry for Jacobus Van Sandt, 7 Nov 1707. Film # 004034497. Image 470 & 471 of 861.

4, 20, 1718, Vandegrist, Rebekah, and Johannis Van Horn
"Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940", P 71 & 72, database, FamilySearch ( : 6 February 2020), Rebekah Vandegrist in entry for Johannis Van Horn, 20 Apr 1718. Film # 004034497. Image 470 & 471 of 861.

9, 8, 1704, 'Van Degrift, Rebekah, and Albert Van Sandt
"Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940", P 71 & 72, database, FamilySearch ( : 6 February 2020), Rebekah Van Degrift in entry for Albert Van Sandt, 1704. '
see also'
"New Jersey, Church Records, 1675-1970," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 16 August 2020), Albertus Van-Land and Rebekah Van-Degrift, 8 Sep 1704; citing Marriage, Salem, New Jersey, British Colonial America, Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey.


The Caudill Family
Pine Mountain Settlement
Pioneer Ancestor



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