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Location: London, England
Surnames/tags: maryon cely
SC 1/53/4; The National Archives, Kew, London
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Hanham Transcription and Notes
Letter #5 by Alison Hanham in The Cely Letters 1472-1488.
Malden Transcription
Paper #4 by Henry Elliot Malden in The Cely Papers 1475-1488.
Out of copyright.
Ryght reverent Syre and my specyall frende I recomaund me unto you ferder mor and yt plesse yow ye schall understond that y have schypped in the George of London Wylliam Bellson beyng master ix packys d. of felles contaynyng iijm viij cl felles the whych felles leyyt in the for rom of the sayd schyppe v packys iij c d. and the remenant leyng abaft the mast upon John Tamys fellys the whyche felles war Thomas Kestenys and thay war arested be Thomas Hadam for the som of lxli. Syr ye schall understond that Thomas Kesten hat ywreten unto me that y schuld fynd the way and the men to saff the cortte harmeles her and taake the felles for myn own that y schuld be sewyr of that som in dyschargyng of the sewyrteys and allso in party of payment of seche goodys as he ys owyng unto me as ye know well and ther for Syr I pray yow that ye woll ressayve them as myn own proper good and so yt ys and allso I pray you that ye woll pay the freyght and all hoder scostys therof Syr y pray you that ye woll recomaunde me unto my masters youre fader and allso unto youre broder Rechard and ye may say unto hem that Hary Seysell recomaunde hem unto yowre broder Rechard Cely and he prayd hem harteley that he would bey for hem ij vernakelys seche as youre broder Robard hath yyeven unto Sent Tolowys scryssche no mor unto you at thys tym but the Twenytie have you in hys kepyng Wreten at London the xxviij day of September Anno lxxvj
Be youre owne
Wylliam Maryon.
Addressed: Unto George Cely marchant of the stapall at Calles thys letter be delyverde.
Malden Notes
- vernakelys: Vernicles, or copies of the Vernicle of at Rome, St. Veronica’s handkerchief with the portrait of our Lord.
- Sent Tolowys scryssche: St. Olave’s Church, Hart Street, otherwise St. Olave’s-next-the-Tower.
By Nicholas Adams.
Right reverend Sir and my special friend, I recommend myself unto you. Furthermore please know that I have shipped in the George of London, Wylliam W/Bellson being the master, 9 half packs of fells containing 4,620 fells, the which fells lie in the foreroom of the said ship, 5 half packs of 360, and the remnant lies behind the mast upon John Tam’s fells, the which fells were Thomas Kesten’s, and they were impounded by Thomas Hadam for the sum of £60. Sir, you should know that Thomas Kesten has written to me that I should find the way and the men to save the [Staple] court from harm here, take the fells for my own, that I should be sure of that sum in discharging the sureties and also in part payment of such goods as he is owing unto me, as you know well, and therefore, sir, I pray that you will receive them as my own proper goods, and so they are, and also I pray that you will pay the freight and all other costs thereof. Sir, I pray that you will recommend me unto my master, your father, and also unto your brother Rechard, and you may say to him that Hary Seysell recommends himself unto your brother Rechard Cely, and he prayed heartily that he would buy for him 2 vernicles, such as your brother Roberd has given to Saint Tolow’s church (St. Olave's Church, Hart Street). No more to you at this time, but the Trinity have you in his keeping. Written at London the 28 day of September, [14]76.
By your own
Wylliam Maryon
Dorse: Unto George Cely, merchant of the Staple at Calais, this letter be delivered.
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