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Cely Papers: Richard Cely aka Sely, senior

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] to 14 Jan 1482
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Cely pre-1500 calais_staple
This page has been accessed 278 times.

Cely, John

Andrew, Agnes

Cely, Robert
Cely, Richard
Cely, George



  • 1449 Oct 20 Letter Patent: Westminster, Middlesex; Merchant of the Staple of Calais; For repayment from Henry VI of £277 17s 4d, a subsidy of £69 9s 4d for each of 4 years at the port of London for shipping sacks and cloves of wools and woolfells (with John Felde and Richard Bowell)[1]
  • 1450 Mar 20 Letter Patent: Westminster, Middlesex; Merchant of the Staple of Calais; For repayment from Henry VI of £2000 from the Staple, part of a group of merchants allowed to ship woolfells from the port of London retaining subsidies up to a sum of 1000 marks[2]
  • 1453 Jun 27 Letter Patent: Westminster, Middlesex; citizen and merchant of London; Exemption for life from being made mayor, bailiff, sheriff, escheator, collector, assessor or taxer of tenths, fifteenths or other tallages or subsidies, constable, trier, arrayer, commissioner, mayor, bailiff or minister, and from being sworn on any trial of the array of any assize and from being put on any assizes, juries, inquisitions, recognitions or attaints.[3]
  • 1454 Oct 16 Letter Patent: Westminster, Middlesex; Merchant of the Staple of Calais; For repayment of payments made to the Duke of Burgundy, shhiping of as many sacks and cloves of wool and woolfells as amounts to a subsidy of £152 10s 2d (with John Feld and Richard Bowell)[4]
  • 1472 Dec 08 Cely Letter: Paid £40 in Flemish currency via Thomas Kestevyn, his attorney to John Wode's attorney John Dycons, to be repaid in London, in sterling, the following 12th February.[5]
  • 1474 05/07 Cely Letter: Author, to son, Robert; at London; Comments on wool trade and prices; Local land sale; Complaints about Robert and George not writing[6]
  • 1476 Sep 27 Cely Letter: at Calais; not at Allay [Aveley, Essex]; not mentioned by name, but constantly referred to as 'owr ffathyr'; concern expressed for his reputation by son George[7]
  • 1476 Sep 28 Cely Letter: William Maryon recommends himself in a letter to George his son; not mentioned by name but as 'youre fader'[8]
  • 1479 Nov 06 Cely Letter: AuthorL to son, George; at London; "sory and hevy" over George's illness in Brugge; received George's letter of 23 Oct on 31 Oct (the Sonday befor Alhalon Day) at London; bought 60 sacks of Cottys wool from Wyll Medewynter on 31 Oct; needs canvas and thread to pack this and some wool bought by John Cely, asks George to buy some Bergen or Arras canvas and Calais thread if possible; will pack the wool near near Candlemas (02 Feb) and not ship it before March; written in haste[9]
  • 1480 May 03 Cely Letter: Author: to son, Jorge; at London; Received shipped freight; Updates on wool packing (26 sarplers from William Medewynter and 3 sarplers at Westwell, Oxfordshire) and son Robert's betrothal issues, and asks George to give him 'good consell'[10]
  • 1480 May 13 Cely Letter: Recipient; from son, Jorge[11]
  • 1480 May 22 Cely Letter: Author; to son, Jorge; at London; 'I am a aysyd for to schepe thys forsayd xxix sarplerys, the weche I bogwyt of Wylliam Medewynter of Norlayche xxvj sarplerys, the weche ys fayre woll, as the woll packar Wyll Breten saythe to me. And also the iij sarplerys of the Recturs ys fayre woll'; 'The schepyng ys begone at London, but I haue non schepeyd as yete, but I wyll after thys halydayys, for the weche I wyll ye orden for the frayth and hoder costys'; Refusal to enter an exchange deal with Thomas Borgan. although George can deal as he wills if Thomas's man comes to him[11]
  • 1480 Jun 02 Cely Letter: Author; to son, Jorge; at London; I have schepyd at London the laste day of May xvij sarplerys of my cottyswolde woll were of be vj clotys medell woll in grete haste for the cokyys were made the same day and the schepys depertyd ij day of Jun and my lorde levetenant he depertyd the same day; Rychard Cely hath be in Cottyswolde and hath bogwyt ... xvc for me of Wylliam Medewynter the weche cam to London thys same day I wyll ye bye for me v or vjc of canvase at the marte for to packe wo[ll]; I pray you send me wrytyng of all sych maters as schall long to me for [I] thynke ye mythe wryt myche more nor ye doe for my lorde Send Johnys send to me for tyyngs every weke; Wryt at London the ij day of June in gret haste[12]
  • 1480 Jun 02 Cely Letter: by son Rychard to son George; howr father ... at London in good heyll; howr father has schypyd xvij sarpellerys of hys wooll that whos packyd at Nor!ache syn Ester, and ther ˹ys˺ vj of theme myddyll, and that ys aull the myddyll woll of that soorte. I know hyt whell, ther come not better myddyll woll of howr fathers thys vij ȝeyr; and at the next schyppyng howr father wyll schype the remenand of good whooll of thys sorte, and hawlle hys fellys[13]
  • 1480 Jun Cely Letter: Intended recipient; from son George; draft; description of a complaint by John Descyrmer of Gavnt over sub-standard wool, and a furious follow up; 'I nevyr whyst yow sent cursar woll to Calles for the contre than this last whas'[14]
  • 1481 Election: Ran for the post of Sheriff of London but was defeated by the apparently better known Sir Richard Chawry[15]
  • 1482 Jan 14 Death:[15]
  • 1482 Oct 03 Cely Letter: 'howr fathers towmbe ys a settynge wp'[16]


  1. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office; Henry VI. Vol. 5. A.D. 1446-1452.; 1909; p.314-316
  2. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office; Henry VI. Vol. 5. A.D. 1446-1452.; 1909; p.323-324
  3. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office; Henry VI. Vol. 6. A.D. 1452-1461.; 1910; p.106
  4. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office; Henry VI. Vol. 6. A.D. 1452-1461.; 1910; p.210-211
  5. SC 1/53/1; The National Archives, Kew, London
  6. SC 1/53/2; The National Archives, Kew, London
  7. SC 1/59/17; The National Archives, Kew, London
  8. SC 1/53/4; The National Archives, Kew, London
  9. SC 1/53/29; The National Archives, Kew, London
  10. SC 1/53/40; The National Archives, Kew, London
  11. 11.0 11.1 SC 1/53/42; The National Archives, Kew, London
  12. SC 1/53/45; The National Archives, Kew, London
  13. SC 1/53/46; The National Archives, Kew, London
  14. SC 1/53/45; The National Archives, Kew, London
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Cely Letters 1472-1488, edited by Alison Hanham, Early English Text Society, 1975; Introduction - The Cely Family
  16. SC 1/53/149; The National Archives, Kew, London



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