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Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine
- Cover: Appearing much as he did when he was a cavalry commander in the Southwest before the war, Robert E. Lee is shown here as West Point's Commandant.
- In This Issue
- 10 The Loss of the West - A letter from a concerned J.E.B. Stuart
- 12 Texas Leaves the Union by Phillip Rutherford - The Lone Star rises again
- 24 I Will Call A Traitor A Traitor by Brian McGinty - Albert Sidney Johnston's eastward trek
- 32 Major Longstreet Goes Home by Wayne Austerman - To the defense of his native Alabama
- 34 The Battle of Camp Jackson by Peggy Robbins - War comes to the streets of St. Louis
- Sterling Price
- BG William S. Harney
- Claiborne Fox Jackson
- Thomas Reynolds
- Simon Cameron
- BG Daniel M. Frost (1823-1900)
- Col Francis P. "Frank" Blair, Jr. (1821-1875)
- Thomas Hart Benton
- Oliver Filley
- Richard Yates
- Cpt Nathaniel Lyon (1818-1861)
- Mrs. Andrew Alexander (1803-1886)
- Col Henry Boernstein
- Col Franz Sigel
- Col John Knapp
- Cpt Constantine Blandowski (1828-1861)
- William Clark Kennerly
- William F. Switzler
- [[Sherman-393 | LtG William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891)
- William Tecumseh "Willie" Sherman, Jr. (1854-1863)
- Charles Ewing (1835-1883)
- Ulysses S. Grant
- 44 Civil War Battlefields - Brice's Cross Roads National Battlefield Site and Tupelo national Battlefield
- In This Issue
- The Regulars:
- 4 Mail Call
- 6 Behind the Lines, by William C. Davis
- 8 Book Reviews
- Keegan, John. 1981. Review of Sommers, Richard J. Richmond Redeemed: The Siege at Petersburg. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1980.
- The Regulars:
- Taylor, Joe Gray. 1981. Review of Brenner, Robert H. The Public Good: Philanthropy and Welfare in the Civil War Era. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980.
- Long, Roger. 1981. Review of Wubben, Hubert H. Civil War Iowa and the Copperhead Movement. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1980.
- Kelly, Dennis P. 1981. Review of McDonough, James Lee. Stones River: Bloody Winter in Tennessee. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1980.
- Hoffsommer, Robert D. 1981. Review of Meany, O.S.B. Peter J. The Civil War Engagement at Cool Spring, July 18, 1864. Morristown, NJ: Privately Printed, 1980.
- Hoffsommer, Robert D. 1981. Review of Smith, Jr., Phillip Dodd. The Sagebrush Soldiers: Nevada's Volunteers in the Civil War. Carson City, NV: State Printing Office, reprint of Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, vol. 5, nos. 3, 4 (1962).
- Hoffsommer, Robert D. 1981. Review of Calkins, Christopher M. Thirty-Six Hours Before Appomattox: April 6 and 7, 1865. Farmville, VA: Farmville Herald, 1980.
- Harrison, Lowell. 1981. Review of Tapp, Hambleton and James C. Clotter, eds. The Union, the Civil War, and John W. Tuttle: A Kentucky Captain's Account. Frankfort, KY: The Kentucky Historical Society, 1980.
- Sewell, Alan. 1981. Review of Shankman, Arnold M. The Pennsylvania Antiwar Movement, 1861-1865. Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, Inc. 1980.
- 47 The War in Words, by James I. Robertson, Jr. (1930-2019)
- 51 The Gates Report, by Arnold Gates
- Back Cover: Photograph of a Kentucky cavalryman outfitted in typically Western attire.
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