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Child Okeford, Dorset

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Location: Child Okeford, Dorsetmap
Surnames/tags: Child Okeford Dorset
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Category: Child Okeford, Dorset
Category: Dorset

‘’’Child Okeford’’’ is a village and parish near to Sturminster Newton in Dorset. It is sometimes spelled Childe Okeford or Childe Ockford. The village sits beside the River Stour, below the steep-sided Hambledon Hill.

During the English Civil war, it was the site of a battle between the Dorset Clubmen and Cromwellian troops. The clubmen were locals who were protesting against the devastations from both sides. They stood no chance against Cromwell's army. Four hundred of them were chased from the steep hill, captured and imprisoned in the neighbouring church at Iwerne Courtney. They included several local clergymen including the Rev.Lawford, the curate of Child Okeford. Later General Wolfe used the same steep slopes to prepare his troops as training grounds for his campaign in Quebec.

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