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Census Records for Wright from Yorkshire to East Boston

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This is a page to add the census records for George and Martha (Shipstone) Wright and their descendants. George and Martha were born in Yorkshire, England and came to East Boston, Massachusetts in the early 1850s. Most of the family stayed in the Boston area for a century although two returned to Yorkshire. Descendants are now found on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Census Records in England

1841 England Census

George Street, Snaith, Goole Union, Yorkshire, England.[1]

Name Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
Geo Wright M 50 Yorkshire
Martha Wright F 40 Yorkshire
Geo Wright M 15 Yorkshire
Martha Wright F 15 Yorkshire
Willm E Wright M 14 Yorkshire
John Wright M 10 Yorkshire
H[enr]y Wright M 12 Yorkshire
Saml Wright M 9 Yorkshire
Robt Wright M 7 Yorkshire
Rose Ann Wright F 4 Yorkshire
William Whyley M 35
Mary Whyley F 30
Mary Ann Whyley F 6

Census Records in the United States

1855 Massachusetts census

Ward 02, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.[2]

Name Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
George Wright M 65 England
Martha Wright F 55 England
Robert Wright M 21 Cooper England

1860 United States Census

Ward 2, City of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.[3]

Name Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
George Wright M 69 Seaman England
Martha Wright F 60 England
Robert Wright M 25 Cooper England
Daniel K Lovell M 30 Seaman Maine
Rosanna Lovell F 23 England
Arthur Lovell M 4 Massachusetts
Ida Lovell F 3 Massachusetts
Amelia Lovell F 0 Massachusetts

Ward 2 City of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.[4]

Name Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
Geo Wright M 37 Cooper England
Ann Wright F 38 England
William Wright M 12 England
Emilia Wright F 10 England
Walter Wright M 3 Massachusetts
Rollin Wright M 1 Massachusetts

1865 Massachusetts Census

Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.[5]

Name Relation Status Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
Geo Wright Head Married M 39 Cooper England
Ann Wright Married F 42 England
William E Wright Single M 18 Cooper England
Emily Wright Single F 16 England
Walter Wright Single M 9 Massachusetts, United States
Rolland Wright Single M 7 Massachusetts, United States
Warren Wright Single M 2 Massachusetts, United States

1870 United States Census

Ward 1, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.[6]

Name Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
George Palmer M 65 Barber Greece
Martha N Palmer F 45 Keeping House England
Alice Palmer F 9 Attending School Massachusetts
Florence Palmer F 5 At Home Massachusetts
Martha Wright F 73 No Occupation England
Rosanna Lovell F 33 Carpet Sewer England
Lewis Lovell M 1 At Home Massachusetts

Ward 1, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.[7]

Name Sex Age Occupation Birth Place
George Wright M 47 Cooper England
Ann Wright F 48 Keeping House England
Emily Wright F 19 No Occupation England
Walter Wright M 14 Attending School Massachusetts
Roland G Wright M 12 Attending School Massachusetts
Warren H Wright M 8 Attending School Massachusetts
Albert L Wright M 4 At Home Massachusetts

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