
Claim for Minor's Pension

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 21 Jan 1870 [unknown]
Location: Hancock, Illinois, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Kibbe Garrigus
This page has been accessed 54 times.


WAR OF 1861

Act of July 14, 1862


BRIEF in the case of Thena Elbina Kibbe

Minor Child of Jairus H Kibbe, Priv, Co. D, 167 Ind. Vols

Residence of Guardian: Hancock County, and State of Ills.

Post Office address: Denver, Hancock, Co. Ills.



ServiceAdjutant General reports him drafted & mustered Sept. 21, 1864, and missing in action Franklin Tenn. Nov 30, 1864.
Adjutant General of State reports that his name appeared upon the list of parolled prisoners in camp at Vicksburg, Miss. Apr. 15 1865.
Death2d Audition reports that letter on file from A. S. Office reports him killed by Explosion of Steamer Sultana Apr. 27, 1865. Pay allowed to that date.
Late private of Co. K 2nd Ind. swears to his capture & death as above.
Marriage of parentsFeb. 19 1857. Jairus H. Kibbe & Elizabeth A. Garrigus:
Copy of record from the co. clerk.
Names and dates of birth of minors.Thena Elbina Kibbe, born May 9, 1858; will be 16 May 8, 1874. Birth proven by witnesses present.
Death or remarriage of motherDied Mar. 1 1860.
Proven by credible witnesses.
GuardianshipLetters filed.
Credible witnesses swear that soldier left no wife living & no child other than the above.
Agent and his P. O. addressM. R. Buty, Quincy, Ills.

Admitted Jany. 21, 1870, to a pension of $8-- per month, commencing Apr 28, 1865, ending May 8., 1874, and payable to Elbina C. Garrigus, Guardian.

Appd. F. W. Vaughn, Examining Clerk.

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