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Cheryl (Messenger) Cantrell-Wiki Cousins

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: cousins DNA
This page has been accessed 612 times.

The table below lists WikiTree members with whom I share a genealogical connection via one or more common ancestors. If you are my 1st thru 8th cousin, let me know and I will add you to the table! For those with a GEDmatch ID, the GEDmatch column shows the total DNA cMs found (minimum segments >3.0 cM), along with the specific chromosomes (Chr).

I have also listed (below this table) notable people to whom I am related (eg: Mayflower Passengers, US Presidents, Royalty, and more).

Wiki Tree Genealogist Relationship Closest Common Ancestor(s) GEDmatch Report
Brady, Baron 4th cousin 1x removed Papst, Rudolph|wife, Elizabeth Zettle 14.3cM (Chr 8,13,19,20)
Goodchild, Lorelei (Bondy) 5th cousin Fox, Philip|wife, Catherine (Lamer) Fox 35.5.7 cM (Chr 6,7,8,12,15,17,20)
Hutchinson,David 5th cousin Weigle, Johann Wendel|wife, Juliana Roemer 70.7 cM (Chr 2,6,7,8,12,16,17,18)
McJannett, Maggie (Watson) 5th cousin 1x removed + more Zettle, Heinrich)|wife, Barbara Kersenaar 17.0 cM (Chr 1,4,7,16,18)
Nagle, Peggy 5th cousin 1x removed + more Fox, Philip|wife, Catherine (Lamer) Fox| Weigle, Johann Wendel|wife, Juliana Roemer 6.0 cM (Chr 1)
Stadsvold, Robert Francis 5th cousin 1x removed + more Honeywell, Isaiah 60.4 cM (Chr 1,2,4,8,9,11,14,17,20)
Streeter, David 5th cousin 1x removed + more Streator, John (Streeter) no GEDmatch ID
Moe, Laura (Ellsworth) 5th cousin 2x removed + more Papst, Johann Adam 5.8 cM (Chr 19)
Oliver, Leigh-Ann (Johnson) 5th cousin 2x removed + more Lypps, John Thomas|wife, Catherine (Lamer) Fox no GEDmatch ID
Selwood, Shelley 5th cousin 2x removed McCormick UEL, Alexander|wife, Elizabeth Turner no DNA tests
Green, Amelia (Anderson) 6th cousin Doolittle, Benjamin 18.1 cM (Chr 2,12,13,16)
Arms, Dwight 6th cousin 1x removed + more Sanford, Amos|wife, Mary Clugston no GEDmatch ID
Cannon, Nick 6th cousin 1x removed + more Sherwood, Ebenezer no GEDmatch ID
Cartwright, Brendan 6th cousin 1x removed Honeywell, Betsey (Sanford) 17.3 cM (Chr 2,4,8,15,16)
McGovern, Meagan 6th cousin 1x removed + more Messenger, Benoni 7.5 cM (Chr 8,17)
McGovern, Meagan 6th cousin 1x removed + more Streator, John (Streeter) 7.5 cM (Chr 8,17)
Pound, Leland 6th cousin 1x removed + more Hopkins, Nicholas 10.1 cM (Chr 2,12,13)
Robinson, Azure 6th cousin 1x removed Hammon, Thomas 23.7 cM (Chr 2,5,8,13,14,19,20)
DeTora, Sandra (Emmons) 7th cousin + more Bradford, Joshua|Bradford, Hannah 16.1 cM (Chr 1,6,7,20)
Ellis, Bernard 7th cousin + more Messenger, Benoni|wife, Mary Wood28.0 cM (Chr 2,5,7,12,15)
Keniston, Jr, Bob W. 7th cousin + more Harrington, Henry no GEDmatch ID
McCoy, Jerri (Thorpe) 7th cousin + more Doolittle, Hezekiah 26.8 cM (Chr 2,4,5,15,17,20)
Adams, Al 7th cousin 2x removed + more Perry, John III no GEDmatch ID
Barbato, Bianco R. 7th cousin 1x removed Doolittle, Hezekiah 33.8 cM (Chr 2,5,6,13,14,17,20,21)
Bullen, Halsey G. 7th cousin 1x removed + more Sherwood, Capt. Samuel 30.1 cM (Chr 1,2,3,5,10,12,13,14)
Miller, Lisa (Perry) 7th cousin 1x removed + more Messenger, Return no GEDmatch ID
Harrington, Jr., Robert 7th cousin 2x removed + more Harrington, John 17.2 cM (Chr 1,2,15,20)
McBeth, Emma (MacBeath) 8th cousin + more Kilborn II, Joseph 17.6 cM (Chr 1,5,9,18,22)
Carocci, Molly 8th cousin 1x removed + more Messenger, Nathan no GEDmatch ID
Pierpont, Rick 8th cousin 1x removed + more Tyler, William 31.7 cM (Chr 2,3,7,13,15,16,17,20)
Sands, Kay 8th cousin 1x removed + more Sherwood, Matthew 28.2 cM (Chr 1,2,7,16,18,19,22)
Ashley, Chase W. 9th cousin 1x removed + more Hazen, Edward 21.0cM (Chr 3,4,5,8,16)
Martin, John F. 9th cousin 1x removed + more Jenks Sr., Joseph 39.3 cM (Chr 5,8,15,18,22)
Totten, Robert L. 9th cousin + more Laughton, Thomas 31.5 cM (Chr1,4,6,7,13)
Calhoun, Thomas 10th cousin + more Wakeman, Samuel 23.2 cM (Chr 3, 11)
McNaughton, Yvonne (Rubin) 10th cousin + more Streeter, Stephen Prescott) 18.1 cM (Chr 15)
Trotter, John 10th cousin + more Hazen, Edward 51.9 cM (Chr 1,2,4,9,12,15,17,22)
Wilson, David 10th cousin + more Doolittle, Abraham no GEDmatch ID


- 8 Direct Ancestors (Mayflower)

William Bradford - 9th great grandfather

John Alden - 10th great grandfather

Priscilla (Mullins) Alden - 10th great grandmother

William Brewster - 11th great grandfather

Mary (Unknown) Brewster - 11th great grandmother

William Mullins - 11th great grandfather

Alice (Unknown) Mullins - 11th great grandmother

Richard Warren - 11th great grandfather


JOHN ADAMS - 2nd U.S. President, 3rd cousin 8x removed; Common ancestor: Henry Adams

AARON BURR JR. - 3rd Vice President, under Thomas Jefferson, 3rd cousin, 7 x removed; Common ancestor: Jehue Burr Sr.

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS - 6th U.S. President, 4th cousin 7x removed; Common ancestor: Henry Adams

ZACHARY TAYLOR - 12th U.S. President, 5th cousin 7x removed; Common ancestor: William Brewster

MILLARD FILLMORE - 13th U.S. President, 3rd cousin 5x removed; Common ancestor: Ebenezer Wood

FRANKLIN PIERCE - 14th U.S. President, 5th cousin 6x removed; Common ancestor: Isaac Johnson

ABRAHAM LINCOLN - 16th U.S. President, 5th cousin 5x removed; Common ancestor: Edward Morris I

ULYSSES S. GRANT - 18th U.S. President, 5th cousin 5x removed; Common ancestor: Samuel Lothrop Esq

RUTHERFORD HAYES - 19th U.S. President, 7th cousin 4x removed; Common ancestor: Thomas (Kilborne) Kilbourn

JAMES GARFIELD - 20th U.S. President, 6th cousin 4x removed; Common ancestor: John Spofford II

CHESTER ARTHUR - 21st U.S. President, 9th cousin 4x removed; Common ancestor: Thomas Harper

GROVER CLEVELAND - 22nd and 24th U.S. President, 6th cousin 4x removed; Common ancestor: John Post

WILLIAM TAFT - 27th U.S. President, 6th cousin 4x removed; Common ancestor: Thomas Wood

WARREN HARDING - 29th U.S. President, 7th cousin 2x removed; Common ancestor: Arthur Bevins

CALVIN COOLIDGE JR. - 30th U.S. President, 7th cousin 2x removed; Common ancestor: John Harrington

HERBERT HOOVER - 31st U.S. President, 7th cousin 3x removed; Common ancestor: Ephraim Buck

FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT - 32nd U.S. President, 8th cousin 2x removed; Common ancestor: Alice (Carpenter) Bradford

RICHARD NIXON - 37th U.S. President, 8th cousin 1x removed; Common ancestor: Joshua (Hemenway) Hemingway Sr.

GERALD FORD, JR. - 38th U.S. President, 10th cousin; Common ancestor: Thomas Wood

GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH - 41st U.S. President, 9th cousin 2x removed; Common ancestor: William French Jr.

GEORGE W. BUSH - 43rd U.S President, 10th cousin 1x removed; Common ancestor: William French Jr.


- Direct Ancestors (Royalty)

EDWARD I, "Longshanks" King of England - 24th great grandfather

ROBERT I, Robert de BRUCE "The Bruce" King of Scotland - 24th great grandfather

HENRY III, King of England - 25th great grandfather

HENRY II, King of England - 25th great grandfather

JOHN, "Softsword" King of England - 26th great grandfather

RICHARD I (Normandie) de Normandie - 28th great grandfather

- Cousins (Royalty)

JANE SEYMOUR - 3rd wife of Henry VIII, 1st cousin 16x removed; Common ancestor: Henry Wentworth KB

ANNE BOLEYN - 2nd wife of Henry VIII, 2nd cousin 16x removed; Common ancestor: Geoffrey Boleyn

CATHERINE HOWARD - 5th wife of Henry VIII, 2nd cousin 16x removed; Common ancestor: Elizabeth (Cheney) Saye

ELIZABETH (YORK) TUDOR - Elizabeth "Queen of England" (York) Tudor, 2nd cousin 18x removed; Common ancestor: Ralph (Neville) de Neville KG PC

CATHERINE (of Aragón), Queen of England - 1st wife of Henry VIII, 3rd cousin 18x removed; Common ancestor: John (Plantagenet) of Gaunt

CATHERINE PARR - 6th wife of Henry VIII, 4th cousin 15x removed; Common ancestor: Nicholas (Harrington) Harington MP

JAMES V, King of the Scots - 4th cousin 16x removed; Common ancestor: Ralph de Neville

HENRY VII (TUDOR) of England - King of England; 4thcousin 17x removed; Common ancestor: JRichard (FitzAlan) of deArundel

LADY JANE GREY, the Nine Days Queen - 5th cousin 12x removed; Common ancestor: Robert Goushill

MARY I, Queen of Scots - 5th cousin 15x removed; Common ancestor: Ralph de Neville

JAMES VI, King of Scotland, and JAMES I, King of England and Ireland - 6th cousin 12x removed; Common ancestor: Jacoba "Janet" (Douglas) Hamilton

JAMES IV, "James of the Ironbelt" King of Scotland - 6th cousin 15x removed; Common ancestor: Robert Holand

ANNE CLEVES - 4th wife of Henry VIII, 7th cousin 17x removed; Common ancestor: Guillaume (Willem III) de Hainault

DIANA (SPENCER) PRINCESS OF WALES - Lady Diana Frances "Lady Di" Princess of Wales, 13th cousin 1x removed; Common ancestor: John Poley

OTHER NOTABLES (authors, celebrities, and more)

SIR JOHN "The Astronomer" FIELD, SR - proto-Copernican English astronomer, 11th great grandfather

AMBROSE GWINNETT BIERCE - American author and journalist, 2nd cousin 4x removed; Common Ancestors: Ebenezer Sherwood and Hannah (Bradford) Sherwood

SAMUEL MORSE - American inventor (telegraph and Morse Code) and painter , 3rd cousin, 6x removed; Common ancestors: Jonathan Peake Jr. and Hannah (Leavens) Peake and more.

NOAH WEBSTER - American author and lexicographer (Webster Dictionary), 3rd cousin, 6x removed; Common ancestors: Wiliam Bradford Jr. and more.

SIR WILLIAM "Braveheart" WALLACE - Scottish patriot, 3rd cousin 21x removed; Common ancestors: Reginald (Crawford) de Crawford and Margaret (Louden) Crawford

HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW - American poet, 4th cousin 5x removed; Common ancestors: Benjamin Bartlett Jr. and Ruth (Pabodie) Bartlett and more.

CHARLES TIFFANY - co-founder of Tiffany's, 4th cousin 6x removed; Common ancestors: Edward Morris I and Grace (Bett) Morris

JOSEPH WARREN - physician, Revolutionary War General and early American Patriot Leader, 4th cousin 7x removed; Common ancestors: Isaac Morrill I and Sarah (Unknown) Morrill

EDGAR BURROUGHS - American author, 5th cousin 4x removed; Common Ancestor: Jacob Rice

JACK (CHANEY) LONDON - American author, 5th cousin 5x removed; Common ancestors: Jonathan Peake I and Sarah (French) Peake and more

WALT DISNEY - American cartoonist, animator, voice actor, and film producer, 6th cousin 3x removed; Common ancestors: John Johnson and Margaret (Morris) Johnson and more

GEORGE EASTMAN - founder of Eastman Kodak Company, 6th cousin 3x removed; Common ancestors: Wiliam Bradford Jr. and more

HENRY WILLIAMS DWIGHT WELLS- founder of American Express and Wells Fargo, 6th cousin, 6x removed; Common Ancestors: Joseph Loomis and Mary (White) Loomis

MERYL STREEP - American actress, 7th cousin 2x removed; Common Ancestor: John Wilkinson

JULIA (MCWILLIAMS) CHILD - American chef, 8th cousin 1x removed; Common ancestors: William Bradford, Jr. and more

GREGORY PECK - American actor, 8th cousin 1x removed; Common ancestors: Arthur Bevins and Mary (Unknown) Bevins

ERNEST HEMINGWAY - American author, 8th cousin 2x removed; Common ancestors: Ralph Hemenway and Elizabeth (Hewes) Hemenway and more

BUSTER KEATON - American Vaudeville comedian, 8th cousin 2x removed; Common ancestors: Edward Ride and Anne (Bent) Rice and more.

SHIRLEY TEMPLE - American child actress, 8th cousin 2x removed: Common Ancestors: Samuel Lothrop Esq. and Elizabeth (Scudder) Lothrop and more

WINSTON CHURCHILL KG OM CH - British Prime Minister, 8th cousin 3x removed; Common Ancestors: John Birdseye and more

LUCILLE "Lucy" BALL - American actress of "I Love Lucy" fame, 9th cousin 1x removed; Common Ancestors: Thomas Sherwood Sr. and wife, Mary (Unknown) Sherwood and Nathaniel Merriman and wife, Joan (Unknown) Merriman.

BURL IVES - American folk singer, author, and actor, 9th cousin 3x removed; Common ancestors: Robert Foote and Joan (Brooke) Foote; and John Johnson and Mary (Heath) Johnson and more

KEVIN BACON - American actor, 10th cousin, 3x removed; Common ancestor: Robert Ap Lewis

ROBERT BURNS - Scottish poet, 11th cousin 5x removed; Common ancestors: Sir William Keith, "1st Earl Marischal" and Mariot Muriella (Erskine) Keith, "Countess of Marischal" and more



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