
Civil War Spies

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Surnames/tags: US_Civil_War Spies_and_traitors
Profile manager: Dean Anderson private message [send private message]
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This Wikispace page is for members of the Spies and Traitors projects to use for collaboration and tracking current profiles being worked on for the Civil War Spies. Those on the Trusted List will have access to make changes and updates to the Wikispace.

During the US Civil War both Union and Confederate armies realized that tactical or battlefield intelligence was very vital to both armies in the field during the US Civil War.

The Union Army Created the Bureau of Military Information, the bureau produced reports based on information collected from agents, prisoners of war, refugees, Southern newspapers, documents retrieved from battlefield corpses, and other sources.

The Confederate Army created the Confederate Secret Service with many activities. These activities include the Signal Corps, Torpedo Bureau, Submarine Battery Service, and Bureau of Special and Secret Service. Besides these activities the Confederate Secret Service also dealt with Agents within the United States and Secret Service operations in Canada and the Maritime provinces. Some of the below Confederate Spies were part of these activities.

Click on the links below to the profiles already created to learn about how they contributed to the US Civil War. If a profile isn't created please help the Spies and Traitors Project by creating one.

Union Spies
Confederate Spies

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