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Childres Autosomal DNA Project

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Childress Childers
Profile manager: Connie Davis private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 66 times.

The goal of this project is to identify the relationships between autosomal DNA matches with the surname Childress, Childres, and Childers who lived in Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas and places beyond in the 1800s to the present day.

The inspiration for this project is the mysterious Mattie (Childres) Fisher Pike Adams (1858-1896), whose parentage, dates of birth and death are unknown. Mattie appears in 4 records in her lifetime: one for each of her three marriages and one census record.

DNA Testers

The following descendants of Mattie Childress provided access to their test results:

A Childress DNA match whose connection is currently unknown has also provided access to DNA. The relationship predictors indicate that this match could be a 2C, 2C1R, H2C, H2C1R or 3C among other possible relationships.

Genetic Clusters and Common Surnames

Genetic clusters indicate a relationship between Mattie and people with the following surnames and ancestors:

Times and Places

  • 1830: Joel Yarnell (abt.1787-aft.1870) lived near Lindsey Childress, age 30 and under 40, John Childress, age 70 and under 80, Robert Childres, age 20 and under 30, and James Childress (age 40 and under 50) in Knox County, Tennessee.
  • 1840: A Joel Childress, age 40 to under 50, lived next door to a Robert Browning, age 30 to under 40 in Humphreys County, Tennessee.
  • 1850 and 1860 Joel Childress (born in Tennessee in about 1821) and his wife Malinda lived with their children, Greenberry (born about 1841), John (born about 1843), James (born about 1846), William (born about 1848), Manerva (born about 1853), Charlie (born about 1855) and Martha (born about 1857) in Lauderdale County, Alabama. Lauderdale County, Alabama is in the northwestern portion of the state, not far from Tipton County, Tennessee.
  • 1875-1876: Chas. and W. Childres appeared in tax records in Tipton, County, Tennessee.[1][2][3][4] A boy named Will Childers who later lived in Mississippi County, Arkanas was born in Tipton County.[5]
  • 1877-1878: Mattie Childres (born in Alabama) married first James Fisher, then A.J. Pike in Tipton, County, Tennessee.
  • 1879: Mattie (Childres) Pike gave birth to a son, Malcolm; Green, W.H. Childress appeared in tax records, Green, Bill, and Charlie Childress appeared in court records in Tipton, County, Tennessee and then cannot be found.[6][7][8]
  • 1884-1895: Mattie (Childres) Fisher Pike married William T. Adams in Tipton County, Tennessee. They had four children in Tipton County between 1885-1895.
  • 1888: Beckie Childers married Robert Browning and Elizabeth Childers married Alex Tims in Tipton County, Tennessee. Alex and Elizabeth remained in Tipton.
  • 1900: Robert Browning and his wife Beckie (Childers) Browning lived in Bardstown, Mississippi County, Arkansas, across the Mississippi River from Tipton County, Tennessee.
  • 1905: Mattie's son Malcolm Pike married in Mississippi County, Arkansas.
  • 1910: Malcolm Pike and his wife lived in Craighead County, Arkansas adjacent to Mississippi County, Arkansas where Robert Browning and his family resided.
  • 1920-1921: The Pike family and Browning families both lived in Mississippi County, Arkansas as did a William Childers, age 45, who was born in Tipton County, Tennessee (see above). William and his wife Sophia had a son named Charlie in 1921.[9]



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