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Civil Parishes Of County Armagh

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Surnames/tags: Ireland Armagh Ulster
This page has been accessed 426 times.
Ireland Links Main Armagh Page Civil Parishes Towns & Villages Ulster Team page
Baronies of County Armagh Armagh Registrar Districts
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Each parish has a category and its own information page. (Where the parish is not in bold no category and/or information page has been created yet). The Information page for the Civil Parish contains a list of all the townlands in the parish and links to the category for the townland. There also may be notes about the individual townlands.

The civil parishes category can be found here.
Parishes in Armagh
WikiTree Category Link
Parish Information Page
Armagh Civil ParishCategory for ArmaghArmagh Civil Parish page
Ballymore Civil ParishCategory for BallymoreBallymore Civil Parish page
Ballymyre Civil ParishCategory for BallymyreBallymyre Civil Parish page
Clonfeacle Civil ParishCategory for ClonfeacleClonfeacle Civil Parish page
Creggan Civil ParishCategory for CregganCreggan Civil Parish page
Derrynoose Civil ParishCategory for DerrynooseDerrynoose Civil Parish page
Drumcree Civil ParishCategory for DrumcreeDrumcree Civil Parish page
Eglish Civil ParishCategory for EglishEglish Civil Parish page
Forkill Civil ParishCategory for ForkillForkill Civil Parish page
Grange Civil ParishCategory for GrangeGrange Civil Parish page
Jonesborough Civil ParishCategory for JonesboroughJonesborough Civil Parish page
Keady Civil ParishCategory for KeadyKeady Civil Parish page
Kilclooney Civil ParishCategory for KilclooneyKilclooney Civil Parish page
Kildarton Civil ParishCategory for KildartonKildarton Civil Parish page
Killevy Civil ParishCategory for KillevyKillevy Civil Parish page
Killyman Civil ParishCategory for KillymanKillyman Civil Parish page
Kilmore Civil ParishCategory for KilmoreKilmore Civil Parish page
Lisnadill Civil ParishCategory for LisnadillLisnadill Civil Parish page
Loughgall Civil ParishCategory for LoughgallLoughgall Civil Parish page
Loughgilly Civil ParishCategory for LoughgillyLoughgilly Civil Parish page
Magheralin Civil ParishCategory for MagheralinMagheralin Civil Parish page
Montiaghs Civil ParishCategory for MontiaghsMontiaghs Civil Parish page
Mullaghbrack Civil ParishCategory for MullaghbrackMullaghbrack Civil Parish page
Newry Civil ParishCategory for NewryNewry Civil Parish page
Newtownhamilton Civil ParishCategory for NewtownhamiltonNewtownhamilton Civil Parish page
Seagoe Civil ParishCategory for SeagoeSeagoe Civil Parish page
Shankill Civil ParishCategory for ShankillShankill Civil Parish page
Tartaraghan Civil ParishCategory for TartaraghanTartaraghan Civil Parish page
Tynan Civil ParishCategory for TynanTynan Civil Parish page

v4.0. Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.

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