
Register of Choctaw Emigrants to the West 1831 and 1832

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Location: Carrollton, MSmap
Surnames/tags: Choctaw Trail of Tears
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Register of Choctaw Emigrants to the West 1831 and 1832

  • complied by Betty C. Wiltshire
  • published by Pioneer Publishing Co. Carrollton, MS 1993.
  • Inline Citation Example:
    <ref>Wiltshire, Betty Couch, ''[[Space:Choctaw_Emigrants|Register of Choctaw Emigrants to the West 1831 and 1832]]'' Pioneer Publishing Co. Carrollton, MS 1993</ref>

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A soft bound volume containing 162 pages including: Table of Contents, Introduction, and Index. Note that the Index is limited to Heads of Family and Surnames only.

The last paragraph of the Introduction provides context for the records contained in the book.

The information in this book was copied directly from microfilm, Roll #RG 75, at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Volume 5 of this registration, which had some of the Horse Prairie Depot emigrants listed, was not availalbe; but even so, the registration contains over 3600 names of Choctaws and their slaves, who survived the emigration to the west during 1831 and 1832.

The scope of the included data is limited to those arrivals in late 1831 and early 1832, including arrival locations:

The transcriptions end on page 152 with the following dated transmittal:

Fort Towson - 10 July 1832

Agreeably to your instruction I have herewith enclosed a copy of my Register of Emigrant Choctaws. It includes all who have emigrated with the exception of those who have located near Forth Smith. ~Signed J. R. Stephenson

Each page offers a listing of names along with their age, height, gender and if they were a slave.

Example Page - Original Not Redacted

Example Table
The number of rows may be adjusted to fit the number in the arrival party.

Register of Choctaw Emigrants to the West 1831 and 1832 Fort Towson Depot
Page No Name Years of age Feet Inches Male Female Slaves
33 1 Mr. Exmaple 45 5 8 Do
33 2 Mrs. Example 35 5 5 Do
33 3 Example Male 20 5 10 Do
33 4 Example Female 17 5 6 Do
33 5 Example Female 15 5 5 Do

Volumes 1 - 7 cover these dates:

  • Vol 1 1831 1832 pg 8
  • vol 2 1832 pg 32
  • vol 3 1832 pg 53
  • vol 4 nd
  • vol 5 ???????
  • vol 6 nd
  • vol 7 1832 pg 127



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