Location: Arthur Township, Wellington, Ontario, Canada
A Christmas Song
Made by Karen Carter
Size: 31" wide X 37" long
Whether it be Hark the Herald, Santa Claus is coming to town or Jingle Bells, there is sure to be a Christmas song in this hand quilted wall-hanging that will inspire your vocal ability.
In 1995, I bought Better Homes and Garden Special Interest Publications - Santa Claus. I found a few cross-stitch patterns and quilted items that I would love to make. Being an active craft person, at the time, I had too many projects started to do another.
One year later looking through some of the many craft books I had, I came upon that 1995 Santa Claus issue again. Looking through it I saw the Santa Moon quilted wall-hanging (page 60 & 82). I had to make Santa Moon.
It started off simple enough with Santa Moon and the trees, but I always seem to change things to suit my own taste. So next came the house with a Christmas tree painted into the window and a cat curled up in the other, and what is a Christmas house without a wreath (embroidered) on the door. Now since I have two children who love to play in the snow, a stuffed snowman with a plaid scarf, top hat and beads for the eyes, nose and buttons had to be part of the picture. Being out in the country there's nothing cuter than a Christmas rabbit sneaking up on Frosty. Next came the Merry Christmas sign, which is on paper to make it look like wood. Then there is Santa and a couple of his reindeer coming in for a landing as the people of the house go out for an open sleigh ride on a beautiful starry night.
Red satin was used to frame the picture and then trees and stars (which have folded centers) were added for a border. Before I stared quilting I decided that Santa Moon's beard and pompom should be stuffed. To set off the red satin frame I sewed a heavy cord into the back. Then a black velvet fabric was used for the back, and I started to hand quilt.
Everything was outline quilted with details on the trees, some tracks or shadows on the snow. Two hearts, an anchor and cross (to represent love, hope, and faith) were quilted in between the border trees (a reminder that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus). Three angels blowing their horns were quilted in gold metallic thread up in the sky. A star button was added to the two tree tops in front of the house and a little Scottie dog button waits to get into the house.
Finally, 25 October 1997, the piece was finished off with red satin binding. For the final touch a red bow was added to the hanging cord.
It took me a year to complete this project (with many work stops). I feel it was well worth my time and effort. I entered it into the Mount Forest Fall Fair, where it won first prize for a 'Christmas Wall-hanging'. At the Arthur Fall Fair, it was a third place winner for 'My favorite craft'. I thought that the ribbons should belong with the quilt so they are sewn onto the back with the label. A Christmas Song is what I named the quilt, because no matter where I look on the quilt I can see a song.
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