Location: [unknown]
1841 June 6, census
1851 March 30, census
1861 April 7, census
1871 April 2, census
1881 April 3, census
1891 April 5, census
1901 March 31, census
1911 April 2, census
1921 June 19, census
1931 April 26, destroyed by fir World War 2.
1939 September 29, for issue of ID cards except service personnel.
1941 None, WWII
1951 April 8, census not yet released
1961 April 23, census not yet released
1971 April 25, census not yet released
1981 April 5, census not yet released
1991 April 21, census not yet released
2001 April 29, census not yet released
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