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Cemeteries of Chautauqua County, New York

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Chautauqua County, New York, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Monica Palmer private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 352 times.



This is a sub-project to record and create pages for cemeteries located within Chautauqua County, New York. It is part of the Southern Tier New York Cemeteries project. Information is compiled from items under the Resources section.


Tasks for main page:
  1. Go through each resource and add cemeteries and their information to the table.
  2. Find and link any readings done for each cemetery.
Tasks for each cemetery:
  1. Create free-space profile for each cemetery per the Cemetery Pages guidelines
  2. Create categories for cemeteries with no category
  3. Note whether the cemetery is still active (if still active, will need to continue checking cemetery reports for any updates/errors).
  4. Link any profiles already created to cemetery category and correct any errors. (WT+ Report)
  5. Connect any unconnected profiles to the big tree.
  6. Create new profiles as necessary on WikiTree.
  7. Photograph missing headstones, transcribe and create profiles.


Note: If a page has been created for the cemetery, it will be linked in the table. If a reading has been done for the cemetery, there will be a link in that column. The WikiTree+ Cemetery Report (WT+) column will include whether the cemetery is complete [C] (on that report: any errors addressed and applicable profiles added) or partial [P] (profile accessibility problems prevent a complete cemetery) and the last date the report was checked. Finally, the last column will state whether the cemetery has been completed on WikiTree (Space page made and profiles made).
Name of Cemetery Location Category Link Reading Active Find A Grave Billion Graves WT+ Report WT Status
Abbey Cemetery Arkwright 63811 (226)
Allen Cemetery Falconer Category:Allen Cemetery, Falconer, New York 63839 (891)
Amish Cemetery Sherman 2278335 (8)
Ancestor Mound at Brushwood Sherman 2735131 (1)
Applegreen Cemetery Gerry 2159541 (24)
Arkwright Summit Cemetery Arkwright Category:Arkwright Summit Cemetery, Arkwright, New York 63858 (339) 69219
Baker and Stannard Cemetery North Harmony 2247332 (6)
Ball Hill Cemetery Forestville Category:Ball Hill Cemetery, Forestville, New York 63897 (68) 69255
Balltown Cemetery Balltown 963755 (241)
Barnes Cemetery (aka Hartfield Cemetery) Chautauqua 2203122 (35)
Bemus Point Cemetery Ellery Center Category:Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery Center, New York 211367 (3083)
Bentley Cemetery Lakewood Category:Bentley Cemetery, Lakewood, New York 63959 (854)
Beth-El Cemetery (aka Temple Hesed Abraham Cemetery) Jamestown 2402945 (143)
Blockville Union Burial Ground Blockville Category:Blockville Union Burial Ground, Blockville, New York 1919945 (778) 262439
Bloomer Cemetery Chautauqua see Bond-Bushee Cemetery
Bly Cemetery North Harmony 1988955 (49)
Bond-Bushee Cemetery (aka Bloomer Cemetery) Chautauqua 2247903 (15)
Brocton Cemetery Brocton 2205844
Burnham Hollow Cemetery Arkwright Category:Burnham Hollow Cemetery, Arkwright, New York 64088 (452) 69434
Burrows Cemetery Mayville 2137019 (10)
Bush Cemetery 64094
Busti Cemetery Busti Category:Busti Cemetery, Busti, New York 577490 (2546)
Cassadaga Cemetery Cassadaga Category:Cassadaga Cemetery, Cassadaga, New York 64150 69316
Charlotte Center Cemetery Charlotte Center Category:Charlotte Center Cemetery, Charlotte Center, New York 1973075
Chautauqua Cemetery Chautauqua Category:Chautauqua Cemetery, Chautauqua, New York 1975546
Cherry Creek Central Cemetery Cherry Creek Category:Cherry Creek Central Cemetery, Cherry Creek, New York 1820078
Christian Cemetery Arkwright Category:Christian Cemetery, Arkwright, New York 64201 69538
Clymer Cemetery Clymer Category:Clymer Cemetery, Clymer, New York 2277476
Clymer Center Cemetery Clymer Category:Clymer Center Cemetery, Clymer, New York 292105
Clymer Harmony Townline Cemetery Clymer Category:Clymer Harmony Townline Cemetery, Clymer, New York 2137024
Cowden's Corners Cemetery Arkwright Category:Cowden's Corners Cemetery, Arkwright, New York 1973069
Cutting Cemetery French Creek Category:Cutting Cemetery, French Creek, New York 314791
Dewittville Cemetery Chautauqua Category:Dewittville Cemetery, Chautauqua, New York 64340
East Ripley Cemetery Ripley Category:East Ripley Cemetery, Ripley, New York 236081
Evergreen Cemetery Sinclairville Category:Evergreen Cemetery, Sinclairville, New York 64455
Evergreen Cemetery Stockton Category:Evergreen Cemetery, Stockton, New York 1990503
Evergreen Lawn Cemetery Hanover Center Category:Evergreen Lawn Cemetery, Hanover Center, New York 1995688 69797
Fentonville Cemetery Fentonville Category:Fentonville Cemetery, Fentonville, New York 2131001
Findley Lake Cemetery Mina Category:Findley Lake Cemetery, Mina, New York 2132209
Fluvanna Cemetery Lakewood Category: Fluvanna Cemetery, Fluvanna, New York 740157
Forest Hill Cemetery Fredonia Category:Forest Hill Cemetery, Fredonia, New York 64563
Forestville Cemetery Forestville Category:Forestville Cemetery, Forestville, New York 65725
French Creek Cemetery French Creek Category:French Creek Cemetery, French Creek, New York 1286168
Gerry Village Cemetery Gerry Category:Gerry Village Cemetery, Gerry, New York 2133582 329260
Glenwood Cemetery Silver Creek Category:Glenwood Cemetery, Silver Creek, New York 64665
Greenwood Cemetery Stockton Category:Greenwood Cemetery, Stockton, New York 64715
Hamlet Cemetery Hamlet Category:Hamlet Cemetery, Hamlet, New York 1923777
Hartfield Cemetery Chautauqua see Barnes Cemetery
Hemenger Cemetery Gerry Category:Hemenger Cemetery, Gerry, New York 2133585
Holy Cross Cemetery Jamestown Category:Holy Cross Cemetery, Jamestown, New York 2142430
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Jamestown Category:Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Jamestown, New York 629252
Holy Trinity Cemetery Dunkirk Category:Holy Trinity Cemetery, Dunkirk, New York 64892
Kelley Hill Cemetery Pomfret Category:Kelley Hill Cemetery, Pomfret, New York 2187901
Knolle Cemetery Arkwright Category:Knolle Cemetery, Arkwright, New York 2150429
Lake View Cemetery Jamestown Category:Lake View Cemetery, Jamestown, New York 65038
Laona Cemetery Pomfret Category:Laona Cemetery, Pomfret, New York 1994638
Levant Cemetery Poland Category:Levant Cemetery, Poland, Chautauqua County, New York 65084 70358
Lewis Cemetery Ellery Category:Lewis Cemetery, Ellery, New York 65085 70359
Magnolia Cemetery Magnolia Category:Magnolia Cemetery, Magnolia, New York 1990358
Maple Grove Cemetery Ashville Category:Maple Grove Cemetery, Ashville, New York 1988004
Maple Grove Cemetery Frewsburg Category:Maple Grove Cemetery, Frewsburg, New York 65163
Maple Grove Cemetery Hanover Center Category:Maple Grove Cemetery, Hanover Center, New York 2387599
Mayville Cemetery Mayville Category:Mayville Cemetery, Mayville, New York 752141
Mina Cemetery Mina Category:Mina Cemetery, Mina, New York 65283
Mount Olivet Cemetery Falconer Category:Mount Olivet Cemetery, Falconer, New York 65358 70618
North Harmony Cemetery North Harmony Category:North Harmony Cemetery, North Harmony, New York 65446 70702
Open Meadows Cemetery Category:Open Meadows Cemetery, Chautauqua County, New York 65560
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery Silver Creek Category:Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery, Silver Creek, New York 65327
Panama Union Cemetery Panama Category:Panama Union Cemetery, Panama, New York 66533
Pickett Corner Cemetery Cassadaga Category:Pickett Corner Cemetery, Cassadaga, New York 1381453
Pine Hill Cemetery Falconer Category:Pine Hill Cemetery, Falconer, New York 403072
Pioneer Cemetery Forestville Category:Pioneer Cemetery, Forestville, New York 2185097
Pleasantville Cemetery Chautauqua Category:Pleasantville Cemetery, Chautauqua, New York 167689
Portland Evergreen Cemetery Portland Category:Portland Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, New York 1285757
Quincy Rural Cemetery Ripley Category:Quincy Rural Cemetery, Ripley, New York 65758 70985
Red Bird Cemetery Ellery Category:Red Bird Cemetery, Ellery, New York 2098711
Riverside Cemetery Kennedy Category:Riverside Cemetery, Kennedy, New York 2141403
Ross Mills Cemetery Falconer Category:Ross Mills Cemetery, Falconer, New York 65866
Saint Hedwig's Cemetery Dunkirk Category:Saint Hedwig's Cemetery, Dunkirk, New York 65966
Saint Mary's Cemetery Dunkirk Category:Saint Mary's Cemetery, Dunkirk, New York 66071 71285
Sheridan Cemetery Sheridan Category:Sheridan Cemetery, Sheridan, New York 707954
Sherman Cemetery Sherman Category:Sherman Cemetery, Sherman, New York 649750 217618
Sherman Family Cemetery Busti Category:Sherman Family Cemetery, Busti, New York 2463563
Smith's Mill Cemetery Smith Mills Category:Smith's Mill Cemetery, Smith Mills, New York 66325
St. Anthony's Cemetery Fredonia Category:St. Anthony's Cemetery, Fredonia, New York 65927
St. Hyacinth Cemetery Dunkirk Category:St. Hyacinth Cemetery, Dunkirk, New York 620725
St. Joseph's Cemetery Sheridan Category:St. Joseph's Cemetery, Sheridan, New York 66025
Stillwater Cemetery Busti Category:Stillwater Cemetery, Busti, New York 66398
Sunset Hill Cemetery Lakewood Category:Sunset Hill Cemetery, Lakewood, New York 66424
Swift Cemetery Forestville Category:Swift Cemetery, Forestville, New York 2152891
Tefft Cemetery French Creek Category:Tefft Cemetery, French Creek, New York 66441
Temple Hesed Abraham Cemetery Jamestown see Beth-El Cemetery
Tucker Cemetery Poland Category:Tucker Cemetery, Poland, Chautauqua County, New York 66510 71688
Union Cemetery Westfield Category:Union Cemetery, Westfield, New York 66535
Valley View Cemetery Ellington Category:Valley View Cemetery, Ellington, New York 66587
Villenova Cemetery Balcom Corners Category:Villenova Cemetery, Balcom Corners, New York 66617
Volusia Cemetery Westfield Category:Volusia Cemetery, Westfield, New York 229278
Waits Corners Cemetery Sherman Category:Waits Corners Cemetery, Sherman, New York 2131421
Webster Street Cemetery Pomfret Category:Webster Street Cemetery, Pomfret, New York 66664
West Main Street Cemetery Pomfret Category:West Main Street Cemetery, Pomfret, New York 2279064
Westfield Cemetery Westfield Category:Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, New York 226405
William Luce Cemetery Charlotte Center Category:William Luce Cemetery, Charlotte Center, New York 65135
Willowbrook Park Cemetery Dunkirk Category:Willowbrook Park Cemetery, Dunkirk, New York 66758


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