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Christine Daniels To-Do List

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 96 times.




1. To regularly review all profiles on my watchlist and:

- orphan those that are complete
- consider orphaning profiles beyond my CC7
- consider categories to place and sort profiles
- maintain a list of profiles that need more profiles created

2. To make every profile complete to the best of my ability including

- Name Fields
- Birth date
- Origin sticker, if applicable
- Baptism
- Marriage
- Children
- Military Service
- Census Records
- Newspaper articles
- Death
- Burial
- Cemetery Category
- Maintenance Categories
- Acknowledgements
- Mark date of review with 4 tildes or orphan profile

Ten Profiles to Review

Watchlist Status
1544 profiles - 12 January 2024
1517 profiles - 18 January 2024
1581 profiles - post January CAT
1578 Daniels-2254 18:52, 12 April 2024 (UTC)

  1. Iva Pearl (Hodgins) Johnston (1903-1995), husband done
  2. Melissa M Rowsome (1874-)
  3. Martha Todd (abt.1828-1883)
  4. Alice Giffin (1889-1952)
  5. Bessie Mary Benjamin (1895-)
  6. Lois Marjorie Benjamin (1891-)
  7. Edward Burgess Moles (1874-)

Profiles that Need Profiles Created

1.James Patrick Johnston (1827-1905)
2.James Dowsett (1827-1891), parents, one child
3.Caroline Dowsett (1853-1935), husband, 8 kids
4.Caroline's siblings all need spouses and children
5.Jennie Catherine (Percival) Dowsett (1875-1960) needs parents and siblings
6.Maude King (abt.1895-1970), needs parents, siblings, first husband
7.Alice Gilmour, needs parents, etc.
8.Ann Maud, needs husband, children

Family Trees

I have several family trees that I am working on, whether directly or indirectly related to me. My goal is to fully source these trees; as I go I may orphan profiles as I also need to decrease my Watchlist. I will, however, leave a note on each profile as to which family tree that person belongs to. Please feel free to message me or adopt any of those profiles!

My Trees

  1. Descendants of William Giffin & Thomasine Eyre
  2. Descendants of Thomas Eyre & Jane Unknown
  3. Descendants of George White & Mary Ann Rowsome
  4. Descendants of Edward Moles & Elizabeth Unknown
  5. Descendants of John Kendrick and Jane Johnson

Trees For My Cousin

  1. Descendants of Thomas Seward & Mary Langdon
  2. Descendants of James Bennett & Jane McLellan
  3. Descendants of Isaac Woods & Margaret Sanford
  4. Descendants of George Baker & Florilla Olmstead

Other Family Trees

  1. Descendants of Robert Maud & Ann Johnston, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario
  2. Descendants of Richard Webster & Martha Tackaberry, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario
  3. Descendants of Thomas Hill & Elizabeth Blake, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario
  4. Descendants of Joseph Dunham & Mary Coffey, Simcoe County, Ontario
  5. Descendants of John F. Borer & Keziah Holmes, Wentworth County, Ontario


ONS Study, Giffen/Giffin

Canadian Notables Project

Create profiles for these notables, add Project, then orphan.

Ontario Project

Ontario Team Leader, under the umbrella of the Canada Project.
Ontario, Canada, Cemeteries

Friday Date Night/GEDI Team

Beaudry GEDCOM et al


Canadian Challenge Teams

Canadian Connectors
Mighty Maple Leaves
Canada Cleanup Crew
Clean-A-Thon, last held April 23 - 26, 2020
Scan-A-Thon, last held January 10 - 13, 2020

Secret Santa

16 for 16

Mission Tracker

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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Categories: To-Do Lists