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Civil Parishes Of County Londonderry

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Surnames/tags: Londonderry Ulster Northern_ireland
This page has been accessed 422 times.
Ireland Links Main Londonderry Page Civil Parishes Towns & Villages Ulster Team page
Baronies of County Londonderry Londonderry Registrar Districts
See also the Counties navigation at the bottom of the page

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Each parish has a category and its own information page. (Where the parish is not in bold no category and/or information page has been created yet). The Information page for the Civil Parish contains a list of all the townlands in the parish and links to the category for the townland. There also may be notes about the individual townlands.

The civil parishes category can be found here.
Parishes in Londonderry
WikiTree Category Link
Parish Information Page
Aghadowey Civil ParishCategory for AghadoweyAghadowey Civil Parish page
Aghanloo Civil ParishCategory for AghanlooAghanloo Civil Parish page
Agivey Civil ParishCategory for AgiveyAgivey Civil Parish page
Arboe Civil ParishCategory for ArboeArboe Civil Parish page
Artrea Civil ParishCategory for ArtreaArtrea Civil Parish page
Ballinderry Civil ParishCategory for BallinderryBallinderry Civil Parish page
Ballyaghran Civil ParishCategory for BallyaghranBallyaghran Civil Parish page
Ballymoney Civil ParishCategory for BallymoneyBallymoney Civil Parish page
Ballynascreen Civil ParishCategory for BallynascreenBallynascreen Civil Parish page
Ballyrashane Civil ParishCategory for BallyrashaneBallyrashane Civil Parish page
Ballyscullion Civil ParishCategory for BallyscullionBallyscullion Civil Parish page
Ballywillin Civil ParishCategory for BallywillinBallywillin Civil Parish page
Balteagh Civil ParishCategory for BalteaghBalteagh Civil Parish page
Banagher Civil ParishCategory for BanagherBanagher Civil Parish page
Bovevagh Civil ParishCategory for BovevaghBovevagh Civil Parish page
Carrick Civil ParishCategory for CarrickCarrick Civil Parish page
Clondermot Civil ParishCategory for ClondermotClondermot Civil Parish page
Coleraine Civil ParishCategory for ColeraineColeraine Civil Parish page
Cumber Lower Civil ParishCategory for Cumber LowerCumber Lower Civil Parish page
Cumber Upper Civil ParishCategory for Cumber UpperCumber Upper Civil Parish page
Derryloran Civil ParishCategory for DerryloranDerryloran Civil Parish page
Desertlyn Civil ParishCategory for DesertlynDesertlyn Civil Parish page
Desertmartin Civil ParishCategory for DesertmartinDesertmartin Civil Parish page
Desertoghill Civil ParishCategory for DesertoghillDesertoghill Civil Parish page
Drumachose Civil ParishCategory for DrumachoseDrumachose Civil Parish page
Dunboe Civil ParishCategory for DunboeDunboe Civil Parish page
Dungiven Civil ParishCategory for DungivenDungiven Civil Parish page
Errigal Civil ParishCategory for ErrigalErrigal Civil Parish page
Faughanvale Civil ParishCategory for FaughanvaleFaughanvale Civil Parish page
Formoyle Civil ParishCategory for FormoyleFormoyle Civil Parish page
Kilcronaghan Civil ParishCategory for KilcronaghanKilcronaghan Civil Parish page
Kildollagh Civil ParishCategory for KildollaghKildollagh Civil Parish page
Killelagh Civil ParishCategory for KillelaghKillelagh Civil Parish page
Killowen Civil ParishCategory for KillowenKillowen Civil Parish page
Kilrea Civil ParishCategory for KilreaKilrea Civil Parish page
Learmount Civil ParishCategory for LearmountLearmount Civil Parish page
Lissan Civil ParishCategory for LissanLissan Civil Parish page
Macosquin Civil ParishCategory for MacosquinMacosquin Civil Parish page
Maghera Civil ParishCategory for MagheraMaghera Civil Parish page
Magherafelt Civil ParishCategory for MagherafeltMagherafelt Civil Parish page
Tamlaght Civil ParishCategory for TamlaghtTamlaght Civil Parish page
Tamlaght Finlagan Civil ParishCategory for Tamlaght FinlaganTamlaght Finlagan Civil Parish page
Tamlaght O’Crilly Civil ParishCategory for Tamlaght O'CrillyTamlaght O'Crilly Civil Parish page
Tamlaght-ard or Magilligan Civil ParishCategory for Tamlaght-ard or MagilliganTamlaght-ard or Magilligan Civil Parish page
Templemore Civil ParishCategory for TemplemoreTemplemore Civil Parish page
Termoneeny Civil ParishCategory for TermoneenyTermoneeny Civil Parish page

v4.3. Linking of townlands to parishes, parishes to baronies etc.

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