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Cely Papers: George Cely

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Cely pre-1500 calais_staple
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Father: Cely, Richard
Mother: Andrew, Agnes

Cely, Robert
Cely, Richard

Rygon (nee Punt), Margery - c. 13 May 1484[1]

Cely, Richard
Cely, Avery
Cely, George
Cely, John
Cely, Edmond


Possibly aged about 15 in 1473 when he appears in the first accounts held for the Chancery case[1].

Probably learnt the wool trade by serving an apprenticeship to either his father or Thomas Kesten[1].


  • 1474 Jul 05 Cely Letter: mentioned as not telling his father of his brother Robert's arrival in Calais; as Jorge[2]
  • 1476 Partnership: Begins genuine partnership with brother, Richard[1][3].
  • 1476 Apr 13 Cely Letter: Recipient; from brother, Robert; notification of a double exchange for £12 with Wylliam Eston in Antwerp and London[4]
  • 1476 Sep 27 Cely Letter: Author; to brother Richard; at Antwerp; father wishes him to go to Calais; received a bill for £121 6s 6d from Thomas Kesten; describes a wool dispute involving Kesten; admonition to protect father's reputation[5]
  • 1476 Sep 28 Cely Letter: Recipient; from Wylliam Maryon; at Calais; merchant of the Staple; requested to receive ~5,000 fells from Wylliam Maryon as his own goods, obtained from Thomas Kesten, paying the costs and freight; asked to pass along recommendations[6]
  • 1479 Nov 06 Cely Letter: Recipient; from father Richard; at Calais or Brugge; has been sick whilst at Brugge; sent a letter from Brugge on 23 Oct, received in London on 31 Oct; Requested "ye can bye for me iiij or vc of Borgan canvase or Barase canvase of good brede, as brode as Normandy canvase, and iij dosen packe trede of Caleys trede"; as Jorge[7]
  • 1480 May 03 Cely Letter: Recipient; from father Rychard; as Jorge; understood to be at Brugge, but letter sent to Calais; Updated on wool packing and brother Robert's betrothal issues, and asked to give him 'good consell'[8]
  • 1480 May 13 Cely Letter: Author; to father, Rychard; at Caleys; 'beyng at the martys, and of the sale of my medell ⸢woll⸣ desyred be John Descermer and John Underhay'[9]
  • 1480 May 22 Cely Letter: Recipient; from father, Rychard; as Jorge; 'I haue resayuyd a letter from you wryte at Caleys the xiij day of May, the weche letter I haue wyll understande, of youre beyng at the martys, and of the sale of my medell ⸢woll⸣ desyred be John Descermer and John Underhay'; 'I wyll ye dele wyt Borganys man'; 'I pray you doe as wyll as ye can in makyng hover of money, for I fere me Rychard Cely wyll scharege me wyt fell in Cottyswolde'; 'Also youre hors Bale ys fayre, werefor I wolde ye send for hym, here ys no sale of horse'[9]
  • 1480 Jun 02 Cely Letter: Recipient; from father, Rychard; at Calais or the marte; I have resayvyd a lecter from you wryt at Celays the xxix day of May the weche I have wyll understand and that ze have solde vj sarplerys & pok of my medell cottyswolde to John de Solermer of Gante pryse the sacke xiij marke; Rychard Cely hath be in Cottyswolde and hath bogwyt xvc fellys for you and him seve ... of Wylliam Medewynter the weche cam to London thys same day I wyll ye bye for me v or vjc of canvase at the marte for to packe wo[ll]; I pray you send me wrytyng of all sych maters as schall long to me for [I] thynke ye mythe wryt myche more nor ye doe for my lorde Send Johnys send to me for tyyngs every weke; To Jorge Cely at Caleys or the mart[10]
  • 1480 Jun 02 Cely Letter: Recipient; from brother, Rychard; at Calais or the marte; heyr ys yowr blake hors and yower gray at London thay ar in good plyte ther ys no mane byd no mony for them and they stond you to grete coste dayly; ȝe haue leuyd Thomas Grayngar to be your atornay at Calles whyll ȝe go to the marte; George Cely merchand of the estapell at Calleys or at the marte[11]
  • 1480 Jun Cely Letter: Author; to father [unnamed]; draft; description of a complaint by John Descyrmer of Gavnt over sub-standard wool, and a furious follow up; 'I nevyr whyst yow sent cursar woll to Calles for the contre than this last whas'[12]
  • 1482 May 13 Cely Letter: Recipient; from brother, Rychard; at Calais or the marte; the same day that I departtyd into Cottesowlde I ressayvyd a letter frome yow wryte at Calles the xiiij day of Aprell wher in I fynde the inuiatory of syche godes that whos howr fathers and mony on that syd of the see; sche [their mother] has prayd me to whrayt to yow to by for her a for of calla[b]yr for to lay in the same gowne, and Kokys whyfe and scho prays yow to by for them x as fyne mynkys as ȝe cane fynde in the marte; To my riught whellbelovyd George Cely merchand of the Stapell at Calleys or at the Marte[13]
  • 1482 Oct 01 Cely Letter: at Antwerp; wrote letter to brother Richard[14]
  • 1482 Oct 03 Cely Letter: Recipient; from brother Richard; at Calais or the marte; merchant of the Staple; forwarded a letter from Wylliam Mydwynter regarding rising wool prices; his young grey horse is at pasture at Thundersley Park, Essex; quick reply requested[15]
  • 1482 Oct 17 Cely Letter: Recipient; from brother Richard; at Calais or Brugge; merchant of the Staple; close to the rebellion against Maximilian I at Utrecht; Has 2 fair hawks; Bayard and another grey horse are doing well; Hanging of his chamber has been safely received by Richard[14]
  • 1489 Death:[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Cely Letters 1472-1488, edited by Alison Hanham, Early English Text Society, 1975; Introduction - The Cely Family
  2. SC 1/53/2; The National Archives, Kew, London
  3. The National Archives, Kew, London; C 47/37/10/10: 'Fro the begynnyng of their occupyng in comvne in anno domini Ml iiijc lxxvj', File 10 f.10v.
  4. SC 1/53/3; The National Archives, Kew, London
  5. SC 1/59/17; The National Archives, Kew, London
  6. SC 1/53/4; The National Archives, Kew, London
  7. SC 1/53/29; The National Archives, Kew, London
  8. SC 1/53/40; The National Archives, Kew, London
  9. 9.0 9.1 SC 1/53/42; The National Archives, Kew, London
  10. SC 1/53/45; The National Archives, Kew, London
  11. SC 1/53/46; The National Archives, Kew, London
  12. SC 1/53/45; The National Archives, Kew, London
  13. SC 1/53/119; The National Archives, Kew, London
  14. 14.0 14.1 SC 1/53/153; The National Archives, Kew, London
  15. SC 1/53/149; The National Archives, Kew, London



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