Location: Livingstonville, Broome, Schoharie County, New York, United States

Surname/tag: Chase
July 1932 - Chase Reunion Held At Livingstonville - Seventy-Three members of Family Present at Eighth Annual gathering
July 1932 - Chase Reunion Held At Livingstonville - Seventy-Three members of Family Present at Eighth Annual gathering
The members of the Chase family gathered at Livingstonville on July 4, for their eighth reunion. Officers for 1933 were chosen as follows: President, DeWitt Coager, Schenectady, Vice President, DeWitt Chase, Prattsville: Recording Secretary, Anna Chase Horstmyer, Scotia ; Corresponding Secretary, Edith Chase Dodge, Gloversville; Treasurer, Catherine Chase Negus, Scotia; Chaplain, Fred Coager, Prattsville; Historian, Hattie Chase Denny, East Worcester; Reunion Poettess, Amy Denny Pitt, East Worcester.
A business meeting was held following a sumptuous dinner served in the spacious halls of the old homestead with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Chase and family as the genial hosts and hostesses. Seventy-three were present, as follows:
From Schenectady: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eldred, Willis F. Eldred, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eldred, Mrs. Alice Russ, Miss Almira Russ, Andrew McLaud, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Chase, Mr. Kiley, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flowers, DeWitt Coager, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Coager, Violet Coager, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finn and three children.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brumaghin, Hartford, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. George Horstmyer, Misses Elsie and Georgiana Horstmyer, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Horstmyer, James Van Alystine, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Negus and two children ; Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Rosecrans, Breakabeen; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coager, David, Nellie, Lewis, Herbert and William Coager, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Truesdell and Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Chase of Prattsville.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chase, New York City; Mrs. Guy Shaver, Miss Catherine Shaver, Oneonta; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Standhart, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Standhart and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Standhart, Miss Julia Chase and Marion Chase of Howes Cave; Mrs. Ivy P. Chase, Mayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brundage, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Edith C. Dodge, Gloversville.
It seems likely this reunion targeted the descendants of John Parker Chase and Jerusha Willsey but that is simply an educated guess by Jeff Timmons.
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