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Cely Papers: Letter SC 1/53/145: 20 September 1482: Wylliam Mydwynter to Richard Cely the younger

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Date: 20 Sep 1482 to 20 Sep 1482
Location: Northleach, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: cely mydwynter
This page has been accessed 62 times.

SC 1/53/145; The National Archives, Kew, London


Hanham Transcription and Notes

Letter #192 by Alison Hanham in The Cely Letters 1472-1488.

Malden Transcription

Paper #105 by Henry Elliot Malden in The Cely Papers 1475-1488.

Out of copyright.

Ryght reverent and worschupful Syr y reytecomand me unto you desyryng to here of yowr wellefare Furder morre I thank yow of the grette cher that ye dydde me at my laste beyng wytthe yow Syr y made a bargyn wytthe you at that sesyn the wycche I wolyde y hadde sleppyd the wylys for theke costemerys that y trosty[d] moste for to asowyld them and y trostyd that y solde nott abowte ther wolle aboffe xiijs viijd a tod & now ye y con at bey ther woll honder xiiijs & xiiijs & vjd a tod the pryse ys that y bey at aboffe that I solde you ryght mycche & to recckyn the reffys y salle lesse be my trothe a nobell or xs in effry S. & as my trothe helpe me and they moste haffe reddy money bey and bey they that helpe werr wonte to leffe in my honde moste parte of ther money nowe they moste nedys haffe halle ther money & now y moste troste to your cortesy & y prye you consedyr thys well as ye may have my sarfys and I moste trooste to yow that I may haffe the ij cli that ye sayd y solde nott haffe hytte tyll Nowhembyr I praye as hartely as y cane that ye make hytte reddy wytthe in f xiiij dayys haffter Myhelmas or helse I hame hottely samyd for I made myselfe neffyr so barr wytthe howte money and therfor I pray yow that ye mak hytte reddy no morr to you at thys tyme botte Jhesu kepe you Wrettyn at Norchelacche the xx daye of Septembyr.
Bey Wylliam Mydwynter.

Addressed: Thys letter be delyvyrt to Rychard Cely in London in Marte Lane.

Malden Notes

  • S: Sarpler.
  • Norchelacche: Northleach


By Nicholas Adams.

Right reverend and worshipful Sir, I recommend myself unto you, desiring to hear of your wellfare. Furthermore, I thank you for the great cheer that you gave me at my last meeting with you. Sir, I made a bargain with you at that season, the which I wish I had slept the while, for also customary suppliers that I trusted most to buy from them and I trusted that I buy their wool not above 13s 8d per tod and now I cannot buy their wool under 14s and 14s 6d per tod. The price that I buy at is above that I sold to you right much, and to reckon the refuse, I shall lose, by my troth, a noble and 10s in every sack/sarpler* and, as troth help me, they must have ready money presently. They that help were wont to leave in my hand the most part of their money, now they must needs have all their money, and now I must trust to your courtesy and I pray you consider this well as my service and I must trust to you that I may have the £200 that you said I should not have until November. I pray as heartily as I can that you make it ready within 14 days after Michaelmas [29 September] or else I am hotly shamed, for I made myself never so bare without money, and therefore I pray you that yu make it ready. No more to yu at this time, but Jesus keep you. Written at Northleach the 20th day of September.
By Wylliam Mydwynter

Addressed: Deliver this letter to Rychard Cely in London in Marte Lane.


  • The numbers are a little vague so, depending on how you calculate, William’s abbreviation of ‘S’ could be either a sack or a sarpler. Malden notes it as sarpler, Hanham as sack, I think it could easily be either.

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