Location: Trumbull County, Ohio

Surnames/tags: Chalker Norton Viets
Here is a page for our family reunion. Location not yet known for the reunion in 2018. Will post it beginning of 2018.
All descendants of James & Mercy Norton Chalker, Luke & Hannah Norton Viets and Roderick & Olive Norton, Orin Chalker & Horace Norton. Theses pioneers journey from Suffield, CT in 1805, to Bowlestown, Ohio, (rename Southington) with their first election.
Roderick, Mercy, Hannah and Horace were siblings. Will add more information later.
We had our 140th. Chalker Norton Viets Family Reunion, Sunday, Aug. 6 2017.
James & Mercy Chalker, Luke & Hannah Viets, Roderick & Horace Norton, were our first generation to settle in this new wilderness. They cut and cleared away the forest to build the first two log cabins.
If you are a descendent of theses great pioneers, Please make plans to join us!
Our 141st Chalker Norton Viets Family was held in Aug. 12, 2018 at Kool Lakes Lakes Camp Ground., Garrettsville, Ohio. We had family from New Mexico and New York join us this year, how nice to meet our family. There were genealogy papers on our ancestor, Chalker- Norton & Viets.
2019, will be at the same pace, in Aug. Hope to see you in Aug. 2019. Our reunion is on the first or second Sunday in August. Please contact me for more information, Nancy
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at, 116 Diehl South Rd. Leavittsburg, Ohio. Please bring a cover dish to share. Buffett style dinner at 1:00. Family game, corn hole and business meeting. Awards for the oldest and youngest member and for the person that came the most miles. Join us in a Great Family Tradition! Please bring dates of marriages, births and deaths to add to our genealogy. Nancy