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Cavallinis of Italy

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Surname/tag: Cavallini
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Cavallinis of Italy

The goal of this project is to share the CAVALLINI families that I have found during my extensive research trying to connect my direct lineage. Doing this, I have travelled several places within Italy, as well as requesting documents via email also passing nights ssearching this excellent site from Firenze https://operaduomo.firenze.it/archivio/risorse-digitali and when things become complicated even using the help of professional researchers as Bianca Ottone and William Tozzi from https://www.myitalianfamily.com/ based in the US and connected to native italians living is those zones from whom I have really indebted for such a great efforts to re-connect to my roots back to the 1600's.

My direct family were living in FIRENZE's heart for over 400 years and seems that they were coming and going from Pisa nearby towns as Santa Croce sull’Arno and Castelfranco di Sotto to Firenze and some ancestors were born in other towns or cities including neighboring countries.

As I have already mentioned I actually have hundreds of yet unrelated relatives that were living in the same town and cities around Toscana. My main purpose is to create a pull to share not only my Cavallini family ancestors from Toscana but the hundreds of other Italian families from the whole Italy and including few from other parts of the world that were connected with them there and now in our hearts. Thus it's not just Cavallini but actually many other italian names that I would like to share to continue connecting our one world family.

Right now this project just has one member, me. I am Edoardo Cavallini.

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