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Category: Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestors
Template: Jamestowne_Society_Ancestor_Sticker | Stickers for Jamestown Colony#Qualifying Ancestors
Checklist of Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestors
as currently listed on the Society website [1] as of 31 Aug 2018. Note: The Society's newsletter includes announcements of new Qualifying Ancestors that might not be immediately added to the list.
- F - Female
- A - Applications
- A - An application based on this ancestor has been accepted [2]
- Q - Qualification
- R - Resident or landowner, pre-1625 (anywhere in Virginia)
- L - Resident or landowner, post-1625 (Jamestown Island only)
- B - Burgess, Councillor, Governor, Treasurer etc
- C - Anglican clergyman
- I - Indian interpreter
- N - Personal investor (non-immigrant)
- G - Guild member (non-immigrant)
- G - gateway status
- m - Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor
- t - Ancestor of a Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor (on a trail)
- a - Ancestor of a Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor (non-trail)
- d - Descendant of a Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor
- s - Spouse of a Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor (non-trail)
- D - Adventurers of Purse and Person, 4th edn. (Dorman, 2004-7)
- D - Lines of descent are traced in the book [3]
- J - Jamestowne Ancestors (Davis, 2006)
Work in progress - the list of names is complete, but the WikiTree IDs and flags are ongoing, so absence means nothing at this time.
- The QA list seems to have originated with a much shorter pre-1625 list inspired by the Order of First Families of Virginia. This corresponds to the R and N groups above, and is essentially the qualification for inclusion in Adventurers of Purse and Person, where lines of descent are traceable. Names in those groups appear to be listed only where a line of descent is known.
- That list, probably too small for a viable Society, has been greatly extended by adding the whole of the 17th-century administrative, political and religious establishment of Virginia, irrespective of where they lived. Burgesses etc appear to have been added wholesale, apparently from the Jamestowne Ancestors book initially, without investigation of whether lines of descent are known. The appearance of such a name in the QA list should not therefore be taken to confirm that the Society has certified a line of descent.
- The QA list as such does not show which of the people listed have been the basis of accepted applications. This information is available in the Society's printed Register ($13), and also from this online list. The Society reserves the right to change its mind: connection of new applications to existing applications is accepted, but only with current permission. Copies of accepted applications can be bought for $38 each.
- People who qualify in other respects might be omitted from the QA list if on investigation there seems to be no provable line of descent, in order to discourage pointless applications through well-known undocumented connections (of which many are in circulation). The Society website used to have a list of names added to/dropped from the QA list since it was first compiled. That list was last updated in May 2017 and can be found still courtesy of archive.org's Wayback Machine: 2 January 2018 capture (accessed 16 January 2024). Later changes have been published in the Society's magazine (see, for example, page 9 of the Spring 2019 issue).
- The QA list is not closed. Applications based on unlisted ancestors will be considered, in principle, though obviously they're unlikely to succeed if they say nothing new. There could be many people who qualify but are not yet listed. The completeness of the QA list is discussed here.
- All early investors qualify, even if they never left England. Bizarrely this includes all members of all the many London Guilds which invested corporately. In practice, the only non-immigrants likely to appear in the list are those whose children or grandchildren immigrated to Virginia in the 17th century.
- All pre-1700 politicians and Anglican ministers in Virginia qualify, even if their plantations or parishes were a long way from Jamestown.
- All early Virginia immigrants (down to the 1624/5 Muster) qualify, irrespective of where they lived, including the Eastern Shore. But if they became councillors or burgesses at any time, before or after the Muster, this tends to be shown on the website as the operative qualification.
- A small number of black people were in Virginia before 1625, but are not identifiable, so not listed. (But see Driggers-126)
- Pocahontas is the only Native American on the QA list. The ancestry of later Native Americans cannot be documented back to the pre-1625 era.
- In some cases, not all, the spouse of a qualifying ancestor would also qualify. Some of these are listed, but apparently some not. Of course it makes no difference to the membership application.
Not listed, but might qualify?
- Thomas Bouldinge (Ancient Planter. At Elizabeth City in the 1624/5 Muster. Not in Dorman)
- A Richard Eyers is named here as a burgess, but isn't in the list of burgesses. Investigate
Listed, but might not qualify?
- Argall, Sir Samuel [10]
- Berkeley, Sir William [23]
- Blaney, Edward Blaney - no descendants?
- Farley, Thomas - no descendants?
- Norwood, Charles - ditto
- Norwood, Henry - ditto
- Smith, Capt. John - ditto
- Wingfield, Edward Maria - ditto?
Some unlisted early residents, but probably non-qualifiers
- Powell, Capt. William - descendants reported extinct
- (Unknown) Powell Blaney West, Margaret
- Edward Rogers
- John Box
- William Box - 3rd Supply
- Bartholomew Wetherby - Ancient Planter
- Col. John Smith - probably not a Burgess (confused with Francis Dade)
Sources and Links
- Jamestowne Society: http://www.jamestowne.org/qualifying-ancestors.html
- Dorman, John F: Adventurers of Purse and Person, 4th edn, 3 vols: A-F (2004), G-P (2005), R-Z (2007). Supported by the Order of First Families of Virginia. Traces 3-5 generations of descendants of pre-Muster settlers. Some later arrivals are included if their forebears were early investors in the Company. A transcription of the Muster is in Vol. 1. Publisher's blurbs and front matter on the publisher's website (Vol. 1, 2, 3) which also has Vol. 2 complete. Vol. 2 is also in preview/snippet mode on Google Books.
- Jester and Hiden, 1st edition (1956). Includes Muster.
- Davis, Virginia Lee (Hutcheson): Jamestowne Ancestors (2006), preview. Also at Google Books. Lists all known 17th-century residents of Jamestown Island (deemed to include all burgesses).
- McCartney, Martha W: Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers (2007), preview. Short bios of pre-1635 Virginians, summarizing what little information can be found in the primary sources, which are cited, usually in printed editions.
- 1st Charter (1606): http://avalon.law.yale.edu/17th_century/va01.asp
- 2nd Charter (1609): http://avalon.law.yale.edu/17th_century/va02.asp (shareholders named)
- 3rd Charter (1611/2): http://avalon.law.yale.edu/17th_century/va03.asp (abridged)
- 3rd Charter (1611/2) in full: https://archive.org/details/TheGenesisOfTheUnitedStates/page/n23/ (shareholders named)
- Burk, John: History of Virginia, Vol. 1 (1804), p. 339, Appendix. Adventurers (1620).
- Original settlers (1607 May): http://www.virtualjamestown.org/census2a.html
- 1st Supply (1607/8 Jan): http://www.virtualjamestown.org/census3a.html
- 2nd Supply (1608 Sep): http://www.virtualjamestown.org/census4a.html
- See Complete Works of John Smith (below) for the source of these lists.
- 1623/4 Feb, Census ("Living and Dead List"): Colonial Records (1874), p. 37. Dead, p. 55.[86] Also in Hotten, see below. Other lists on websites etc are usually taken from Hotten.
- 1624/5 Jan, Muster: Virtual Jamestown. A new and more complete transcription than the one given by Hotten, but the search form requires exact spellings. Could be the same transcription as in Purse and Person [1].
- Hotten, John Camden: Original Lists (1874): 1623/4 census;[87] 1624/5 muster; index.
- Musters: Space:Adventurers_of_Purse_and_Person_The_MUSTERS. (Purse and Person transcription)
- Government records:
- Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies, ed. W Noel Sainsbury, on British History Online.
- Company records:
- Council, Assembly and Court records:
- Minutes of the Council and General Court, ed. McIlwaine (1924), [3].
- Also serialized in V.M.H.B, 1911-1922, with biographical footnotes by Stanard.
- Journals of the House of Burgesses, ed. McIlwaine (1915), [4].
- Includes the "Briefe Declaration", p. 28.
- Colonial Records of Virginia (1874): 1619 Assembly p. 9, 1623/4 Living and Dead List p. 35, Briefe Declaration p. 65, Massacre List p. 61.
- Minutes of the Council and General Court, ed. McIlwaine (1924), [3].
- Burgesses:
- Kukla, Jon (1981): Speakers and Clerks of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1643–1776
- Leonard, Cynthia Miller: General Assembly of Virginia, Bicentennial Register of Members (1978)
- Stanard, W.G: Colonial Virginia Register (1902), [5]. Lists of officials and burgesses.
- "Colonial Attorney Generals", in W.M.Q, Vol. 10, no. 1 (Jul 1901), p. 31; no. 2 (Oct 1901), p. 140; no. 3 (Jan 1902), p. 166; list, no 3 (Jan 1902), p. 165;
- "Colonial Secretaries", list, in W.M.Q, Vol. 10, no. 3 (Jan 1902), p. 167, JSTOR.
- Land patents and headrights:
- Burk, John: History of Virginia, Vol. 1 (1804), p. 331, Appendix. Early patents. (Mistitled - the list starts with Henrico, but goes on to cover the whole colony)
- Nugent, Nell Marion: Cavaliers and Pioneers. "Calendar" (so called, but not in date order), a series of 6 pamphlets, 1929, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Continued in book form, as "Abstracts", Vol. 1 "of 5", but only the one volume published, 1934. Also on Hathi Trust.
- Cavaliers and Pioneers, continued by Virginia State Library. Vols. 2 (1666-95) and 3 (1695-1732). Copyright. Also on Google Books: Vol. 2, 3.
- Cavaliers and Pioneers, further continued by Virginia Genealogical Society, 1994-99. Vols 4-8 (1732-1782), ed. Hudgins. Copyright.
- Greer, George Cabel: Early Virginia Immigrants 1623 - 1666 (1912). List of headrights redeemed. Quisenberry says it covers only 1635-56.
- Quisenberry, A.C: "First Pioneer Families of Virginia", in Reg. Kentucky Hist. Soc, Vol. 11, no. 32 (May 1913), pp. 55-77, on JSTOR (free). Lists of patentees, 1623-35 and 1635-56.
- Robinson, W. Stitt: Mother Earth: Land Grants in Virginia (1957), on Gutenberg, archive.org, Google Books.
- Immigrants:
- Shipping:
- "Ships Arriving at Jamestown", in N.E.H.G.R, Vol. 30 #4 (Oct 1876), p. 414.
- Kolb, Avery E: "Early Passengers to Virginia", in V.M.H.B, Vol. 88 no. 4 (Oct 1980), pp. 401-414.
- Packrat-pro.
- See also the "Briefe Declaration"
- Maids:
- "English Maids for Virginia Planters", in N.E.H.G.R, Vol. 30 #4 (Oct 1876), p. 410. (These lists are probably derived at least partly from the 1624/5 Muster)
- McIlwaine, H.R: "The Maids Who Came for Husbands", in The Reviewer, Vol. 1, no. 4 (Apr 1921), p. 105.
- Potter, Jennifer: The Jamestown Brides (2018), on Google Books
- Cited somewhere, Virginia Company Records
- WikiTree: Tobacco Brides
- Ancient Planters:
- Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters. Alphabetized by given name. Uses married names.
- Nugent, Nell Marion: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 1 (1934), p. xxvi. List compiled by Dr. Robert Armistead Stewart.
- Jamestowne Ancestors, but note this list has extra qualifications, it's not just "all Ancient Planters". Alphabetical order is corrupted. Some married names are used. Some names are ambiguous.
- Wikipedia:
- Wikipedia: Ancient_planter
- Jamestown colonists (1607-08)
- Burgesses (but only pre-1700 Burgesses are Qualifying Ancestors)
- Jamestowne Society:
- Publications
- Qualifying Ancestors
- "Gateways" - Revolution-era descendants in accepted applicatons
- Chronology
- Captain John Smith:
- Smith, Capt. John: General History, [9]. See also Tyler's Narratives
- Works of John Smith, ed. Arber (1884) (mentioned in Tyler's Narratives, p. 291)
- Travels and Works of Captain John Smith, ed. Arber and Bradley, 1910, 2 vols (cited by Dorman)
- Complete Works of Captain John Smith, ed. Philip L Barbour: Vol. 1, 2, 3.
- Other early documents:
- Narratives of Early Virginia, ed. Tyler (1907). Percy, p. 1; Smith's "True Relation", p. 25; Smith's "Proceedings", p. 73; Delaware, p. 205; Molina, p. 215; Biard, p. 225; Rolfe to Dale, p. 235; 1619 Assembly, p. 245; Pory, p. 279; Smith's General History Book 4, p. 289; Answer to Butler, p. 409; Tragical Relation, p. 419; Discourse, p. 427.
- More in Brown's Genesis etc.
- Potted biographies:
- See Martha McCartney (2007) above
- Tyler, Lyon Gardiner (1853-1935): Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Vol. 1. Founders p.5, Governors p.33, Councillors p.75, Burgesses p.169. Said to be unreliable. Transcribed on VAGenWeb.
- Dictionary of Virginia Biography (ongoing - still very incomplete)
- Encyclopedia Virginia
- More in Brown's Genesis, Vol. 2, p. 811.
- History:
- Stith, Rev. William: History of Virginia, [10], index. Index also on HathiTrust.
- Burk, John: History of Virginia, Vol. 1 (1804), [11].
- Bruce, Philip Alexander: History of Virginia, Vol. 1 "Colonial Period".
- Brown, Alexander: Genesis of the United States, 1897, 2 vols: Vol. 1, Vol. 2 (pp. 525-)
- Brown, Alexander: The First Republic in America (1898), [12].
- Tyler, Lyon Gardiner: The Cradle of the Republic (1906), [13].
- Hatch, Charles E: The First Seventeen Years : Virginia 1607-1624, 1957, on Gutenberg.
- Wertenbaker, T.J: The Planters of Colonial Virginia, 1959, on Gutenberg.
- Genealogy:
- Heraldry:
- Journals (WikiTree source pages):
- Maps
- Fry-Jefferson map (abt 1750)
- [16], [17], McCartney.
- WikiTree
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 See this list (URL updated 4 October 2024).
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Currently based on the ToCs without seeing the books
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 The majority of Ancient Planters listed by these sources don't appear in this table, owing to lack of traceable descendants
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Currently based on previews
- ↑ 6.000 6.001 6.002 6.003 6.004 6.005 6.006 6.007 6.008 6.009 6.010 6.011 6.012 6.013 6.014 6.015 6.016 6.017 6.018 6.019 6.020 6.021 6.022 6.023 6.024 6.025 6.026 6.027 6.028 6.029 6.030 6.031 6.032 6.033 6.034 6.035 6.036 6.037 6.038 6.039 6.040 6.041 6.042 6.043 6.044 6.045 6.046 6.047 6.048 6.049 6.050 6.051 6.052 6.053 6.054 6.055 6.056 6.057 6.058 6.059 6.060 6.061 6.062 6.063 6.064 6.065 6.066 6.067 6.068 6.069 6.070 6.071 6.072 6.073 6.074 6.075 6.076 6.077 6.078 6.079 6.080 6.081 6.082 6.083 6.084 6.085 6.086 6.087 6.088 6.089 6.090 6.091 6.092 6.093 6.094 6.095 6.096 6.097 6.098 6.099 6.100 6.101 6.102 6.103 6.104 6.105 6.106 6.107 6.108 6.109 6.110 6.111 6.112 6.113 6.114 6.115 6.116 6.117 6.118 6.119 6.120 6.121 6.122 6.123 6.124 6.125 6.126 6.127 6.128 6.129 6.130 6.131 6.132 6.133 6.134 6.135 6.136 6.137 6.138 6.139 6.140 6.141 6.142 6.143 6.144 6.145 6.146 6.147 6.148 6.149 6.150 6.151 6.152 6.153 6.154 6.155 6.156 6.157 6.158 6.159 6.160 6.161 6.162 6.163 6.164 6.165 6.166 6.167 6.168 6.169 6.170 6.171 6.172 6.173 6.174 6.175 6.176 6.177 6.178 6.179 6.180 6.181 6.182 6.183 6.184 6.185 6.186 6.187 6.188 6.189 6.190 6.191 6.192 6.193 6.194 6.195 6.196 6.197 6.198 6.199 6.200 6.201 6.202 6.203 6.204 6.205 6.206 6.207 6.208 6.209 6.210 6.211 6.212 6.213 6.214 6.215 6.216 6.217 6.218 6.219 6.220 6.221 6.222 6.223 6.224 6.225 6.226 6.227 6.228 6.229 6.230 6.231 6.232 6.233 6.234 6.235 6.236 6.237 6.238 6.239 6.240 6.241 6.242 6.243 6.244 6.245 6.246 6.247 6.248 6.249 6.250 6.251 6.252 6.253 6.254 6.255 6.256 6.257 6.258 6.259 6.260 6.261 6.262 6.263 6.264 6.265 6.266 6.267 6.268 6.269 6.270 6.271 6.272 6.273 6.274 6.275 6.276 6.277 6.278 6.279 6.280 6.281 6.282 6.283 6.284 6.285 6.286 6.287 6.288 6.289 6.290 6.291 6.292 6.293 6.294 6.295 6.296 6.297 6.298 6.299 6.300 6.301 6.302 6.303 6.304 6.305 6.306 6.307 6.308 6.309 6.310 6.311 6.312 6.313 6.314 6.315 6.316 6.317 6.318 6.319 6.320 6.321 6.322 6.323 6.324 6.325 6.326 6.327 6.328 6.329 6.330 6.331 6.332 6.333 6.334 6.335 6.336 6.337 6.338 6.339 6.340 6.341 6.342 6.343 6.344 6.345 6.346 6.347 6.348 6.349 6.350 6.351 6.352 6.353 6.354 6.355 6.356 6.357 6.358 6.359 6.360 6.361 6.362 6.363 6.364 6.365 6.366 6.367 6.368 6.369 6.370 6.371 6.372 6.373 6.374 6.375 6.376 6.377 6.378 6.379 6.380 6.381 6.382 6.383 6.384 6.385 6.386 6.387 6.388 6.389 6.390 6.391 6.392 6.393 6.394 6.395 6.396 6.397 6.398 6.399 6.400 6.401 6.402 6.403 6.404 6.405 6.406 6.407 6.408 6.409 6.410 6.411 6.412 6.413 6.414 6.415 6.416 6.417 6.418 6.419 6.420 6.421 6.422 6.423 6.424 6.425 6.426 6.427 6.428 6.429 6.430 6.431 6.432 6.433 6.434 6.435 6.436 6.437 6.438 6.439 6.440 6.441 6.442 6.443 6.444 6.445 6.446 6.447 6.448 6.449 6.450 6.451 6.452 6.453 6.454 6.455 6.456 6.457 6.458 6.459 6.460 6.461 6.462 6.463 6.464 6.465 6.466 6.467 6.468 6.469 6.470 6.471 6.472 6.473 6.474 6.475 6.476 6.477 6.478 6.479 6.480 6.481 6.482 6.483 6.484 6.485 6.486 6.487 6.488 6.489 6.490 6.491 6.492 6.493 6.494 6.495 6.496 6.497 6.498 6.499 6.500 6.501 6.502 6.503 6.504 6.505 6.506 6.507 6.508 6.509 6.510 6.511 6.512 6.513 6.514 6.515 6.516 6.517 6.518 6.519 6.520 6.521 6.522 6.523 6.524 6.525 6.526 6.527 6.528 6.529 6.530 6.531 6.532 6.533 6.534 6.535 6.536 6.537 6.538 6.539 6.540 6.541 6.542 6.543 6.544 6.545 6.546 6.547 6.548 6.549 6.550 6.551 6.552 6.553 6.554 6.555 6.556 6.557 6.558 6.559 6.560 6.561 6.562 6.563 6.564 6.565 6.566 6.567 6.568 6.569 6.570 6.571 6.572 6.573 6.574 6.575 6.576 6.577 6.578 6.579 6.580 6.581 6.582 6.583 6.584 6.585 6.586 6.587 6.588 6.589 6.590 6.591 6.592 6.593 6.594 6.595 6.596 6.597 6.598 6.599 6.600 6.601 6.602 6.603 6.604 6.605 6.606 6.607 6.608 6.609 6.610 6.611 6.612 6.613 6.614 6.615 6.616 6.617 6.618 6.619 6.620 6.621 6.622 6.623 6.624 6.625 6.626 6.627 6.628 6.629 6.630 6.631 6.632 6.633 6.634 6.635 6.636 6.637 6.638 6.639 6.640 6.641 6.642 6.643 6.644 6.645 6.646 6.647 6.648 6.649 6.650 6.651 6.652 6.653 6.654 6.655 6.656 6.657 6.658 6.659 6.660 6.661 6.662 6.663 6.664 has footnote to support sticker
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.40 7.41 7.42 7.43 7.44 7.45 7.46 7.47 7.48 7.49 7.50 Reviewed 2024.
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 has source entry to support sticker
- ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 Searched WikiTree for a profile in 2024 (November/December) and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Survived by a daughter in England, issue unknown. No known American descendants
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 2024 review: Profile managed by the Magna Carta Project, which does not allow the Jamestowne Society Ancestor Sticker. Profile has category & supporting citation from the Jamestowne Society.
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Followup needed - managed by MCP.
- ↑ see text on Bagnall-130; Bagnall-1115 died before 1680 per WikiTree, QA was "living 1680" per Jamestowne Society.
- ↑ See comment on Baldwin-14711 - the Jamestowne Society does not list him as a QA (accessed 19 Novmeber 2024), but he was in December 2021 (#A404).
- ↑ See Barker-3192#Research Notes (added to profile 8 June 2020)
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Barnard, Thomas and Bernard, Thomas are duplicates. Both are Bernard-107.
- ↑ 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 17.12 This name appears in the main alphabetical list, but is missing from the detailed list
- ↑ Based on evidence in Stanard and Tyler, this William Batt is the same as William Batte. He served first in Surry 1654, then Elizabeth City, 1658-59.
- ↑ No evidence that Batte-22 is the William Batte who was Burgess in Surry County 1654-55. He would have been only 23 years old when elected Burgess and no evidence he was ever in Surry County.
- ↑ John Baugh has been removed as Qualifying Ancestor. He was not born until about 1640-42 and the John Baugh who is on the JS list served as Burgess for Henrico County in 1642 and 1645.
- ↑
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 McCartney, p. 127. Cites Dorman. Presumably no Bennett lines as the names of the sons are unknown?
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Descendants remained in England
- ↑ 2024 review: Byckley-1 is the Jamestowne Society QA. Bickley-37 is in a badged Magna Carta Project trail.
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 No known descendants?
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 "New Qualified Ancestors" from the Society's homepage (accessed 16 June 2020):
- A9739: Sawier/Sawyer, Thomas b. 1601 England, d. Aft. Feb 1653 Norfolk Co., Resident of 1624 Muster
- A9738: Mason, George I b. 1620 d. 1688 Burgess Stafford Co. 1676, 1680, 1684
- A9737: Rolfe, Thomas b. 1615 Jamestown Resident, liv. 1670
- A9735 Sir John Bourchier b. 1557/8 d. 1626 in England, Stockholder Virginia Company of London. His daughter Mary Bourchier married Jabez Whitaker (A8703)
- A9736 Jane Fareley/Farley Muster of 1624/5 wife of Thomas Fareley/Farley
- William Lee A9733 d. 1703 Northumberland, 1693 (Burgess) and Cuthbert Span A9734 b. 1651 d. 1696 Northumberland, 1693 (Burgess) - Northumberland County was omitted from Leonard's The General Assembly of Virginia 1619-1978 for the Fall session.
- ↑ Correct Wiki ID lost due to merge. New merge proposed between Boyle-2951 & Boyle-2939; final profile after merging bios & sources will be Boyle-2939
- ↑ Possibly Branch-111, but not enough information in the profile or other sources (Tyler, Jamestowene Society) to tell, as of 1 April 2021.
- ↑ 29.00 29.01 29.02 29.03 29.04 29.05 29.06 29.07 29.08 29.09 29.10 29.11 29.12 29.13 29.14 29.15 29.16 29.17 29.18 29.19 29.20 29.21 29.22 29.23 29.24 29.25 29.26 29.27 29.28 29.29 29.30 29.31 29.32 29.33 29.34 29.35 29.36 29.37 29.38 29.39 29.40 29.41 29.42 29.43 29.44 29.45 29.46 29.47 29.48 29.49 29.50 29.51 29.52 29.53 29.54 29.55 29.56 29.57 29.58 Searched WikiTree for a profile in Sep2021 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Not in the list on the website when last checked, but has been used in an accepted application. Could be new or could be dropped
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 It appears from text in McIlwaine Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, Vol. 1, pages 10 & 52, that Thomas Ceely and Thomas Seely are the same person.
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 The website says he was a Burgess but that might not be right. He qualifies by being in the 1624/5 Muster. News on a line of descent would be interesting.
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 WikiTree bios of father and son are conflated and confused (at time of writing)
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9
- ↑ Footnote retained, but sticker removed by Magna Carta Project (also removed USSCP Sticker|Virginia). Category added.
- ↑ Error on Jamestowne Soc. page, misspelled duplicate of William Colston Colston-57
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 His daughter Elizabeth emigrated to Massachusetts (as did his son Thomas, who left no descendants)
- ↑ 1st wife of John Wilkins, profile needs to be created.
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Presumably Dorman shows Raleigh as the father of Joseph, as otherwise neither would qualify to be in the book. But McCartney has no mention of Joseph, who evidently appears in no Virginia records in her timeframe
- ↑ Added the category manually, since the sticker was not on the profile, managed by the England Project.
- ↑ Katharine E. Harbury,"Thomas Davis (fl. 1619)," Dictionary of Virginia Biography, Library of Virginia (1998– ), published 2018 (http://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/dvb/bio.asp?b=Davis_Thomas, accessed [21 Dec. 2020]).
- ↑ The profile for Ellison-40 was redone in 2020 but still may conflate the Qualifying Ancestor with another Roberth Ellison.
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Applications have been accepted through Thomas Farley, although no lines of descent are known that are documented by primary sources
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 Searched WikiTree for a profile in Oct2022 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ Not sure why the ?? - maybe for LNAB Fludd? The profile as of 1 April 2021 was clearly for the burgess described by Tyler & Jamestowne Society.
- ↑ Richard Foster is not included on the Jamestowne Society list of Seventeenth Century Qualifying Ancestors. He is, however, included on this Checklist. For information as to why, see note on his profile.
- ↑ Removed Gaither-179. See comment & evidence on profile proving he is wrong person.
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Gateway ancestor in some lists
- ↑ This spelling is included on both main and individual lists on Jamestowne Society pages. It is a duplicate with different spelling of "Gough, Matthew" listed below.
- ↑ This spelling is included on both main and individual lists on Jamestowne Society pages. It is a duplicate with different spelling of "Gogh, Mathew" listed above.
- ↑ May be a misspelling of Lionel Rowlston below. Neither name is found on WikiTree.
- ↑ Profile's a bit of a mess but appears to be intended to represent the Thomas Gray listed by the Jamestowne Society. I added support for the sticker (last bullet in source list as of 6 September 2020). - Liz
Still a bit of a mess (worse?) - two citations for Jamestowne Society in bulleted list(s) of sources & now also a footnote. ~ Noland-165, 16 Jan. 2021 - ↑ 53.00 53.01 53.02 53.03 53.04 53.05 53.06 53.07 53.08 53.09 53.10 53.11 53.12 53.13 53.14 53.15 53.16 53.17 53.18 53.19 53.20 53.21 Searched WikiTree for a profile in Nov2022 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ Supposedly Burgess from Nansemond 1661-65. Cannot locate anyone with surname "Gwillen" in records as Burgess. Not in Stanard, not in McIlwaine Journals. Only Burgess found in records during this time period is George Wallings, 1662/3 from Nansemond. Perhaps somehow the spelling of "Wallings" was transmuted into "Gwillen." Also not found in Jester or Dorman.
- ↑ Problem with two Reverends, both named Thomas Hampton, uncle (not on WikiTree) and nephew, Thomas Hampton. They appear to be conflated on the Jamestowne List of Qualifying Ancestors, but with errors. Both served as Anglican minister in York and James City Counties. Jamestowne list gives dates b 16 April 1623, d by 1677. Uncle was born about 1609 and died 1647/48. Nephew was born 16 April 1623 and died 1690.
- ↑ Thomas Haynes was not Burgess from Lancaster County, Virginia, 1671-1676. Jamestowne Society appears to have made an error including Thomas Haynes as Burgess. No source located to confirm any Thomas Haynes as Burgess from Lancaster Co. Both McIlwaine (Journals of House of Burgesses) and Stanard (Colonial Virginia Register) list other people as Burgess from Lancster Co. during those years.
- ↑ Unable to locate any documentation to support his inclusion here. He is listed on the QA Lineage Paper Project as QA Reynold Henley A9438. See note on his profile.
- ↑ It is possible this is a duplicate with variant spelling of Hayrick, Thomas, A3706
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 Immigrated to Plymouth Colony on the Fortune in 1621
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 John Hoddin A3908, Burgess 1642, and John Holden A3910, Burgess 1643, appear to be the same person. Only John Hoddin included in Stanard for 1642-43. McIlwaine, v.1. 1619-1658/59, lists both John Hoddin and John Holden on page xvii, but only Hoddin appears on that page. No profile found on WikiTree for either.
- ↑ Not enough information on the profile and from his Jamestowne Society entry to determine if the profile represents the John Holland who was Burgess for Westmoreland County (1654-55). The profile appears to cover more than one John Holland. ~ Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestor: Holland, John - A3914; Westmoreland Co.: 1654-55 (Burgess). accessed 16 August 2020
- ↑ Based on "Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia", Vol. 1, p 137, William Horwood appears to be a duplicate of William Harwood Harwood-718. He is listed twice on Jamestowne website as Harwood and Horwood.
- ↑ See profile's Research Notes: sources are confused about this and next John Jackson.
- ↑ See McCartney, page 419 for bio
- ↑ 65.0 65.1 Missing from the main list on the website, but included in the detailed list
- ↑ 66.0 66.1 66.2 There are 2 men of this name in the detailed listing, but the name appears 3 times in the main alphabetical listing
- ↑ 67.00 67.01 67.02 67.03 67.04 67.05 67.06 67.07 67.08 67.09 67.10 Searched WikiTree for a profile in Oct2021 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ Hugh Lee's membership in House of Burgesses is problematic. See his profile for Research Notes.
- ↑ sticker in Jamestowne section of profile
- ↑ Edward Mihill was burgess for Elizabeth City County 1680-82, so not Myhill-8 (born c1671) or Myhill-175 (died 1660). Removed sticker/category from both. Removed the following footnotes/statement from Myhill-8:
- f/n - Jamestowne Society: Mihill/Myhill, Edward - A5503; living in 1697, Elizabeth City Co.: 1680-82 (Burgess). accessed 6 October 2021
- Myhill was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses from Elizabeth City County for 1680-82.
f/n - McIlwaine, H. R. and J. P. Kennedy, Editors. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 13 Volumes. Richmond, Virginia, 1905-1915. Editors: vols. 1-9, H. R. McIlwaine; v. 10-13, J. P. Kennedy. Vol. 2, 1659/60-1693 (1914)
- ↑ This spelling is included on both main and individual lists on Jamestowne Society pages. It is a duplicate with different spelling of "Parry, William" listed above.
- ↑ May be son of Place-17
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 Missing from the main list on the website, but included in the detailed list
- ↑ Not listed on main or individual list on JS website. He is listed on the QA Lineage Paper Project as QA Richard Smith A7307; connected to several members of the Richardson family. See Notes on Profile.
- ↑ 75.0 75.1 Called "John Spicer" on the Spence-Stegg page
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 76.4 Searched WikiTree for a profile in Nov2021 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ 77.00 77.01 77.02 77.03 77.04 77.05 77.06 77.07 77.08 77.09 77.10 77.11 [citation needed] for LNAB
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 Middle wife of her 3rd husband William Baugh-274
- ↑ On the main list at JS there is only one John Walker. On the individual list there are two, A8210 and A9695. I believe these are the same person. See Walker's profile for sources.
- ↑ 80.0 80.1 Son of John Washington immediately above
- ↑ No source supports James Williamson as burgess in 1652, or any other year.
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 Not covered by Richardson. Had royal and Magna Carta ancestry, but left no descendants
- ↑ This Councillor, who died 1701, is probably not Wormeley-12, more research is needed
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 Returned to England, but his children emigrated to Virginia
- ↑ 85.0 85.1 Apparently printed from copies made at the PRO in England and sent to Virginia
- ↑ 86.0 86.1 Hotten, Dorman and McCartney all take it that 16 Feb 1623 is the date on the original document, and therefore in Old Style, denoting Feb 1623/4, 2 years after the Massacre; as apparently does this editor on p. 35, where he says that the census took place almost 5 years after August 1619. So the listing of the dead "since April last" refers to April 1623. But the Editor's Note on p. 61 miscalculates that "April last" means April 1622, and so makes a connection with the Massacre that isn't there.
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 The relation between Hotten's version and the Colonial Records version is unclear. Differences seem to be minor
- ↑ Assuming the Burgess was the nephew not the uncle (who has no known descendants anyway)
- ↑ WikiTree believes that the early resident (sailed 1620) and the later inhabitant of Lower Norfolk County were different people. Dorman makes them the same person, as apparently does the Jamestowne Society (since, if there were two people, neither would qualify).
- ↑ Searched WikiTree for a profile in July 2020 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ Searched WikiTree for a profile in June 2020 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ Searched WikiTree for a profile in Dec2021 and found no suitable candidate.
- ↑ Searched WikiTree for a profile in Jan2022 and found no suitable candidate.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Liz Shifflett, US Southern Colonies Project WikiTree, and Virginia Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
I was working on some related profiles and adopted Thomas Jarvis (Jarvis-1059) which was created in 2013. Jarvis-4814 also has the Jamestowne Society ancestor sticker and some information attempting to claim to be the same person. However, he is only attached to his son Thomas (Jarvis-4335: Governor in Northern Carolina) who was much older than the minor son "Thomas Jarvis" mentioned in Thomas's (Jarvis-1059) 1684 will. The younger Thomas was still under age in 1692 when he requested his step-father serve as his guardian. NCPedia and the North Carolina Archives state that Governor Jarvis' parents haven't been positively identified. There is an article in the W&M Quarterly from 1900 which suggests Jarvis-1059 was the progenitor of those who later lived in North Carolina, which seems to be the origin of that idea he was the father of Governor Jarvis. Whether Jarvis-4814 becomes "Unknown" Jarvis and remains father of Jarvis-4335 or is detached from his son and merged into Jarvis-1059, The profile for Jarvis-1059 should be identified as the WikiTree profile for the list above. Please consider including the link.
Thanks, Brett
From the Society: Jarvis, Thomas - A4207; died April 1684, Elizabeth City Co.: 1680-82 (Burgess).
I took a look at the two profiles...
Text for the two overlaps, and there's a statement in Jarvis-4814 that implies they may be conflated: "He was born about the year 1600, unless conflated with his son of the same name."
That implies the born 1620 Thomas is the son of the Thomas born c1600.
Aside from both having the Jamestown Society sticker, it doesn't seem to me that they're the same. Chad is manager of Jarvis-4814... has he replied to your post on that profile yet?
A comment on Jarvis-4814:
Jarvis, Thomas - Will dated April 6, 1684. Exs. wife Elizabeth, George Richards and Edmond Moss. Suit over his property to be sold to defray debts and the remainder to be divided between Elizabeth Hole (sic) his then wife and defendant Thomas Jarvis his son. March 5, 1692/93. Book 1689 - 1699, pg. 76. Edward Hole the husband of Elizabeth and guardian of Thomas Jarvis, INFANT.
One of the sources on that profile: Minute books, order books and court records, 1684-1861, Virginia. County Court (Elizabeth City County), Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 1947 (1684-1699 Book, pp. 206-208; pp. 76 original pagination) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89PC-QSPG?i=116&cat=55874 NB: filmed records are a transcript in modern cursive, and the clause mentioning the parties of the suit appears in Latin
I saw that Chad has responded to another comment within the past week, but he hasn't responded to me about this yet.
The statement on Jarvis-4814: "He was born about the year 1600, unless conflated with his son of the same name." probably refers to Governor Thomas Jarvis of Currituck, NC. I couldn't find anything suggesting an estimate for Capt. Thomas Jarvis' birth date except him being very active for a man supposedly in his eighth to ninth decades living in the 17th century. 1620 is probably too early.
There are discrepancies between the cursive transcript of original Elizabeth City County records appearing on microfilm images available on FamilySearch versus the typewritten transcript appearing on Ancestry. In the microfilm images, "Edward Foster" appears (as he does for the transcript of Thomas Jarvis' April 6, 1684 will recorded in London - Va. Colonial Records Project) instead of "Edmund Moss" in the version on Ancestry. Thomas' widow Elizabeth's second husband appears as Edward "Mole" in the microfilmed record instead of "Hole" which appears on Ancestry.
There doesn't seem to have been more than one Thomas Jarvis of age in Elizabeth City, Virginia who over the space of five years took charge of Nathaniel Bacon's estate as the widow's new husband, served as Burgess, supported her claim to Bacon's disputed land in Suffolk, England, then finally wrote his will in 1684 in London. At least, that seems to have been the consensus of research when McCartney published "Jamestown People..." in 2012. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find anything about his minor son Thomas, widow Elizabeth and her next husband Edward Mole after their appearance in Elizabeth City records concerning litigation with regard to Thomas Jarvis' estate. It's possible they may have returned to England.
You might want to go ahead and propose the merge, noting that the birth year of 1620 is too early based on available evidence and suggest an alternative year (be sure to include "Estimated Date" info in Research Notes if complicated/as a footnote if not* in the profile you're proposing be merged with the one Chad manages). You could also include a link to your answer here (right-click on the clickable "posted" in the "posted xx ago by Brett Martin" line to get the URL).
* Or Research Notes either way. I've been working on a Magna Carta trail and my penchant for footnotes is not share by the reviewers there - they want just sources in the f/ns & stuff like an explanation about an estimated date in Research Notes or the Biography proper (not as a footnote).
William St John Knight (abt.1562-bef.1638)
edited by Suzanne St. John
goes to that list at https://www.jamestowne.org/qualifying-ancestors.html
William St John is not on that list, so he's not eligible to be added to this one.
If he _has_ been designated as a qualifying ancestor by the Society but has not been added to the linked list, please provide the URL of the announcement & I can get him set up.
Cheers, Liz
The Society website has >this list< of names dropped from the QA list since it was first compiled.
Cheers, Liz
https://www.jamestowne.org/qualifying-ancestors.html is the currently posted list of QAs and is "as of July 2019", according to the text on that page, but the two names noted as additions in the Spring 2019 issue of the Society's magazine (page 9) are not included (there is a bit of a lag time between approval and updating the official "Jamestowne Society Register of Qualifying Seventeenth-Century Ancestors").
The Lightfoot-91 profile for John Lightfoot has his dath in 1707 and notes that he is the John Lightfoot who was a Councillor: "There were other men named John Lightfoot in Virginia in 1705, but this John was a member of the Virginia Council so he is likely the man referenced below."
You note that the "John Lightfoot who is the QA for JS is Captain John Lightfoot II brother Immigrant and Gateway ancestor and brother of Philip Lightfoot."
The Lightfoot brothers who are gateway ancestors are John Lightfoot (bef.1627-aft.1685) and Philip Lightfoot (abt.1646-1708). It is John's son John who is the JSQA.
The entry was previously conflating Peter Knight (1587–1674), Merchant, of Gloucester VA, and Captain Peter Knight (1620–1705), of Northumberland VA.
Knight, Peter - A4608; born ca. 1620, died 1705, Gloucester Co.: 1660, 1661-62 (Burgess).
Captain Peter Knight (1620–1705), of Northumberland VA, is now listed.
Knight, Peter - A4608; died 1705, Northumberland Co.; 1684, 1685-1686 (Burgess).
He's listed as the ancestor of a new member in the Fall 2015 newsletter - http://www.jamestowne.org/uploads/1/9/4/9/19493717/jamestowne_society_newsletter_2015_fall__4_.pd.pdf
I couldn't find information about him though. And that's concerning... The QA list goes from A2806 to A20808:
Should we keep the link on our list to his profile?
I don't know how to determine if that profile is the correct one without more info. Perhaps note that it's probably him in the same note saying he doesn't appear to be currently listed as a QA?
I found the source for the ship, but cannot add the Jamestown Sticker due to the date of arrival.
Mary - This list is for Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestors. The criteria for a Qualifying Ancestor of the Jamestowne Society extends beyond the 1624/5 muster.
Cheers, Liz
edited by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
The main list is at http://www.jamestowne.org/qualifying-ancestors.html
you might want to post in G2G (tag it Jamestown) or to the US Southern Colonies Project's Jamestown Team and Virginia Team pages - see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:US_Southern_Colonies_Jamestown_Team and https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:US_Southern_Colonies_Colony_of_Virginia_Team
I did a search in the Charles Parish Register (one of York County's parishes) & came up empty for Luddington: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001874205
I did a search in WikiTree & found only the "not Virginia" William Luddington: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Luddington-85
Before we could start a profile for the William shown as a York County Burgess in 1646, we'd need a bit more info on him.